A. 学党章党规
B. 学系列讲话
C. 做合格党员
D. 做优秀党员
A. 政治领导力
B. 思想引领力
C. 群众组织力
D. 社会号召力
A. 伟大斗争
B. 伟大工程
C. 伟大事业
D. 伟大梦想
A. 党是中国特色社会主义制度的创建者
B. 党的领导是充分发挥中国特色社会主义制度优势的根本保障
C. 党的自身优势是中国特色社会主义制度优势的主要来源
D. 党一直坚持政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、纪律建设
A. 没有和平,中国和世界都不可能顺利发展
B. 没有发展,中国和世界也不可能有持久和平
C. 中国只有坚持走和平发展之路,同世界各国一道维护世界和平,才能实现自己的目标,并 为世界和平作出更大贡献
D. 只有中国实现了“两个百年中国梦”的目标,才能成为维护世界和平的力量
A. 把国家主权和安全放在第一位,坚定维护我国的国家利益,反对任何国家损害我国的独立、 安全和尊严
B. 从我国人民和世界人民的根本利益出发,对于一切国际事务,都要根据事情本身的是非曲 直决定自己的立场和政策,秉持公道,伸张正义,不屈从于任何外来压力
C. 坚持各国的事务应由本国政府和人民决定,世界上的事情应由各国政府和人民平等协 商反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治
D. 主张和平解决国际争端和热点问题,反对动辄诉诸武力或以武力相威胁,反对颠覆别国合法政权,反对一切形式的恐怖主义
A. 中华文明的深厚渊源
B. 对实现中国发展目标条件的认知
C. 对世界发展大势的把握
D. 对冷战思维的彻底扬弃
A. “另起炉灶”
B. “一边倒”
C. “打扫干净屋子再请客”
D. “一条线”
A. 独立自主地处理一切国际事务的原则
B. 以和平共促五项原则为指导国家间关系的基本准则
C. 坚持同发展中国家加强团结与合作的原则
D. 爱国主义与履行国际义务相统一的原则
A. 维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则
B. 维护不干涉别国内政和尊重国家主权、独立、领土完整等国际关系基本准则
C. 维护联合国及其安理会对世界和平承担的首要责任
D. 开展对话合作而不是对抗,实现双赢、共赢而不是单赢
A. 坚持和平发展道路,推动建设新型国际关系
B. 不断完善外交布局,积极发展全球伙伴关系
C. 尝试参与全球治理,积极引导国际秩序变革方向
D. 推动国际社会从伙伴关系、安全格局、经济发展、文明交流、生态建设等方面为建立人类 命运共同体作出努力
A. 中国将通过争取和平国际环境发展自己,又以自身发展维护和促进世界和平
B. 中国将在国际和地区热点问题上继续发挥建设性作用
C. 在对待国际和地区性热点问题上,中国坚持劝和促谈,为通过对话谈判妥善处理有关问题作出不懈努力
D. 建立新型的大国关系以维护世界和平
A. 大国是关键
B. 周边是首要
C. 发展中国家是基础
D. 多边是舞台
A. 多极化有利于遏制霸权主义和强权政治
B. 多极化是当今世界发展的大势所趋
C. 多样化的演进是一个长期的、曲折的过程
D. 向多极化演进的过程中充满了复杂性,各种争斗有时会非常激烈
A. 科技革命
B. 生产力的发展
C. 军事斗争
D. 人口增长
A. 经济全球化是一把“双刃剑”
B. 对广大发展中国家来说,只有挑战,没有机遇
C. 它增多了各国和全球共同面临的社会经济问题
D. 它是由西方国家主导的
A. 走和平发展道路,既对中国有利,对亚洲有利,也对世界有利
B. 既积极争取和平的国际环境发展自己,又以自身发展促进世界和平
C. 既让中国更好利用世界机遇,又让世界更好分享中国的机遇
D. 可以促进中国和世界各国良性互动,互利共赢
A. 中国始终把维护国家主权、安全、发展利益作为外交工作的基本出发点和落脚点
B. 中国决不会以牺牲别国利益为代价来发展自己,也决不放弃自己的正当权益
C. 任何人不要幻想让中国吞下损害自身利益的苦果
D. 中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱,反对把自己意志强加于人,反对干涉别国内政
A. 互相尊重主权与领土完整
B. 互不侵犯、互不干涉内政
C. 平等互利
D. 和平共处
A. 是人民民主专政的坚强柱石
B. 是捍卫社会主义祖国的钢铁长城
C. 是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量
D. 是维护世界和平的主力
A. 武器装备科研生产体系
B. 军队人才培养体系
C. 军队保障体系
D. 国防动员体系
