A. 传唤证由公安机关办案部门负责人审批
B. 口头传唤不必出示传唤证
C. 口头传唤后应当补办传唤证
D. 口头传唤应当在询问笔录中注明    
A. 民警在执勤时发现张某正在偷窃超市物品    
B. 民警巡逻途中抓到打人后正在逃离现场的违法嫌疑人李某    
C. 公安机关接到举报,在逃的违法嫌疑人王某已回到家中    
D. 民警走访社区时,发现在逃的违法嫌疑人刘某    
A. 被传唤人所在单位
B. 被传唤人家属
C. 被传唤人所在地的居(村)民委员会
D. 被传唤人所在地的公安派出所    
A. 传唤孙某时,某区公安分局应当将传唤的原因和依据告知孙某
B. 传唤后对孙某的询问查证时间不得超过48小时
C. 孙某对处罚决定不服申请行政复议,应向市公安局申请
D. 如孙某对处罚决定不服直接起诉的,应暂缓执行行政拘留的处罚决定    
A. 传唤时除确有必要立即检查的,检查陈某人身应当出示工作证件和县级以上公安机关开具的检查证
B. 检查陈某人身应经派出所负责人审批  
C. 强制传唤王某必须由县级以上公安机关负责人审批    
D. 检查陈某的住处可由派出所负责人审批    
A. 甲公安机关在李某18周岁生日那天询问他时,通知其监护人到场
B. 乙公安机关在对不满18周岁的陈某询问时,其在场监护人故意干扰询问查证工作,致使正常的询问查证无法继续进行,办案民警责令其监护人离开了询问场所
C. 丙公安机关在对不满18周岁的外地来的流浪儿赵某询问时,经通知其监护人无法到场,就没有再通知其他人,只在询问笔录中注明
D. 丁公安机关在对18周岁的张某询问时,没有通知其监护人    
《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》第二条 本法所称未成年人是指未满十八周岁的公民。78、公安机关在办理行政案件中,被询问人确认笔录无误后,应当在询问笔录上___。
A. 逐页签名及捺指印
B. 末页签名或捺指印
C. 逐页签名或捺指印
D. 末页签名及捺指印  
A. 首页
B. 末页
C. 逐页
D. 任一页   
 【解析:】《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》第六十四条 违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人请求自行提供书面材料的,应当准许。必要时,办案人民警察也可以要求违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人自行书写。违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人应当在其提供的书面材料的结尾处签名或者捺指印。对打印的书面材料,违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人应当逐页签名或者捺指印。办案人民警察收到书面材料后,应当在首页注明收到日期,并签名。80、派出所民警小李在办理一起吸毒案件时,将违法行为人传唤到公安机关询问查证。询问查证的时间不得超过();情况复杂,依照《治安管理处罚法》规定可能适用行政拘留处罚的,询问查证的时间不得超过___。
A. 8小时   24小时
B. 8小时   12小时
C. 12小时  24小时
D. 6小时   12小时   
A. 对违反治安管理行为人,公安机关传唤后应当及时询问查证
B. 询问查证的时间最长不得超过36小时
C. 一般情况下,公安机关询问查证的时间不得超过8小时
D. 公安机关应当及时将传唤的原因和处所通知被传唤人家属   
A. 张某的住处
B. 张某的单位
C. 甲市公安机关
D. 乙市公安机关 
A. 被询问人要求就被询问事项自行提供书面材料的,应当准许
B. 人民警察不能要求被询问人自行书写
C. 询问笔录应当交被询问人核对,对没有阅读能力的,应当向其宣读
D. 被询问人确认询问笔录无误后,应当签名或者盖章,询问的人民警察也应当在笔录上签名    
A. 应当到其所在单位或者住处进行
B. 应当通知其到公安机关提供证言
C. 可以在案件调查人员选定的地点进行或者到其所在单位、住处进行
D. 可以到其所在单位或者住处进行;必要时,也可以通知其到公安机关提供证言  
A. 采取强制措施
B. 强制传唤
C. 给予治安管理处罚
D. 说服、教育,使其配合公安机关调查取证  
A. 人民警察询问证人,应当通知其到公安机关提供证言
B. 人民警察询问聋哑的被侵害人不需翻译,由其进行文字说明
C. 人民警察询问被侵害人的笔录有差错的,应当重新询问
D. 人民警察在公安机关以外询问被侵害人或者其他证人,应当出示工作证件  
A. 甲县的张某在乙县将赵某打伤后立即坐车离开,乙县公安局某派出所受理案件后,在甲县张某的家中将张某找到,并将其传唤到乙县公安局派出所内进行询问
B. 3月21日晚,张某饲养动物,干扰了邻居的生活,其邻居报警后,派出所于当晚9时将张某传唤到派出所进行询问,3月22日早7时,张某离开了派出所
C. 2月1日15时30分,李某因在超市盗窃商品,被超市保安扭送到当地的派出所,17时35分,派出所对李某开始进行询问,后经该派出所所长同意,对其延长询问查证时间,2月2日16时43分,李某离开派出所
