(71493)数字万用表的表头是( )。[322110230](1.0分)___
A. 磁电式直流电流表
B. 数字式直流电压表
C. 数字式直流电流表
D. 电动式直流电流表
(71494)增加测量次数,可以减少的误差是( )。[323110204(1.0分)___
A. 系统误差
B. 偶然误差
C. 疏失误差
D. 责任误差
(71495)运用客车中集便装置中污物箱的真空度为( )。(1.0分)___
A. -55~-39 kPa
B. -45~-29 kPa
C. -35~-19 kPa
D. -25~-9 kPa
(71496)当单相半波可控硅整流装置交流电源电压为220 V时,则应该选用( )的可控硅元件。[232110213](1.0分)___
A. 220 V
B. 300 V
C. 500 V
D. 250 V
(71497)两个电容量为10 μF的电容器,并联在电压为10 V的电路中,现将电路的电压升高为20 V,则此时电容器的电容量将( )。[232110206](1.0分)___
A. 增大一倍
B. 减小一半
C. 不变
D. 不能确定
(71498)在正弦交流纯电感电路中,电压与电流的数值关系是( )。[232110212](1.0分)___
A. i=U/L
B. U=iXL
C. I=U/( L)
D. I=U/L
(71499)电动机轴上的机械负载增加时,电动机的电流将( )。[222120235](1.0分)___
A. 减小
B. 不变
C. 增大
D. 条件不够无法判断
(71500)两电容器:C1=30 μF、耐压为12 V,C2=50 μF,耐压为12 V,把它们串联起来接到24 V的电压上使用,则( )。[232120206](1.0分)___
A. C1,C2都正常工作
B. C1,C2都被击穿
C. C1击穿,C2正常工作
D. C2击穿,C1正常工作
(71501)两只额定电压相同的电阻,串接在适当的电压上,则功率较大的电阻( )。[232110206](1.0分)___
A. 发热量较大
B. 发热量较小
C. 与功率较小的电阻发热量相同
D. 不能确定
(71502)车辆正常运行时,KP-2A型供电装置电池电流正常值应小于( )。(1.0分)___
A. 24 A
B. 36 A
C. 45 A
D. 60 A
(71503)有一块内阻为0.15 、最大量程为1 A的电流表,现给它并联一个0.05 的小电阻,则这块电流表的量程将扩大为( )。[231110206](1.0分)___
A. 3 A
B. 4 A
C. 6 A
D. 2 A
(71504)在正弦交流纯电容电路中,电压与电流的数值关系是( )。[233110212](1.0分)___
A. i=U/C
B. i=U/(
C. ) C、I=U/( C)
D. I=U C
(71505)变压器负载增加时,将使( )。[223110206](1.0分)___
A. 原边电流保持不变
B. 原边电流减小
C. 原边电流增加
D. 原边电流忽大忽小
(71506)金属导体的电阻与( )无关。[222110205](1.0分)___
A. 导线的长度
B. 导线的横截面积
C. 导体材料的电阻率
D. 外加电压
(71507)应安装短路环的电磁铁是( )。[233110206](1.0分)___
A. 单相交流电磁铁
B. 三相交流电磁铁
C. 单相直流电磁铁
D. 三相直流电磁铁
(71508)电压表A的电阻是2 000 ,电压表B的电阻是400 ,量程都是15 V,当它们串联在12 V的电源上,电压表B的读数将是( )。[231110206](1.0分)___
A. 12 V
B. 10 V
C. 2 V
D. 4 V
(71509)运用客车中集便装置中真空便器中冲水装置须作用良好,冲水时间约( )。(1.0分)___
A. 1~2 s
B. 2~3 s
C. 3~4 s
D. 4~5 s
(71510)变压器副边电流增加时,则原边电流将( )。[232110206](1.0分)___
A. 减小
B. 不变
C. 增加
D. 条件不够无法判断
(71511)同一电磁铁分别接到数值相同的直流电压和交流电压上,则( )。[222110206](1.0分)___
A. 两种情况下的磁场强弱相同
B. 直流时的磁场较强
C. 交流时的磁场较强
D. 条件够无法判断
(71512)( )是错误的。[222110204](1.0分)___
A. 电路中的感应电流必有感应电动势存在
B. 自感是电磁感应的一种
C. 互感是电磁感应的一种
D. 电路中产生感应电动势必有感应电流
(71513)KAX-1行车安全监测诊断系统列车网络故障原因可能是( )。[33110214](1.0分)___
A. 列车级主机箱内网卡LG1,LG2有故障
B. 列车网终端电阻未接入
C. 车厢级网关WG卡故障
D. ABC三项都有可能
(71514)他励直流发电机的外特性是指在额定励磁电流下,负载电流变化时( )的变化规律。[222110235](1.0分)___
A. 端电压
B. 电源电压
C. 定子绕组两端电压
D. 以上说法均不对
(71515)( )制动多用于位能要求限速运行的场合,此时电磁转矩与转动方向相反,对电机起制动作用。[322110204](1.0分)___
A. 反接
B. 能耗
C. 回馈
D. 电磁抱闸
(71516)额定电流为100 A的晶闸管,最大允许通过( )的恒定直流电流。[223110211](1.0分)___
A. 100 A
B. 117 A
C. 41 A
D. 157 A
(71517)车辆正常运行时,KP-2A型供电装置直流输出电压正常值应为( )。(1.0分)___
A. 24 V
B. 36 V
C. 45 V
D. 59 V
(71518)能耗制动时在同样转速下通入定子的直流电流越大制动作用越强,但过大会使定子绕组发热,通常为电动机空载电流的( )。[222120235](1.0分)___
A. 1~2倍
B. 2~3倍
C. 3~4倍
D. 4~5倍
(71519)为使直流电动机反转,应采取( )的措施来改变主磁场的方向。[223110206](1.0分)___
A. 改变励磁绕组极性
B. 减少电流
C. 增大电流
D. 降压
(71520)25T型客车的可编程控制器(简称PLC)供电后,绿色PWR灯亮,橙色RUN灯亮,红色( )灯灭;连接触摸屏或网关后橙色COM灯闪烁。[233110214](1.0分)___
D. ZD1
(71521)直流伺服电动机实质上就是一台( )直流电动机。[221110235](1.0分)___
A. 他励式
B. 串励式
C. 并励式
D. 复励式
(71522)对于或门来讲,其输入、输出关系为( )。[232110214](1.0分)___
A. 有1出1
B. 有0出0