“建设与我国国际地位相称、与国家安全和发展利益相适应的巩固国防和强大军队,是我国现代化建设的战略任务” 。这是党的十八大对我国国防和军队现代化建设提出的战略任务。这一任务具有深刻内涵___
A. 我军不仅要保卫传统的领土和领海领空安全,而且要保护海洋、太空网络电磁空间等新型安全领域的安全
B. 我军不仅要维护国家安全利益,也要维护国家发展利益,做到国家利益延伸到哪里,军事力量就要到达哪里
C. 我军不仅要维护自己国家的安全和发展利益,而且也要维护国际和地区的安全和稳定为国际和地区提供公共安全产品
D. 我军不仅要维护人类世界的安全利益,而且也要维护整个自然界的安全和发展利益为整个地球的可持续发展提供保障
A. 军队必须完全地无条件地置于中国共产党的领导之下
B. 军队在思想上政治上行动上始终与党中央、中央军委保持高度一致
C. 军队要坚决维护党中央、中央军委权威
D. 军队任何时候任何情况下都坚决听从党中央、中央军委指挥
A. 军队的最高领导权和指挥权属于党中央和中央军委,中央军委实行主席负责制
B. 实行党委制、政治委员制、政治机关制
C. 实行党委统一的集体领导下的首长分工负责制
D. 实行支部建在连上
A. 政治建军
B. 改革强军
C. 科技兴军
D. 依法治军
A. 技术平台新
B. 体系编成新
C. 制敌手段新
D. 指挥成员新
A. 经济建设是国防建设的基本依托,只有国家经济实力增强了,国防建设才能有更大的发展
B. 国防建设是我国现代化建设的战略任务,只有把国防搞上去了,经济建设才有更加坚强的 安全保障
C. 加强国防建设对经济社会发展具有拉动作用,经济建设对国防建设有基础保障作用
D. 经济建设与国防建设本是两回事,历史证明,经济发展了,没有国防建设也可以,反之则反是
A. 要坚持全国一盘棋,从国家战略的高度做好顶层设计
B. 要健全体制机制,形成统一领导、军地协调、需求对接、资源共享机制和从中央到地方比较完善的工作运行体系和制度
C. 强化战略规划,要把国民经济和社会发展规划与军队建设规划统筹起来,同步论证,保证资金、加强督导
D. 要有前瞻性,把经济发展、技术进步的可能趋势与军事变化的趋势统盘考虑,使军民融合走在发展的前列
A. 危不施训、险不练兵这消极保安全思想
B. 事先设定演练方案,规定获胜方的练为看思想
C. 和平时期,人民军队主要任务是服务与经济建设的思想
D. 军队是用来打仗的,没有战斗力一切等于零的单纯军事思想
A. 要着力提高精确作战、立体作战的能力
B. 要提升全域作战、多能作战、持续作战能力
C. 要提高信息作战、跨地区作战和投入兵力能力
D. 加快实现区域防卫型向全域作战型转变
A. 要着力提高海上机动作战、海上联合作战能力
B. 要提升跨海作战,远海作战能力
C. 要着力提高综合防御作战和综合保障能力
D. 要着力提高战略威慑与反击能力
A. 要按照空天一体、攻防兼备的战略要求,着力提高战略预警、空中打击能力
B. 要着力提高防空反导、信息对抗、空降作战能力
C. 要着力提高战略投送和综合保障能力
D. 要着力提高太空打击和防御作战能力
A. 要按照核常兼备、全域慑战的原则建军强军
B. 要着力提高战略威慑能力
C. 要着力提高核反击与中远各精确打击能力
D. 要着力提高中远程反导和反卫星能力
A. 要着力培养有灵魂、有本事、有血性、有品德的新时代革命军人
B. 要锻造具有铁一般信仰、铁一般信念、铁一般纪律、铁一般担当的过硬部队
C. 要继承和发扬我军政治工作优良传统,把先辈用鲜血和生命铸就的光荣传统和优良作风一代代传下去
D. 要勇于学习、善于学习,把西方国家的带兵方法与我军的传统优势结合起来
毛泽东思想是在我国___的实践过程中,在总结我国革命和建设正反两方面历史经验 的基础上,逐步形成和发展起来的。
A. 新民主主义革命
B. 社会主义革命
C. 社会主义建设
D. 旧民主主义革命
A. 《中国社会各阶级的分析》
B. 《湖南农民运动考察》
C. 《论十大关系》
D. 《星星之火,可以燎原》
A. 《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在》
B. 《井冈山的斗争》
C. 《星星之火,可以燎原》
D. 《反对本本主义》
毛泽东在___两篇著作中,运用个马克思主义的认识论和辩证法,系统分析了党内“左” 的和右的错误的思想根源。
A. 《中国革命和中国共产党》
B. 《实践论》
C. 《矛盾论》
D. 《反对本本主义》
A. 《中国革命和中国共产党》
B. 《新民主主义论》
C. 《<共产党人>发刊词》
D. 《论联合政府》
解放战争时期和新中国成立以后,以毛泽东为主要代表的中国共产党人先后提出了___ 理论。
A. 人民民主专政理论
B. 社会主义改造理论
C. 正确处理人民内部矛盾的理论
D. 新民主主义理论
A. 《在中国共产党第七届中央委员会第二次全体会议上的报告》
