A. A.AssoonastheAPUoperatesunderairload
B. B.Assoonasignitionbegins
C. C.AssoonasMASTERSWpushbuttonissettoON
D. D.AssoonasSTARTSWpushbuttonissettoON
A. A.45KVA,115V,50HZ
B. B.45KVA,28V
C. C.90KVA,28V
D. D.90KVA,115V,400HZ,3Phases
A. A.Compressor,combustionchamber,turbine
B. B.Powersection,loadcompressor,FuelControlUnit
C. C.Powersection,loadcompressor,accessorydrivegearbox
A. A.1,2,3
B. B.1,3,4
C. C.1,2,3,5
D. D.都正确
A. A.N=50%
B. B.N=55%
C. C.N=95%
D. D.N=100%
A. A.两级离心式
B. B.单级离心式
C. C.三级轴向压气机
D. D.两级轴流式
A. A.压气机、燃烧室、涡轮
B. B.动力部分、负载压气机、燃油控制组件
C. C.动力部分、负载压气机、附件驱动齿轮箱
D. D.动子、静子、风扇
A. A.是独立的气源和电源供应部件
B. B.是个单轴的动力装置
C. C.由ECB全权控制运转
D. D.以上都对
A. A.GTCP36-300APU的BCV是电控气作动valve,同时具有防喘功能
B. B.APS3200APU没有专门的防喘valve,由BCV执行引气和防喘功能
C. C.GTCP36-300APU分别由BCV和SCV(防喘控制valve)执行引气和防喘功能
D. D.B和C都对
A. A.当APU提供引气和电源
B. B.点火开始时
C. C.主电门被按压时.
D. D.燃油valve打开后
A. A.7%RPM
C. C.95%RPM
D. D.0.5
A. A.APU在任何工作状态下都可以提供引气或电源
B. B.若ECB故障,则APU无法正常工作
C. C.要关断APU,务必先关断APU的引气或电源负载
D. D.APU的正常工作转速是101%
A. A.55%RPM
C. C.95%RPM
D. D.100%RPM
A. A.APU任何高度都能供电
B. B.APU任何高度都能供气
C. C.APU供电和供气有高度限制
D. D.由控制人员确定
A. A.后货舱的右则
B. B.主设备舱
C. C.前货舱的右则
D. D.后客舱天花板上
A. A.中央油箱
B. B.辅助油箱
C. C.2号主燃油箱
D. D.1号主燃油箱
A. A.0.95
B. B.1
C. C.1.01
D. D.1.07
A. A.轴动力部件,载荷压气机,附件齿轮箱。
B. B.压气机,燃烧室,涡轮。
C. C.??电气,引气,轴动力部件。
D. D.滑油部件、燃油部件、气源部件
A. A.28VDC
B. B.115VAC
C. C.220VAC
D. D.36VDC
A. A.??22伏
B. B.25伏
C. C.27.5伏
D. D.无最小值
A. A.压气机并通过防喘valve供给飞机气源系统
B. B.负载压气机并通过进口导向叶片供给飞机气源系统
C. C.压气机并通过引气valve供给飞机气源系统
D. D.负载压气机并通过引气valve供给飞机气源系统
A. A.电源优先
B. B.气源优先
C. C.根据飞机的需求确定
D. D.任何时候都可同时提供电源和气源
A. A.轴流式
B. B.离心式
D. D.双转子
A. A.APU控制面板(头顶)
B. B.火警面板
C. C.外电源控制面板.
A. A.大于100%
B. B.大于105%
C. C.大于107%
D. D.大于110%
A. A.GTCP129
B. B131-9
C. C.GTCP36-300
D. D.GTCP331-500
A. A.APU控制面板,火警面板,外电源控制面板
B. B.加/抽油面板,外电源控制面板和驾驶舱
C. C.APU不能从飞机外部关车
D. D.火警面板或外电源控制面板
A. A.电子控制盒(ECB)
B. B.燃调
C. C.IGV控制组件
A. A.APU火警测试
B. B.ECU测试
C. C.发动机火警测试
D. D.以上都是
A. A.火警和电瓶电压
B. B.直流电源和交流电源的质量
C. C.地面服务汇流条的电源状况
D. D.进气门的位置
A. A.40%RPM
B. B.50%RPM
C. C.95%RPM
D. D.ATA75%
A. A.飞机速度大于200kts
B. B.飞机在地面
C. C.飞机高于2000英尺.
D. D.由飞行员控制
A. A.位于APU主电门上的“AVAIL”灯点亮表明APU处于正常工作状态
C. C.起动中当N>95%时,位于起动电门上的“AVAIL”灯和“ON”灯点亮
D. D.ECAM的APU页面出现“FLAPOPEN”信息表明进气门已完全打开
A. A.APU的燃油只能由一单相115VAC马达驱动的专用油泵供给
B. B.APU的燃油泵可以由电瓶通过静变流机供电
C. C.按压APU舱内的燃油通气按钮,APU的燃油泵不工作,APU低压关断valve打开
D. D.APU只能由左大翼油箱供给燃油
C. C.APU进气门
D. D.A和B
A. A.只能在地面
B. B.在20000英尺以下
C. C.在25000英尺以下
D. D.无高度限制
A. A.APU进气门打开
B. B.襟翼放出
C. C.襟翼断开
D. D.进气门打不开
A. A.排气温度≥715℃(APU工作)
B. B.??排气温度≥1038℃(APU工作)
C. C.排气温度≥711℃(APU工作,外部空气温度15℃
D. D.????排气温度≥1038℃(APU起动时)
A. A.进气门立即关闭
B. B.进口导向叶片(IGV)停留在关车前状态
C. C.引气valve停留在关车前状态,APU自动执行2分钟的冷却
D. D.防喘valve逐渐趋于打开位置
A. A.当APU引气负载valve关闭时,IGV关闭(22度)
B. B.当APU提供引气用于空调时,IGV位置不受客舱温度选择值而影响
C. C.当APU提供引气用于发动机起动(MES)时,IGV打开最大(88度)
D. D.IGV是由燃油作动力的
A. A.起动时0-60%
B. B.停车时90%-7%
C. C.起动时7%-55%
D. D.A和B
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
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prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 2 Some reform advocates ignore the impact of Class size on student achievement,and they are ( ) what they call as a Priority:teacher effectiveness.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 3 Because of easy access to the Internet,the New breakthrough tq create something Truly creative ( ) happen anytime now.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 4 Indeed,if teachers want to( ) how far students might get in life, a better measurement than grades might be how hard the students try.
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prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 6 During the weeks of discussion,delegations from groups who are interested in the Resolution may call on representatives to ( ) their point of view.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 7 Plato was a superb writer,and his works are Part of the world’s great literature.Most of His existing work is ( )Dialogs and letters.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 8 Young people should enter into a broad Flexible training program,through which They can learn a lot and be ( ) their future careers.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 9 The young man is very happy and proud to be ( ) the old professor because he always feeIs great when talking With him.
prepare for , be bound to , stand up for , in favor of ,speculate about , in the company of, in the form of , be liable to , invest..with , in succession 10 One day they passed more than 20 villages ( ),and some of these are Said to have stretched for six miles or more.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 7 Being asingle parent,there is no way for her to ( ) the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.
boost prospect calculate accelerate promote mystery destruction analysis insight barrier 8 It is essential that you start by listening because one of the main ( ) teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other.
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commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 3 As can be probably perceived, a manned tip to Mars may soon[ ] since scientists have achieved the manned moon mlssion
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immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about On hering the latest news about your mother's ill health, I [ ]canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not[ ] the general discontent.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes[ ]tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, orgrief was difficult to tell.
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immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.