C. 全1出1
D. 全1出0
(71523)半控桥式整流电路带电感负载时必须加上续流二极管是为了( )。[322110213](1.0分)___
A. 增大输出直流电压
B. 减少输出直流电压
C. 防止晶闸管不能导通
D. 防止电路失控
(71524)运用客车中轴温报警器同车同侧轴温显示温差不超过( )(1.0分)___
A. 2 ℃
B. 3 ℃
C. 4 ℃
D. 5 ℃
(71525)并励、他励电动机具有硬机械特性,这种特性特别适用于当负载变化时要求转速( )的场合。[222110235](1.0分)___
A. 绝对稳定
B. 比较稳定
C. 不太稳定
D. 极不稳定
(71526)在电力电子装置中,电力晶体管一般工作在( )状态。[321110211](1.0分)___
(71527)国家规定,直流电机从空载(不允许空载电机从1/4负载开始)到额定负载的所有情况下,电机的火花等级不超过( )级。[322110235](1.0分)___
(71528)机械性火花通常呈黄色,火星长,强度弱,而电气性火花通常呈( ),当电机的工作状态和负载条件变化时,火花的大小和亮度也随着明显的变化。[222110635](1.0分)___
(71529)测量电气设备的吸收比,应使用( )。[212110230](1.0分)___
A. 万用表
B. 直流双臂电桥
C. 兆欧表
D. 钳流表
(71530)要想测量高频脉冲信号,应选用( )。[222110214](1.0分)___
A. 简易示波器
B. SB-10型通用示波器
C. 同步示波器
D. 任何一种示波器均可
(71531)示波器中扫描发生器产生的是( )。[212110214](1.0分)___
A. 锯齿形波信号
B. 正弦波信号
C. 矩形波信号
D. 三角波信号
(71532)( )适用于电路试验、整机维修、晶体管参数测量等。[223110215](1.0分)___
A. 电机匝间耐压检测仪
B. 接触电阻检测仪
C. 晶体管测试仪
D. 数字测速仪
(71533)25T型客车检修规程对于H23XJD型电空阀泄漏试验规定,将风压调至900 kPa,电压调为( )时,用防锈检漏剂检查电空阀风路及各部须无泄漏。[311110204](1.0分)___
A. DC 48 V
B. AC 48 V
C. DC 77 V
D. AC 77 V
Her heart _____ faster when she entered the exam hall.___
A. jumped
B. sank
C. beat
D. hit
The taxi driver was put in_____prison because his car had knocked down a child.His wife went to_____ prison to see him twice a month.___
A. /; /
B. the; the
C. /; the
D. the; /
----- Where’s John, do you know? ----- Oh, _____to hospital.___
A. he’s taken
B. he’ll be taken
C. he’s been taken
D. he’ll take
It was the wealth of the_____pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard University possible.___
A. precious
B. curious
C. anxious
D. prosperous
----- "Where is your college located, John?" ----- "It is ________."___
A. on the Fifth Avenue
B. on Fifth Avenue
C. in Fifth Avenue
D. at Fifth Avenue
__________ is she in London than she rings up her old friend Mary.___
A. Scarcely
B. Rarely
C. No sooner
D. Hardly
A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.___
A. truth
B. reason
C. cause
D. fact
he weather __________ us from climbing the mountain.___
A. discharged
B. disguised
C. disturbed
D. discouraged
I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you!It's really _____my wildest imagination.___
A. behind
B. beyond
C. except
D. through
John Smith is _____ honest young man.___
She __________ in wearing that old – fashioned hat.___
A. insists
B. persists
C. assists
D. consists
Some of the meat came from Canada. How about________?___
A. another
B. the other
C. others
D. the rest
I have brought you ___ flowers for your birthday. ___
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
I have also experienced many adventures, but nothing that I have seen ___what you have described. ___
A. compares
B. relates
C. resembles
D. assembles
That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert. ___
A. could
B. must
C. would
D. should
“What is Mary doing at home?” “She is playing ____.”___
A. a piano
B. her piano
C. piano
D. the piano
I’m busy now ,ask him to see me ____ time.___