D. 派出所的民警在巡逻时发现了王某殴打李某,遂将王某口头传唤到派出所 
A. 传唤证
B. 询问笔录
C. 现场笔录
D. 工作记录   
A. 经说明身份后,可以立即检查
B. 经出示证件后,可以立即检查
C. 不能检查,因为检查公民住所应持有检查证
D. 经出示证件后,可以立即检查,但事后必须补办检查证  
A. 工作证件
B. 县级以上公安机关开具的检查证明文件
C. 工作证件和县级以上人民政府公安机关开具的检查证明文件
D. 身份证明    
A. 公安机关办案部门负责人
B. 公安派出所的所长
C. 公安机关治安管理部门
D. 县级以上人民政府公安机关  
A. 口头告知法律依据
B. 出示身份证明
C. 出示检查证明文件
D. 出示工作证件  
A. 检查时办案民警不得少于2人
B. 检查妇女的身体应当由女性工作人员进行
C. 检查的情况应制作检查笔录,并由检查人、被检查人和见证人签名或盖章
D. 检查必须要有见证人在场,没有见证人不得进行检查 
A. 公安机关有权检查与违反治安管理行为有关的人身和物品,对公民的住所无权检查
B. 实施检查的人民警察不得少于2人,但紧急情况也可以由1名人民警察实施检查
C. 检查的情况应当制作检查笔录
D. 被检查人拒绝在检查笔录上签名的,人民警察可以代其签名    
A. 检查人、被检查人或者见证人
B. 检查人和被检查人
C. 检查人和见证人
D. 检查人、被检查人和见证人    
A. 法医
B. 有精神病鉴定资格的鉴定机构
C. 省级人民政府指定的医院
D. 公安机关的鉴定机构    
A. 李某刚买的一辆自行车被盗,其向公安机关提供了该自行车的发票,公安机关认为据此已能认定被盗物品价值,就没有进行价格鉴证
B. 违法嫌疑人赵某对被盗单位出具的失窃报告中只注明物品价值而无原始发票表示异议,公安机关认为被盗单位已出具了证明就没有进行价格鉴证
C. 张某盗窃了小卖部的黄箭牌口香糖一盒(10枚装),公安机关认为该物品价值较低且张某对其价格无异议,就没有进行价格鉴证
D. 陈某盗窃案中,涉案物品价值难以确定,公安机关进行了价格鉴证    
A. 1次
B. 2次
C. 3次
D. 4次  
A. 违法嫌疑人
B. 被侵害人
C. 违法嫌疑人和被侵害人
D. 违法嫌疑人、被侵害人和有利害关系的人    
A. 违法嫌疑人
B. 被侵害人
C. 鉴定人或者鉴定机构
D. 公安机关  
A. 违法嫌疑人
B. 被侵害人
C. 证人
D. 以上三者均包括  
A. 办案人民警察、辨认人或见证人
B. 办案人民警察、辨认人和见证人
C. 办案人民警察、辨认人和被辨认人
D. 办案人民警察和辨认人  
A. 民警在对废品站检查时扣押了疑是赃物的井盖,除制作检查笔录外,还应当制作现场笔录
B. 办案民警在某棋牌室当场查获一起赌博案,由于有见证人在场,在制作证据保全决定书时,还应当由在场的见证人签名
C. 某小区发生一起盗窃案,被侵害人报警后,派出所扣押了被盗窃的水果一箱,因不易保管,所长决定对水果进行变卖,变卖款暂时保存在派出所
D. 民警依法扣押了陈某殴打他人的棒球棍。因为案情复杂,需要延长扣押期限,应当及时电话通知陈某,并说明理由  
A. 先行登记保存
B. 登记
C. 封存
D. 查封    
A. 对铁棍予以扣押,对铁锨予以登记
B. 对铁棍、铁锨均予以扣押
C. 对铁棍予以登记,对铁锨予以扣押
D. 对铁棍、铁锨均予以先行登记保存 
A. 听证期间届满时间为3月8日15时30分
B. 听证期间届满时间为3月8日16时 
C. 听证期间届满时间为3月7日
D. 听证期间届满时间为3月8日  
A. 吊销许可证           500元以上罚款    
B. 5日以上行政拘留      2000元以上罚款    
C. 10日以上行政拘留     500元以上罚款    
D. 吊销许可证           2000元以上罚款  
A. 10日以上的行政拘留
B. 罚款500元
C. 吊销公安机关发放的许可证
D. 驱逐出境   
A. 行政拘留10日      
B. 限期出境
C. 罚款3000元   
D. 驱逐出境   
A. 2000元以上
B. 3000元以上
C. 6000元以上
D. 10000元以上   
A. 6月23日
B. 6月24日
C. 6月25日
D. 6月26日    
A. 是否同意的决定
B. 中止听证的决定
C. 终止听证的决定
D. 延期听证的决定    
What should we do after exercise? ___
A. Stretch the muscles.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Maintain high body temperature.
D. Take a shower.
What shouldn’t we wear when we exercise? ___
A. Properly fitted sportswear.
B. Well-fitted sneakers.
C. Tight pants.
D. Sports bra for women.
Which of the following is NOT good for health? ___