B. 《论人民民主专政》
C. 《论十大关系》
D. 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》
Which are two vCenter Server two-factor authentication methods? (Choose two.)___
A. RSA SecurID
B. Smart Card
D. Symantec VIP
An administrator is creating VMkernel adapters on an ESXi 6.5 host and wants to create separate VMkernel adapters for every type of traffic in the default TCP/IP stack. Which three types of traffic can be explicitly enabled on a separate VMkernel adapter? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual SAN traffic
B. NFS traffic
C. vMotion traffic
D. vSphere HA traffic
E. Fault Tolerance logging traffic
When migrating a Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which two will be migrated by default? (Choose two.)___
A. Local Windows OS users and groups
B. Configuration
C. Custom ports
E. Historical and Performance data
Which three types of Content Libraries exist within vSphere 6.5? (Choose three.)___
A. Remote Content Library
B. Published Content Library
C. Local Content Library
D. Shared Content Library
E. Subscribed Content Library
An administrator cannot enable multi-processor Fault Tolerance (SMP-FT) for a virtual machine. Which are two possible causes for this? (Choose two.)___
A. The virtual machine is running on a vSAN datastore.
B. The Fault Tolerance network is using a 10Gbit uplink.
C. The virtual machine has 6 vCPUs assigned.
D. The virtual machine has a 1TB VMDK attached.
E. The virtual machine has snapshots present.
Which two statements are true for Predictive DRS? (Choose two.)___
A. It balances resource utilization for virtual machines with unpredictable utilization patterns.
B. It integrates DRS with vRealize Operations Manager to balance workloads for virtual machines before resource utilization spikes occur.
C. It balances resource utilization based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night.
D. It determines the best placement and balance of virtual machines based on a threshold's algorithm that runs each night in vCenter Server 6.5 Database.
