A. 《新华日报》
B. 《群众》周刊
C. 《向导》周报
D. 《热血日报》
1945年重庆谈判前,中共中央提出的三大口号是 ___
A. 和平
B. 民主
C. 统一
D. 团结
促使民主党派与蒋介石集团决裂,同中国共产党并肩战斗的原因有 ___
A. 国民党撕毁协议,发动全面内战
B. 蒋介石非法召开“国民大会”,制定伪宪法
C. 人民解放军转入进攻,国统区反蒋斗争高涨
D. 三大战役胜利,全国解放在望
抗战胜利后,中国各民主党派的共同点在于 ___
A. 主张爱国
B. 主张民主
C. 反对卖国
D. 反对独裁
下列事件发生在1947年的是 ___
A. 一·二一运动
B. 民盟被解散
C. 《中国土地法大纲》的制定
D. 五二0运动
下列事件中,不是在台湾发生的有 ___
A. 抗议美军暴行运动
B. “反饥饿、反内战、反迫害”运动
C. 二二八起义
D. 李公朴、闻一多被暗杀
下列与国统区严重经济危机有关的是 ___
A. 财政金融极其紊乱,赤字惊人
B. 工商企业大量倒闭破产,工人失业
C. 农业生产衰退,粮荒严重
D. 物价飞涨
下列属于《中国土地法大纲》主要内容的有 ___
A. 废除封建剥削的土地制度
B. 保护中小工商业者
C. 实行耕者有其田的土地制度
D. 分地给无地或少地的农民
出席中国人民政治协商会议的代表,除中共和各民主党派外,还有 ___
A. 各人民团体的代表
B. 各地区各民族和海外华侨代表
C. 中国人民解放军各部队代表
D. 特别邀请代表
1945年8月到1946年6月的中国 ___
A. 处于民族战争向国内战争的过渡阶段
B. 国内阶级矛盾上升为主要矛盾
C. 政治斗争的基本内容是争取和平民主、反对独裁内战
D. 斗争的焦点是建立一个怎样的国家
1O.下列关于重庆谈判的表述,正确的是 ___
A. 共产党与国民党进行了不妥协的斗争
B. 国民党被迫承认和平建国基本方针
C. 《双十协定》的签订是人民力量的胜利
D. 中共取得了政治上的主动地位
1945年8月到重庆参加与蒋介石谈判的中共代表是 ___
A. 刘少奇
B. 毛泽东
C. 周恩来
D. 王若飞
五二○运动发生的地点有 ___
A. 上海
B. 杭州
C. 天津
D. 南京
参加1946年重庆政治协商会议的有 ___
A. 中国致公党
B. 中国民主同盟
C. 青年党
D. 台湾民主自治同盟
下列内容属于七届二中全会的是 ___
A. 我党工作中心从农村转移到城市
B. 强调加强党的思想建设
C. 提出由新民主主义向社会主义转变
D. 确立毛泽东思想为党的指导思想
A. 我军在装备、战斗力方面有很大提高
B. 国民党军被迫转入战略防御
C. 我军在数量上占据了优势
D. 国统区危机四伏,解放区日益巩固
A. 停战问题
B. 解放区政权问题
C. 人民军队问题
D. 和平建国问题
A. 中国农工民主党
B. 九三学社
C. 中国民主建国会
D. 中国民主促进会
A. 中国国民党
B. 中国青年党
C. 中国民主同盟
D. 中国共产党
A. 以美军在北平东单广场的暴行为导火线形成的全国规模的抗议美军暴行运动
B. 1946年11月的上海摊贩开展的反迫害斗争
C. 台湾人民“二·二八”起义
D. 以上海为起点的全国性的反饥饿、反内战、害的学生运动
A. 地主分得的土地不超过农民群众
B. 满足贫农和雇农的要求
C. 坚决地团结中农、不要损害中农的利益
D. 改造中小工商业者
A. 沧白堂事件
B. 反苏反共游行
C. 较场口事件
D. 捣毁《新华日报》和民盟机关报《民主报》部
A. 中国共产党
B. 中国民主同盟
C. 中国民主党
D. 中国致公党
A. 总结十大军事原则
B. 提出政策和策略是党的生命等一整套战略策略思想
C. 提出农村包围城市革命道路问题
D. 系统地阐述了人民民主专政的理论
A. 实行战略防御中的战役和战斗的进攻战
B. 正规军、地方军、民兵三结合
C. 实行战略内线中的战役和战斗的外线作战
D. 实行战略持久中的战役和战斗的速决战
A. 以乡为单位,按人口平均分配土地
B. 依靠贫农,团结中农
C. 有步骤地、有分别地消灭封建剥削制度
D. 发展农业生产
A. 《井冈山土地法》
B. 《兴国土地法》
C. 《五四指示》
D. 《中国土地法大纲》
A. 天津方式
B. 济南方式
C. 北平方式
D. 绥远方式
A. 《中国社会各阶级分析》
B. 《<共产党人>发刊词》
C. 《论联合政府》
D. 《目前形势和我们的任务》
A. 农民阶级
B. 城市小资产阶级
C. 工人阶级
D. 民族资产阶级
A. 组织工人罢工
B. 开展学生运动
C. 荫蔽精干
D. 积蓄力量,以待时机
A. 官兵一致
B. 全心全意为人民服务
C. 军民一致
D. 瓦解敌军和宽待俘虏
毛泽东指出:人民军队的基本任务是 ___
A. 打仗消灭敌人
B. 发展党的组织
C. 开展生产建设
D. 做群众工作
A. 政治民主
B. 经济民主
C. 军事民主
D. 党内民主
A. 民兵
B. 解放军
C. 正规军
D. 地方军
新中国成立初期的新民主主义经济成分有 ___
A. 国营经济
B. 合作社经济
C. 国家资本主义经济和私人资本主义经济
D. 个体经济
新中国成立初期,党领导全国人民为建立和巩固人民政权,恢复国民经济,进行了多方面的努力,取得了重要的成绩。这些成绩包括 ___
A. 实现了全国大陆的统一,建立了各级地方人民政权
B. 建立了社会主义性质的国营经济
C. 实行了土地改革
D. 取得了抗美援朝的胜利
党在过渡时期总路线的“两翼”是指 ___
A. 巩固人民民主专政
B. 实现对农业的社会主义改造
C. 实现对手工业的社会主义改造
D. 实现对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造
进行农业社会主义改造的原则有 ___
A. 自愿互利
B. 说服教育
C. 典型示范
D. 国家帮助
我国农业社会主义改造的主要形式包括 ___
A. 互助组
B. 初级农业生产合作社
C. 高级农业生产合作社
D. 委托加工
手工业的社会主义改造所采取的组织形式主要有 ___
A. 供销合作社
B. 高级社
C. 供销小组
D. 手工业生产合作社
8. — Could you tell me ______? I must find him. — Sorry.I don’t know.But he was here just now. A. where Tom was B. where Tom is C. where has Tom gone D. where can I find Tom
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
9. —What did Mr Green say to you? — What a heavy rain! How did you come here? He asked________. A. at all B. in fact C. in surprise D. as a result
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
10. I often see Tom on the playground.When I passed the playground yesterday, I saw him . A. play; playing B. to play; play C. playing; to play D. playing; play
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
11. — Mum, could I have ____________ to drink? — Oh, dear.You can only drink some water.There is _________ in the kitchen. A. anything; else something B. anything; something else C. something; else nothing D. something; nothing else
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