A. Training with a friend.
B. Slack off a fitness regimen.
C. Keep our body hydrated.
D. Take small sips every few minutes.
What does the speaker do? ___
A. Public relations consultant.
B. Home cook.
C. Website administrator.
D. Writer.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s favorite breakfasts? ___
A. Egg.
B. Prosciutto.
C. Papaya.
D. Cabbage.
When do the students start learning Chinese? ___
A. Since kindergarten
B. Since elementary school
C. Since middle school
D. Since high school
When can the students continue studying Chinese? ___
A. In elementary school and middle school.
B. In middle school and high school.
C. In high school and university
D. After the university.
How many American students are currently learning Chinese? ___
A. About 22,000
B. About 24,000
C. About 44,000
D. About 2,400
How much did the Defense Department give Oregon schools? ___
A. $70,000
B. $1.3 million
C. $700,000
D. $1.3 billion
What’s Isabel Weiss’s purpose of learning Chinese? ___
A. For fun
B. For more opportunities for jobs
C. For more opportunities of making money
D. For more opportunities for promotions
What ability do the standardized tests reward to? ___
A. Think.
B. Create.
C. Quickly answer superficial questions.
D. Above all.
In what ways the IQ scores can be changed? ___
A. Training.
B. Nutrition.
C. More friendly people administered the test.
D. Above all
What do schools focus on? ___
A. Concepts.
B. Science.
C. Social Studies.
D. Foreign languages.
Why tests and standards are a necessary fact of life? ___
A. They protect us from hazardous products.
B. They protect us from inept drivers.
C. They protect us from shoddy professionals.
D. Above all.
How many percent did the scores on statewide tests rise? ___
A. 4%.
B. 14%.
C. 40%.
D. None.
What was the woman’s reaction when she was nominated? ___
A. She was surprised at the nomination.
B. She was calm at the nomination.
C. She was indifferent to the nomination.
D. She was scared of the nomination.
According to the woman, who paid for her trip to San Francisco? ___
A. Her trip to San Francisco was sponsored by the Academy.
B. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company.
C. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her family.