Which two situations could cause a virtual machine to appear with (orphaned) appended to its name? (Choose two.)___
A. if a host failover is unsuccessful
B. if a virtual machine was removed from vCenter Server's inventory
C. if a virtual machine was deployed from template, and the template has been deleted
D. if a virtual machine is unregistered directly on the host
Which three requirements are needed to apply RAID 5 or RAID 6 erasure coding on a vSAN 6.2 or 6.5 object? (Choose three.)___
A. on Disk Format 3.0
B. Hybrid vSAN
C. All Flash vSAN
D. vSAN Advanced License
E. Stretched Cluster Configurations
An administrator sees the following error in the log files: Which two events could be the source of the error message? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server failure
B. VXLAN failure
C. Disk array failure
D. Network failure
E. ESXi host failure
An administrator is attempting to access an ESXi host via the DCUI but is unable to do so. Which could be two possible causes? (Choose two.)___
A. The host in Qhas no out-of-band management capability (i.e. iLO/iDRAC).
B. The SSH service is disabled on the host.
C. Strict lockdown mode is enabled on the host.
D. Normal lockdown mode is enabled and the administrator is a member of the
E. xception User list.
Which two permissions are required to migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion? (Choose two.)___
A. Network > Move Network
B. Virtual Machine > Inventory > Move
C. Resource > Migrate powered on virtual machine
D. Datastore > Allocate Space
Which are three supported storage requirements for vCenter Server HA? (Choose three.)___
Which are the two network requirements for a VMware vSAN 6.5 cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. Multicast must be enabled on the physical switches and routers that handle vSAN traffic.
B. vSAN requires IPv6 only.
C. All hosts must have a dedicated 40GbE NIC.
D. The vSAN network supported IPv4 or IPv6.
E. vSAN requires IPv4 only.
Which three prerequisites must be in place prior to enabling secure boot for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
A. VirtualMachine.Config.Settings privileges
B. an encrypted USB drive
C. Virtual Hardware version 13 or later
D. Virtual Hardware version 12 or later
E. EFI firmware
A user is given the "Virtual machine user (sample)" role in a vSphere 6.x environment. Which three permissions would the user be able to perform? (Choose three.)___
A. Reset a virtual machine.
B. Power on a virtual machine.
C. Move a host into a cluster.
D. Configure CD media.
E. Migrate a virtual machine with Storage vMotion.
Which three are supported upgrade processes for ESXi host? (Choose three.)___
A. using vSphere Auto Deploy
B. using a TFTP server
C. using Update Manager
D. using an
E. SXCLI command
When enabling Storage DRS on a datastore cluster, which three components are enabled as a result? (Choose three.)___
A. Space load balancing among datastore within the datastore cluster.
B. Initial placement for virtual disks based on space and I/O workload.
C. I/O load balancing among datastores within the datastore cluster.
D. Queue Depth alerting on disks within the datastore cluster.
E. Data de-duplication within the datastore cluster.
What are two features introduced in Network I/O Control version 3? (Choose two.)___
A. Bandwidth reservation per traffic type
B. Network resource pools
C. CoS tagging
D. Bandwidth guarantee to virtual machines
Which two correct virtual machine advanced configuration parameters will accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. isolation.device.edit.disable = “FALSE”
B. isolation.device.edit.disable = “TRUE”
C. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “FALSE”
D. isolation.device.connectable.disable = “TRUE”
Which three statements are correct regarding booting an ESXi Host from Fibre Channel SAN? (Choose three.)___
A. Direct connect topology is supported.
B. Each host must have its own boot LUN.
C. ESXi hosts do not require local storage.
D. Multipathing to a boot LUN on an active-passive array is supported.
E. Hosts can share one common boot LUN.
Which two tasks should a vSphere administrator perform if the vmkernel log reports VMFS metadata errors? (Choose two.)___
A. contact VMware technical support
B. reformat the datastore
C. check the device with VOMA
D. ignore the messages
Which two statements are true for a vCenterServer user account that is used for vSphere Data Protection (VDP)? (Choose two.)___