12. We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort. A. requires B. reduces C. removes D. repeats
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
13. Her son __________ Coke, but now he __________ milk. A. is used to drinking; used to drink B. used to drink; uses to drink C. used to drink; is used to drinking D. is used to drink; is drinking
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
14. I don’t know the teacher is talking with Miss Wang. A. what B. whom C. who D. which
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
15.Millie does __________ that many people are thankful to her. A. such an important and helpful job B. so important and helpful work C. a very important and helpful job D. such an important and helpful work
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
16. I think eating more vegetables is good _______ our health. —Yes, I agree _______ you. A. at, to B. for, with C. to, to D. for, to
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
17. I often go on holiday with my parents _____ summer. A. in B. at C. on D. of
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
18. I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered. Sorry, I ______ with my friends at that time. A. had swum B. swam C. would swim D. was swimming
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
19.––Who is on the playground? ---__________.    A. Never B. None C. No one D. A lot
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
20. The schoolboy ______ a blind man cross the street yesterday. A. helps B. helped C. will help D. has helped
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
21. —The 2010 World Expo which will last 184 days will be held in Shanghai on May 1st. —________exciting news! We shall try our best to support it. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
22. They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses.    A. to lie; to ride B. lying; riding C. lying; ride D. to lie; ride
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
23. —What was Jim wearing at the party? — Nothing _______. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
24. The 2016 Olympic Games ________ in Brazil. Would you like to go there? Maybe, if possible. A. are held B. will be held C. were held D. have been held
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
25. — David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me _______ ? —He is a doctor.    A. who is he B. who he is C.what does he do D. what he does
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 26.With help from a Mr. H, you can__________. A. stop wearing your watch B. get new books and objects C. finish your homework on time D. know when parents or teachers are near
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 27. A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to ______________. A. repair your TV B. put away your books and objects C. become a James Bond D. get a daily weather report
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 28. You can get your Mr. H for___________. A. $299 B. $499 C. $199 D. $99
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 29. When was canned food invented? A. In 1870.          B. In 1810. C. In 1902.          D. In 1926.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 30. After the trip to the Arctic, Clarence Birdseye invented ____________. A. canned food             B. can openers C. frozen food           D. air conditioning
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 31. Changes in weather _____________ in Willis Carrier's company. A. helped to keep food           B. made rooms comfortable C. caused health problems        D. hurt printing paper