D. Her trip to San Francisco was paid for by herself.
What is the name of George Miller’s new movie? ___
A. Happy Feeling.
B. Happy Dancing.
C. Happy Foot.
D. Happy Feet.
Which name is not mentioned in the film? ___
A. Nicole Kidman.
B. Hugh Jackman.
C. George Clooney.
D. Robin Williams.
Which of the following statement is not true about “Life in the Freezer”? ___
A. It was a documentary film.
B. It was made by National Geographic and the BBC.
C. It was a story of the amazing life of Emperor penguins.
D. The
E. mperor penguin sang to each other to find a mate and made friends.
What should you do during a high-pressure periods? ___
A. Lock yourself in a room with your work.
B. Leave your work and go on a vocation.
C. Tell your boss you can’t finish your work.
D. Get together with people who will revitalize and inspire you.
Which of the following is the correct description of TempWorld? ___
A. The era of guaranteed jobs is history.
B. We are all temporary workers.
C. You have to equip yourself with the skills.
D. All of the above.
What should a career activist do? ___
A. Being a career activist means concentrating on daily business.
B. Being a career activist means you can do a business as long as it meets your short-term needs.
C. A career activist should take the long view of his career.
D. A career activist should plan everything in advance.
What should you do in the TempWorld? ___
A. In TempWorld you must withstand disappointment, juggle stressful situations, and handle pressure.
B. You must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future.
C. Things always go well for successful people because they are honest.
D. Both A and B.
Which of the following statements is Not True? ___
A. Your boss may be willing to change his behavior than your think.
B. Some managers don’t care how much their words or actions upset staffers.
C. You should tell your managers how their outbursts make you feel.
D. If the boss values your work, he may stop his abusiveness.
Which of the following public places is NOT mentioned that have banned mobiles? ___
A. restaurants
B. gas stations
C. theatres
D. museums
What happened when the cellphone of the speaker’s friend rang? ___
A. His friend answered the phone and the speaker became invisible to his friend.
B. They answered the phone together.
C. The speaker threw away his friend’s cellphone.
D. His friend hung up the phone and kept talking to the speaker. (C)
What happened to the man? ___
A. He had a car accident.
B. He had his arms broken.
C. He lost his mobile phone.
D. He was not able to use his mobile because he was in a remote area.
Which of the following is NOT true? ___
A. Today there are about 400 million cellphone owners.
B. Today there are about 300 million Personal Computer subscribers.
C. Cellphones will be more often used.
D. Cellphones will completely replace Personal Computers.
Which of the following is true? ___
A. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf stayed in her country during the nation’s civil war.
B. She is still working for the United Nations.
C. She is the first woman ever elected president of an Asian country.
D. She is a Liberia.
What do you know about the solar eclipse? ___
A. Only hundreds of people gazed at it.
B. It was caused by the earth passing in front of the moon.
C. It was not often seen.
D. It started in Mongolia and ended in Brazil.
What is true about this meeting between the USA and China? ___
A. It was a meeting between Xi Jinping and Donald Trump.
B. It was the first time that the Chinese president had visited the United States.
C. The issue of the Olympics was discussed.
D. South Korea’s nuclear weapons program was discussed.
In which year did the station’s first permanent crew arrived? ___
A. 1998
B. 2000
C. 2002
D. 2003
If elected, ________________. ___
A. Richardson would be the first Hispanic President.
B. Clinton would be the first African-American President.
C. Romney world be the first Hispanic President.
D. Clinton would be the first Mormon President.
What are the things that the speaker’s inner and outer life based on? ___
A. Money
B. Health
D. elicious food
What kind of things has its own reason for existing? ___
A. Questioning
B. The structure of reality
C. Curiosity
D. The mysteries of eternity
Who are so full of doubts? ___
A. Fools and fanatics
B. Wise people
C. Professors
D. University students
To the speaker, what kind of things always win in life? ___
A. Truth and love
B. Power and status
C. Great minds
D. Money and material
What’s the key word of the speaker? ___
A. Love
B. Power
C. Freedom
D. Curiosity
What happened to the man? ___
A. He committed identity theft.
B. He was put in prison.
C. He reported a case of theft to police.
D. He robbed a bank.