A. the other
B. some other
C. other
D. another
The child took a spoonful and tasted it carefully __________ it was hot.___
A. in case
B. provided
C. if
D. unless
The French pianist who had been praised very highly __________ to be a great disappointment. ___
A. turned off
B. turned up
C. turned out
D. turned down
“Shall I turn on the television?” – “No, I’d rather not __________ television tonight.”___
A. have watched
B. to watch
C. watch
D. for watching
They said that they had made up their minds to ____the task in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.___
A. carry on
B. carry off
C. carry away
D. carry forward
The two girls are getting on very well and share with each other. ___
A. little
B. much
C. some
D. none
The teacher said that the classroom was empty __________ a few chairs.___
A. but for
B. except for
C. apart from
D. besides
______you choose, make sure that it is a good one. ___
A. What
B. Wherever
C. Whichever
D. Which
Vingo was released from prison_____the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence. ___
A. according to
B. as a result of
C. for reasons of
D. with the help of
Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .___
A. seat... write
B. seated ... wrote
C. seated ... writing
D. seating ... writing
Cake __________ of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. ___
A. contained
B. consists
C. includes
D. composed
Mr. Peter wanted Steve to take half the money, but Steve did not __________ it. ___
A. obtain
B. achieve
C. accept
D. receive
I'd like to take my picture ________stands a high tower. ___
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. there
__________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. ___
A. But for
B. As for
C. In spite of
D. Because of
Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ______move more quickly than in 1910.___
A. were to can
B. did
C. will
D. can
The little girl needs __________ after her shock. ___
A. being comforted
B. be comforted
C. comforting
D. comforted
The __________ horse ran away from the fire.___
A. having frightened
B. frightening
C. frightened
D. frighten
He is __________ of an actor. ___
A. anybody
B. anything
C. somebody
D. something
You can take ______ seat you like. ___
A. no matter what
B. no matter which
C. what
D. whichever
He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before. ___
A. having thought
B. to think
C. thinks
D. thinking
----- _______is your English teacher? ----- The one in red. ___
A. who
B. which
C. what
D. where
Can you give me a light for my cigarette? I have ____my matches.___
A. got out of
B. got rid of
C. got away with
D. run out of
Then the speaker __________ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.___
A. went for
B. went after
C. went into
D. went on
I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt_____ he can do a good job of it___.
A. whether
B. that
C. when
D. what