本行担任牵头行时,承贷份额原则上不得少于银团融资总金额的___;分销给其他银团成员的份额原则上不得低于( )。
A. 20% 50%
B. 30% 60%
C. 20% 60%
D. 30% 50%
循环贷款期限根据借款人的授信用途、还款能力和担保方式等因素综合确定,授信期限最长不超过___年(含),在授信有效期内贷款期限最长不超过( )年(含),不得展期。
A. 1,1
B. 1,3
C. 3,1
D. 3,3
循环贷款授信用于循环贷款发放前的额度审批,授信额度最高 万元,其中信用贷款最高为 万元。___
A. 100万、50万
B. 50万、30万
C. 50万、20万
D. 100万、80万
借款人本人需要在本行开立 ,同意并授权本行按合同约定从其个人账户扣收贷款本息。___
兰花卡/金融IC卡对应结算账户被有权机关冻结,系统会联动到循环贷款维护界面做 ___
A. 10日
B. 20日
C. 30日
D. 40日
A. 止付-存款证明
B. 今日开户
C. 全部止付
D. 代发账户
循环贷款在授信期间执行___,由( )根据市场变化和国家利率政策变动等综合因素确定并适时发布利率区间
A. 浮动利率;总行
B. 浮动利率;各分支行
C. 固定利率;总行
D. 固定利率;各分支行
A. 循环贷款是指针对农、林、牧、渔等用途发放的贷款。
B. 循环贷款可以在授信期限内分次提款、循环使用。
C. 循环贷款在支取不超过可用额度的单笔款项时,也需要再次审批
D. 循环贷款的最高授信额度为30万元
A. 全额冻结
B. 全额收回
C. 部分冻结
D. 部分收回
A. 主办客户经理
B. 分管行长
C. 总行授信部审核岗
D. 总行授信部审批岗
交易类型为柜面放款冲账/的循环贷款,需要输入 ___账号才能操作。
循环贷款授信用于循环贷款发放前的额度审批,授信额度最高___万元,其中信用贷款最高为( C )万元。
A. 贷款账号
B. 还款账号
C. 借款合同号
D. 借据号
A. 支持当天冲账
B. 支持事后调账
C. 不支持冲账
D. 仅支持当天冲账
A. 贷款核销
B. 贷款发放
C. 核销收回
D. 提前还款
A. 总行行长
B. 总行分管行长
C. 支行行长
D. 支行分管行长
A. 核销本金
B. 核销本金及利息
C. 贷款本金
D. 贷款本金及利息
A. 贷款核销交易
B. 核销贷款收回
C. 贷款核销登记
A. 核销通知书
B. 核销审批单
C. 呆账核销清单
D. 贷款核销批复书
E. 呆账核销申报审批表
A. 我行应收贴现利息=票面金额*月贴现利率/360*贴现天数
B. 我行应收贴现利息=票面金额*月贴现利率/365*贴现天数
C. 我行应收贴现利息=票面金额*年贴现利率/365*贴现天数
D. 我行应收贴现利息=票面金额*年贴现利率/360*贴现天数
A. 一式两联 主办会计私章和结算专用章
B. 一式两联 主办会计私章和汇票专用章
C. 一式三联 主办会计私章和结算专用章
D. 一式三联 主办会计私章和汇票专用章
银行承兑汇票贴现期限自贴现之日起至汇票到期日止,但最长期限不得超过( )个月。___
A. 客户号同步——账号同步——代客录票——新增托收申请——实物入库——实物出库
B. 客户号同步——账号同步——代客录票——实物入库——新增托收申请——实物出库
C. 账号同步——客户号同步——代客录票——实物入库——新增托收申请——实物出库
D. 账号同步——客户号同步——代客录票——新增托收申请——实物入库——实物出库
A. 如果票据在邮寄过程中发生丢失,则应依据留存的汇票复印件和邮政部门出具的收到邮件凭据向法院办理享有票据权利证明。
B. 办理票据贴现前,应通过票交所系统查询票据承信息,如未进行承兑登记或票交所系统中登记的票据关键信息与票据实物记载不一致的,也可以办理票据贴现。
C. 纸票不敷记载需粘单时,贴现机构在骑缝处加盖汇票专用章、法定代表人或其授权的代理人名章后,在粘背书人栏加盖电子权属登记章。
D. 票据权利人应不晚于贴现信息登记后次一工作日且在通过票交所系统进行交易或办理已贴现票据的质押、保证等其他业务前,对已登记贴现信息的票据进行权属初始登记。
在票交所系统完成贴现登记的票据,可在登记___手动发起付款确认申请,未在当日手动登记的,系统在贴现信息登记完成后的( C )自动向付款人或付款人开户行发起影像验证申请。
