A. 利率按人民银行同档次基准利率上浮30%执行;
B. 存款到期后自动续存;
C. 公存溢是指面向公司类客户发行的、单笔金额在500万元(含)人民币以上的定期存款产品;
D. 公存溢”存款产品可以申请挂失及冻结,可用于质押。
A. 公存溢业务币种仅限于人民币,暂不开展外币业务;
B. “公存溢”存款产品可办理提前支取,仅限于整笔提前支取,不得办理部分提前支取;
C. 存款到期后不自动续存,到期后客户要求兑付的,本行应根据客户提供的存款证实书进行兑付;
D. 公存溢定期存款产品不包括各种保证金存款。
A. 3个月
B. 6个月
C. 一年
D. 二年
E. 三年
F. 五年
A. 100
B. 500
C. 1000
D. 2000
A. 低于
B. 高于
C. 等于
A. 本金
B. 利息
C. 本金和利息
A. 外贸公司
B. 房地产企业
C. 信用社
D. 保险公司
A. 冻结
B. 解冻
C. 止付
D. 解止付
E. 质押
F. 解质押
A. 大额存单正常赎回时入账账号默认为持有人结算账号,不得更改;
B. 存单所有权人可以办理提前部分赎回或全部提前赎回,提前部分赎回的,支取后的投资额不得低于起点金额;
C. 存单的冻结止付需在存单认购机构办理;
D. 大额存单属于一般性存款。
A. 1个月
B. 3个月
C. 6个月
D. 1年
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
A. 当天
B. 次日
C. 2个工作日内
D. 5个工作日内
外商投资企业外方投资者不得以外币现钞出资。资本金账户贷方累计发生额不得超过外汇局核准的账户最高限额的___,且绝对数额不超过等值( )万美元(以入账当天的汇率计算);发生注册资本、账户变更时,银行应按外汇局调整后的最高限额办理入账手续。
A. 1%、5
B. 5%、3
C. 1%、3
D. 5%、10
外汇对公存款账户的种类,从账户的___划分,可分为经常项目外汇账户和资本项目外汇账户;从账户的( )形式来划分,可分为外汇现钞账户和外汇现汇账户。
A. 性质、产品
B. 用途、资金
C. 性质、用途
D. 性质、资金
账户核定期限届满或账户内资金已足额到位且支付完毕余额为0的情况下,开户行应于___ 个工作日内主动将此类账户关闭,并将关户信息于关户后 ( ) 个工作日内报外汇局备案。
A. 3个 3个
B. 2个 2个
C. 5个 3个
D. 5个 5个
A. 经常项目账户
B. 待核查账户
C. 基本账户
D. 一般账户
A. 人民银行
B. 银监会
C. 外汇局
D. 开户银行
A. 开立、变更、资本金账户应经外汇局核准;
B. 非法人外商投资企业不得开立资本金账户;
C. 外商投资企业外方投资者可以以外币现钞出资;
D. 境外上市外资股公司在办理外汇登记后,原境内股票专用账户应同时注销。
国际结算是指通过( )收付对国际间的( )关系进行清偿的行为:___
A. 货币、债权债务
B. 资金、债权债务
C. 货币、权利义务
D. 资金、权利义务
A. 开户行为境内机构开户后,须于次日按照外汇账户管理信息系统报送数据的要求将相关数据及时报送外汇局。
B. 境内机构经常项目外汇账户的变更和关闭无需外汇局核准。
C. 境内机构关闭经常项目外汇账户后,可以直接结汇.
D. 未开立过经常项目外汇账户的,可先到银行办理开户再到外汇局进行基本信息登记。
A. 当日
B. 次日
C. 三个工作日内
D. 任一天
A. 开户申请书
B. 营业执照
C. 组织机构代码
D. 税务登记证
A. 外汇开户人
B. 是否限额限定
C. 限额限制币种
D. 外汇发生额限额
E. 外汇金额限额
A. 贷款专户
B. 保证金账户
C. 非金融机构账户
D. 金融机构账户
A. 账户关闭/变更申请书
B. 变更后的营业执照或社团登记证等有效证明的原件和复印件
C. 变更后的组织机构代码证原件和复印件
D. 外商投资企业、保税区企业和出口加工区企业须提供《外汇登记证》,在《外汇登记证》上记录变更及关户情况
A. 经常项目外汇账户
B. 资本项目外汇账户
C. 外汇现钞账户
D. 外汇现汇账户
A. 营业执照
B. 组织机构代码证
C. 税务登记证(已有三、五证合一营业执照则无税务登记证、组织机构代码证)、
D. 开户许可证、
E. 机构信用代码证、
F. 对外贸易经营者备案登记表
A. 从账户的性质划分, 可分为经常项目外汇账户和资本项目外汇账户;
B. 从账户的资金形式来划分,可分为外汇现钞账户和外汇现汇账户;
C. 有零星外汇收支的客户,银行可以不为其开立外汇账户;
D. 若企业机构代码发生变动,应关闭原账户,再按照重新开户的程序进行操作。
A. 已持有三、五证合一营业执照
B. 开户许可证
C. 机构信用代码证
D. 对外贸易经营者备案登记表
A. 50万
B. 100万
C. 200万
D. 500万
A. 200万
B. 500万
C. 1000万
D. 2000万
A. 机构
B. 个人
C. 机构和个人
A. 加盖公章
B. 法人签章
C. 加盖公章及法人签章
D. 加盖公章及法人签章(或代理人签字)
A. 一
B. 二
C. 三
D. 五
定活赢( )产品支持多次部分提取,提前支取后留存金额应不低于( )万元人民币。___
A. 1号,100
B. 1号,1000
C. 2号,1000
D. 2号,1000
“定活赢”产品利率最高不超过三年期基准利率上浮( ),单笔大额存款金额1000万以上的,产品利率最高不超过三年期基准利率上浮( )(如人行浮动上限调整,则相应调整)。___