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 32. According to the passage, which of the following may lead to inventions? A. People's needs.             B. Public support. C. Modern technology.          D. Practical suggestions.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 33. What is the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?    A.To tell the readers his life story.    B.To tell people what kind of person his father was.    C.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.    D. To let people know how poor he was.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 34. Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that?    A.Because he felt quite confident of his son.    B.Because he was born from a poor family.    C.Because he was a man of few words.    D.Because he didn't want to be much too strict with his son.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 35. What would someone learn from this passage?    A.How to live by oneself. B.How to stand on one's own feet.    C.What a good father should do. D.What the self-important is like.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 36. What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage?    A.闲暇时光 B.学费 C.精神空虚 D.经济不足
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 37. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.    A.south           B.east    C.west            D.north
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 38. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _______.    A.hot             B.pleasant   C.cold            D.dry
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 39. The World Wetlands Day is on _______.    A.February 2        B.June 25   C.April 22      D.March
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 40. We must protect wetlands because _______. A.they are home for wildlife   B.they can prevent flood    C.they can offer food to the animals and birds D.all of the above
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
) 1. —Is it far from here to the bank? —Not very, only________. A. 20 minute’s walk B. 20 minutes walk C. 20 minutes’ walk D. 20 minutes’ walks
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
2. — After discussing, the students ________ some good ideas to work on the project. — Thats great! A. put up B. set up C. caught up with D. came up with
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
3. Yesterday Tommy walked past my table and ______ my bowls and dishes. He should be careful next time. A. knocked off B. took off C. showed off D. turned off
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
4.We don’t have enough nurses to look after patients.At least ___ nurses are needed. A. ten another B. more ten C. another ten D. other ten
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
5. — Zhao Rui, it’s said that many famous singers will come to Yangzhou on April 18th. How about watching the evening show there? —________! Let’s ask Huang Tao to go with us. A. Best wishes B. Sounds great C. Good luck D. That’s OK
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
6.—Hello! This is Henry Speaking.I’d like to speak to your father. —Sorry, he has Shanghai. A. been in B. been to C. come to D. gone to
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
7. — It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. — I think a bridge ______ over the river. A. was built B. is being built C. has been built D. should be built
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D