A. 次日
B. 当日
C. 次一工作日
D. 工作日
我行贸易融资业务的融资期限原则上不得超过( )天,外汇贷款的期限一般不超过___年。
A. 180天 1年
B. 150天 2年
C. 160天 3年
D. 120天 4年
A. 统一授信、权限管理、集中审批,审贷分离
B. 统一授信、权限管理、分级审批,审贷分离
C. 统一授信、权限管理、分级审批,审贷结合
D. 统一授信、权限管理、集中审批,审贷结合
A. 外汇流动资金贷款
B. 进口押汇
C. 出口商业发票贴现
D. 外债转贷款
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%
打包贷款期限一般自放款之日起至信用证有效期后( ),原则上最长不超过___。
A. 1个月 2个月
B. 2个月 3个月
C. 1个月 6个月
D. 2个月 一年
A. 会计部
B. 国际业务部
C. 个金部
D. 公司部
AB、融资期限订单融资的期限应根据订单中约定的履约交货期限加上合理的收汇期限确定,融资到期日不得晚于约定的履约交货日后( )天,融资期限最长不超过___天。
A. 30天 180天
B. 20天 160天
C. 20天 150天
D. 30天 160天
— This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.___
A. You may ask for help.
B. I'll give you a hand.
C. Please do me a favor.
D. I'd come to help.
— I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?___ I'm not using it right now.
A. Sure, here you are.
B. I don't know.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. Who cares?
— Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?___ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.
A. I beg your pardon?
B. What do you mean?
C. You’re welcome.
D. Um, let me think.
— Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.____
A. Great, I am very art-conscious.
B. Don’t mention it.
C. Thanks for your compliments.
D. It's fine.
— Is it possible for you to work late tonight?___
A. I like it.
B. I'll do that.
C. I'd love to. .
D. I think so.
— Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!___ This is not the end of the world.
A. Good luck.
C. heer up. C. Go ahead.
D. No problem.
Are you feeling better today, Jack?___
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don’t worry about me.
Thank you so much for your lovely gift.___
A. Never mind.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?___
A. No, thanks.
B. No, I wouldn’t
C. Yes, I want.
D. Yes, I like.
What's the problem with your bike?___
A. Not at all.
B. Good, thank you.
C. Nothing serious.
D. Sure.
Good morning, John. How are you doing?___
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
How do you do?___
A. Fine, thank you.
B. How do you do?
C. Not too bad.
D. Very well.
Good-bye for now.___
A. The same to you.
B. That's OK
C. See you.
D. Long time no see.
Hello, how are you?___
A. Hello, how are you?
B. How do you do?
C. Fine, thank you.
D. That's OK.
I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me。___
A. Not too bad.
B. That's all right
C. It's a pleasure.
D. Thank you.
Thank you for your invitation.___
A. It doesn’t matter.
B. It's a pleasure.
C. It's a small thing.
D. I'll appreciate it.
What a beautiful dress you have on today!___
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
I think he is a good lecturer.___
A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.
B. So do I.
C. Yes. It's a good idea
D. I don't mind
— What's the matter, dear?___
A. I didn't go to school.
B. I have a terrible headache.
C. I took the kids shopping today.
D. It is a beautiful dress.
Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?___
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.___
A. What a pleasure.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I don't know.
D. Thanks a lot.
Let's go to the library this afternoon.___.
A. Yes, that's right.
B. No. I can't.
C. What about you?
D. That's a good idea.
What does Tom's wife do for a living?___.
A. She is a doctor.
B. Tom loves his wife.
C. She has a happy life.
D. She lives far from here.
How tall is your sister?___
A. She is not very well.
B. She is 28 years old.
C. She is very nice.
D. She is as tall as I am.
What do you think of this novel?___
A. I've read it.
B. It's well-written.
C. It was written by my uncle.
D. I bought it yesterday.
How much is this necklace?___
A. It's very nice.
B. It's a birthday present from my parents.
C. It costs fifty pounds.
D. It's a bargain.
How can I get to the cinema?___
A. It's very far.
B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
What's the matter, John?___
A. I failed my French test
B. It doesn't matter.
C. Nothing's wrong with him.
D. I don't think I can.
What are you majoring in?___
A. In a university.
B. Very hard.
C. Mathematics.
D. At nine in the morning.
Are you going on holiday for a long time?___
A. It was a long time.
B. Two weeks ago.
C. No. Only a couple of days.
D. Not long time ago.
Is Mary there?___
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
What day is today?___
A. It's March 6.
B. It's a fine day today.
C. It's March.
D. It's Monday.
Is that seat taken?___
A. Please don't worry.
B. I don't think so.
C. Why not?
D. It's very nice.
Thank you for calling.___
A. Don’t mention it.
B. That's fine.
C. Nice talking to you.
D. Call back again.
How are you getting on today?___
A. Very well.
B. How do you do?
C. I'm a doctor.
D. Nice to have known you.
How's your family?___
A. Thanks all the same.
B. Thanks for calling.
C. Not too bad.
D. Don't mention it.
- How is it that you are late for class again?___
A. Because I missed the bus
B. By bus and then on foot
C. Yes, it is quite wrong
D. It is far from school
- Excuse me. Could you spare me a few minutes? - ___
A. Of course.
B. Of course not.
C. I am sorry to hear that.D.Yes. I'm busy now.
- It's very thoughtful of you to give me a ride. ___
A. It's my pleasure.
B. Take it easy.
C. Sure.
D. Never mind.
- This is heavy! What's in it? ___
A. I think you don't like it.
B. My new computer. I just bought it.
C. I'm glad you're here.
D. Are you really interested in it?