The baby needs ______.___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
We still have to wait ( ) a few minutes. Thank you ( ) your understanding.___
A. for; for
B. of; of
C. for; of
D. of; for
Please ( ) your cigarette immediately.___
A. put off
B. put in
C. put out
D. put on
The plane is ( ) take off, and the lavatory has been suspended.___
A. to
B. goes to
C. going
D. about to
Excuse me, sir, would you please ( ) your mobile phone?___
A. turn on
B. turn to
C. turn in
D. turn off
I'd like two ( ) of ice in my drink. ___
A. cubes
B. bottles
C. drops
D. cups
Madam, is this newspaper the ( ) issue?___
A. last
B. latter
C. latest
D. late
The computer must be switched off when the seat belt signs ( ) during the landing time.___
A. come in
B. come to
C. come off
D. come on
The mobile phone is prohibited to use on the plane. It might ( ) the plane's navigation system. ___
A. interfere on
B. interfere in
C. interfere with
D. interfere to
May I ( ) your overcoat?___
A. hang on
B. hang
C. hung
D. hung up
Which of the following means different from the other choices?___
A. The headsets don't work.
B. The headsets are out of use.
C. The headsets are out of function.
D. The headsets are in good condition.
The baby needs ( ). ___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
Could you please tell me ( )? ___
A. where the airport is
B. how far the airport was
C. how can we get to the airport built
Exercise One is the easiest ( ) all the exercises. ___
He looked out of the window and saw a group of children ( )football. ___
A. to play
B. played
C. playing
D. play the
They were short of money and couldn't ( ) the project.___
A. went on with
B. went on doing
C. go on with
D. go on to do
There are many books in our school library, but( )of them is written in Russian.___
A. some
B. all
C. both
D. none
Be quiet! I have( ) to tell you.___
A. something important
B. anything important
C. important something
D. important something
"What do we do now?" Peter said in a low voice. The underlined part means ( ). ___
A. damaged
B. shouted
C. attracted
D. whispered
Sorry, Sir. I completely understand ( ) you feel, but we don’t have pills for coldness on board. ___
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. how
You may refer to ( ) at any time for fly information. ___
A. the music
B. the videos
C. the movies
D. the Air-show
Shanghai is the biggest city in China.
Wednesday is the last day of the week.
“婴⼉安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
“加⻓安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
sweet potato 指的是: 番薯。
bean sprouts 指的是: ⾖芽。
appetizer 指的是:开胃 菜。
October 1st is the National Day of China.
Electronic devices may interfere with the aircraft navigation system during take-off and landing.
Flight attendants can store the passenger's medicine in the refrigerato r
“希望您喜欢今天的晚 餐”英⽂表达为:Hope you enjoy your lunch today.
“请问您预定了⼀份⼉童 餐对吗?”英⽂表达为: Have you ordered a vegetarian meal?
“问讯处”的英⽂表达 为:information desk。
exit formalities 指的 是:出境⼿续。
duty-free articles 指的 是:需缴税物品。
A. NK细胞,CD4+
B. 哈哈哈(ಡωಡ)hiahiahia
A. CD4 Th1细胞
B. 书上选D
C. 哈哈哈
A. Th1和CTL细胞
B. 哈哈哈(ಡωಡ)hiahiahia
C. 哈哈哈
D. 哈哈哈
A. 初始T细胞表面的TCR识别APC表面的抗原肽MHC复合物
B. 哈哈哈
C. 哈哈哈(ಡωಡ)hiahiahia
D. 书上选C
A. Th1细胞
B. 选A
C. 同书上
D. 哈哈哈
A. 抗化脓性细菌感染
B. 哈哈哈
C. 哈哈哈
D. 不
A. 内体溶酶体
B. 是这样的
C. 没犯病
D. 作者是谁
抗原提呈MHC I类分子分子途径中,抗原提呈的对象
B. MHC I类分子 cd8+(CTL)
C. MHC II类分子 cd4+ (Th)
B. 书上答案
C. 选的是
D. B
A. 单核细胞
B. 书上答案
C. 你猜是什么
D. 我猜选A
A. CD40/CD40L
B. 🖐
C. 🤘
D. 🤟
A. mIgM+ mIgD+,CD5-
B. ✍
C. 💅
D. 👄
A. 主要识别TD-Ag
B. 🐨
C. 🐯
D. 🙈
A. 对蛋白质抗原的应答能力强
B. 🐤
C. 🐣
D. 🐥
A. 直接识别B细胞抗原表位
B. 🙊
C. 🐒
D. 🐔
A. T淋巴细胞
B. 🐶
C. 🐨