A. The user account must be assigned with Administrator role.
B. The password for the user account cannot contain spaces.
C. The user account should be created in the Single Sign-On domain
D. The user account cannot inherit required permissions from a group role.
Which three storage protocols are supported by Virtual Volumes? (Choose three.)___
D. NFS v3
E. NFS v4
A vSphere administrator observes a CPU spike on one of the web servers (view the Exhibit.) Which two statements can describe the cause of this activity? (Choose two.)___
A. The network packet size is too large.
B. VMware Tools is not installed.
C. Disk latency is present on the datastore.
D. The network packet size is too small.
Which three operations can cause VMFS metadata updates? (Choose three.)___
A. Restarting a VM using the guest OS.
B. Launching a VM console.
C. Migrating a VM with vMotion.
D. Powering a VM on or off.
E. Expanding a VMFS datastore.
*What two services run on all nodes in a vCenter Server HA cluster? (Choose two.)___
A. vmware-vmon
B. vmware-vpostgres
C. vmare-rbd-watchdog
D. vmware-vcha
Which two statements are true regarding Auto Deploy in version 6.5? (Choose two.)___
A. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via PowerCLI.
B. Auto Deploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Client.
C. Auto
D. eploy can be configured and managed via the vSphere Web Client.
What three options can improve network performance for a virtual machine? (Choose three.)___
C. NetFlow
Which two storage technologies are supported for MSCS? (Choose two.)___
When upgrading a VMware vSAN cluster to version 6.5, which two tasks must be completed to comply with upgrade requirements and VMware-recommended best practices? (Choose two.)___
A. Use RVC to upgrade the hosts.
B. Use the latest available ESXi version.
C. Back up all VMs.
D. Use only the “Full data migration” maintenance mode option.
What two enhancements are in VMFS6 but not in VMFS5? (Choose two.)___
A. Support for 4k native disks
B. Support for 512e disks
C. GPT storage device partitioning
D. Automatic space reclamation
Which two statements describe why a vSphere DRS cluster would report load imbalance? (Choose two.)___
A. The configured migration threshold is too high.
B. The configured migration threshold is too low.
C. DRS is configured for Partially Automated.
D. Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) is enabled.
A vSphere Administrator must ensure that vCenter Server service is running in a domain user account rather than Local System Account. To accomplish this, the user account should have which two permissions? (Choose two.)___
A. Log on as a service.
B. Act as part of the operating system.
C. Log on as a batch job.
D. Log on locally.
A virtual machine fails to power on after being deployed from a template. What two remediation steps could correct this issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Increase CPU reservation
B. Decrease memory reservation
C. Increase memory reservation
D. Increase datastore capacity
E. Decrease CPU reservation
Which three directories are available under the vcsa-cli-installer folder of the vCenter Server Appliance installation media? (Choose three.)___
A. \mac
B. \ovftool
C. \migration-assistant
D. \win32
E. \lin64
What are three considerations when booting ESXihost from SAN software FCoE? (Choose three.)___
A. The VMware_FCoE_vSwitch that the installer automatically created cannot be changed.
B. Boot LUN cannot be shared with other hosts even on shared storage.
C. Multipathing is not supported at pre-boot.
D. Software FCoE boot configuration cannot be changed from within
E. SXi.
Which two choices are applicable to vSphere Availability? (Choose two.)___
A. Heartbeat Datastores
B. VM Startup/Shutdoown
C. Power Management
D. Admission Control
A user is a member of groups A and B. -VM10 and VM20 are in VM Folder. -Group A is assigned permission “Read-only” on VM Folder. What two configurations will allow the user to edit the settings for only VM10? (Choose two.)___
A. Assign group B permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
B. Assign group B permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
C. Assign group A permission “virtual machine console user” to VM10.
D. Assign group A permission “virtual machine power user” to VM10.
Which two new vSphere 6.5 features enable an Administrator to locate configuration options when creating or editing host profiles more easily than in previous versions? (Choose two.)___
A. Add the configuration option to favorites.
B. Navigate the option tree.
C. Search for the configuration option.
D. Copy the configuration option from a different profile.
What are the two valid storage controller types for VMs on ESXi 6.5? (Choose two.)___