A. 40% ,43%
B. 40% ,50%
C. 43% ,50%
D. 43% ,55%
A. 基本存款账户信息(开户许可证)
B. 营业执照正本
C. 原印鉴卡
D. 司法部证明文件
A. 10
B. 20
C. 50
D. 100
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
A. :100
B. :200
C. :300
D. :400
— How was your trip to London, Jane?___
A. Oh, wonderful indeed.
B. I went there alone.
C. The guide showed me the way.
D. By plane and by bus.
— Hey, Tom, what's up?___
A. Yes, definitely!
B. Oh, not much.
C. What is happening in your life?
D. You are lucky.
— Do you mind my smoking here?___
A. No, thanks.
B. Yes, I do.
C. Yes. I'd rather not.
D. Good idea.
— Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?Really? ___
A. Who did that?
B. What's wrong with him?
C. How did that happen?
D. Why was he so careless?
— This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.___
A. You may ask for help.
B. I'll give you a hand.
C. Please do me a favor.
D. I'd come to help.
— I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?___ I'm not using it right now.
A. Sure, here you are.
B. I don't know.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. Who cares?
— Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?___ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.
A. I beg your pardon?
B. What do you mean?
C. You’re welcome.
D. Um, let me think.
— Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.____
A. Great, I am very art-conscious.
B. Don’t mention it.
C. Thanks for your compliments.
D. It's fine.
— Is it possible for you to work late tonight?___
A. I like it.
B. I'll do that.
C. I'd love to. .
D. I think so.
— Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!___ This is not the end of the world.
A. Good luck.
C. heer up. C. Go ahead.
D. No problem.
Are you feeling better today, Jack?___
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don’t worry about me.
Thank you so much for your lovely gift.___
A. Never mind.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?___
A. No, thanks.
B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, I want.
D. Yes, I like.
What's the problem with your bike?___
A. Not at all.
B. Good, thank you.
C. Nothing serious.
D. Sure.
Good morning, John. How are you doing?___
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
How do you do?___
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
Good-bye for now.___
A. The same to you.
B. That's OK
C. See you.
D. Long time no see.
Hello, how are you?___
A. Hello, how are you?
B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thank you.
D. That's OK.
I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me。___
A. Not too bad.
B. That's all right
C. It's a pleasure.
D. Thank you.
Thank you for your invitation.___
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. It's a pleasure.
C. It's a small thing.
D. I'll appreciate it.
What a beautiful dress you have on today!___
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
I think he is a good lecturer.___
A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.
B. So do I.
C. Yes. It's a good idea
D. I don't mind
— What's the matter, dear?___
A. I didn't go to school.
B. I have a terrible headache.
C. I took the kids shopping today.
D. It is a beautiful dress.
Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?___
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.___
A. What a pleasure.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I don't know.
D. Thanks a lot.
Let's go to the library this afternoon.___.
A. Yes, that's right.
B. No. I can't.
C. What about you?
D. That's a good idea.
What does Tom's wife do for a living?___.
A. She is a doctor.
B. Tom loves his wife.
C. She has a happy life.
D. She lives far from here.
How tall is your sister?___
A. She is not very well.
B. She is 28 years old.
C. She is very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am.
What do you think of this novel?___
A. I've read it.
B. It's well-written.
C. It was written by my uncle.
D. I bought it yesterday.
How much is this necklace?___
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
How can I get to the cinema?___
A. It's very far.
B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
What's the matter, John?___
A. I failed my French test
B. It doesn't matter.
C. Nothing's wrong with him.
D. I don't think I can.
What are you majoring in?___
A. In a university.
B. Very hard.
C. Mathematics.
D. At nine in the morning.
Are you going on holiday for a long time?___
A. It was a long time.
B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.
D. Not long time ago.
Is Mary there?___
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
What day is today?___
A. It's March 6.
B. It's a fine day today.
C. It's March.
D. It's Monday.
Is that seat taken?___
A. Please don't worry.
B. I don't think so.
C. Why not?
D. It's very nice.
Thank you for calling.___
A. Don’t mention it.
B. That's fine.
C. Nice talking to you.
D. Call back again.
How are you getting on today?___
A. Very well.
B. How do you do?
C. I'm a doctor.
D. Nice to have known you.
How's your family?___
A. Thanks all the same.
B. Thanks for calling.
C. Not too bad.
D. Don't mention it.