Which statement about the communication between interfaces on the same security level is true?___
A. Interfaces on the same security level require additional configuration to permit interinterface communication
B. Configuring interfaces on the same security level can cause asymmetric routing
C. All traffic is allowed by default between interfaces on the same security level
D. You can configure only one interface on a n individual security level
Which product can be used to provide application layer protection for tcp port 25 traffic?___
which iPS mode is less secure than other options but allows optimal network through put ?___
A. inline mode
B. inline-bypass mode
C. transparent mode
D. Promiscuous mode
Which feature of the Cisco Email security Appliance can mitigate the impact of snowshoe spam and sophisticated phishing attack?___
A. reputation based filtering
B. signature based IPS
C. contextual analysis
D. graymail management and filtering
Which type of social-engineering attack uses normal tele phone service as the attack vector?___
A. smishing
B. dialing
C. phishing
D. vishing
Which quantifiable item should you consider when you organization adopts new technologies?___
A. exploits
B. vulnerability
C. threat
D. Risk
Referencing the ClA model, in which scenario is a hash- only function most appropriate ?___
A. securing data at rest
B. securing real-time traffic
C. securing data in files
D. securing wireless transmissions
Which ports must be open between a aaa server and a microsoft server to permit Active Directory authentications?___
A. 445 and 389
B. 888 and 3389
C. 636 and 4445
D. 363 and 983
Refer to the exhibit for which reason is the tunnel unable to pass traffic___
A. the tunnel is failing to receive traffic from the remote peer
B. the local peer is unable to encrypt the traffic
C. the ip address of the remote peer is incorrect
D. UDP port 500 is blocked
Which type of attack can exploit design flaws in the implementation of an application without___
A. DHCP starvation attacks
B. low-rate dos attacks
C. application DDos flood attacks
D. application DDoS flood attacks
E. volume-based DDoS attacks
How can you protect CDP from reconnaissance attacks?___
A. Enable dynamic ARP inspection on all untrusted ports.
B. Enable dot1x on all ports that are connected to other switches.
D. isable CDP on ports connected to endpoints.
Which type of attack can exploit design flaws in the implementation of an application without ?___
A. DHCP starvation attacks
B. low-rate dos attacks
C. application DDos flood attacks
D. application DDoS flood attacks
E. volume-based DDoS attacks
Which option is a key security compone nt of and MDM deployment ?___
A. using network-specific installer packages
B. using an application tunnel by default
C. using self-signed certificates to validate the server
D. using MS-CHAPv2 as the primary
E. AP method
Which Firepower Management Center feature detects and block exploits and hack attempts?___
A. Content blocker
B. file control
C. intrusion prevention
D. advanced malware protection
hich description of the nonsecret numbers that are used to start a Diffie- Hellman exchange is ture?___
A. They are preconfigured prime integers.
B. They are large pseudorandom numbers.
C. They are very small numbers chosen from a table of known valuses
D. They are numeric values extracted from ha shed system hostnames
Which two characteristics of an application layer firewall are true?___
A. provides stateful firewal functionality
B. has low processor usage
C. provides protection for multiple applications
D. provides rever se proxy services
E. is immune to URL manipulation
Which two devices are components of the BYOD architectural framework?___
A. Nexus 7010 switch
B. Cisco 3945 Router
C. Identify Services Engine
D. Wireless Access oints
E. Prime Infrastructure
Which two actions can a zone based firewall take when looking at traffic? ___
A. forward
B. inspect
C. drop
D. broadcast
E. filter
n which two situations should you use in-band management?___
A. when management applications need concurrent access to the device
B. when you require administrator access from multiple locations
C. when a network device fails to forward packets
D. when you require ROMMON access
E. when the control plane fails to respond
What are two ways to prevent eavesdropping when you perform device management tasks?___
A. Use an SSH connection.
B. Use SNMPv3
C. Use out-of-band management
E. Use in-band management
Which two features are commonly used CoPP and CPPr to protect the control plane? ___
A. QoS
B. traffic classification
C. access lists
D. policy maps
E. class maps
F. Cisco Express Forwarding
Which four tunne ling prot ocols are enabled in the Dfit GrpPolicy group policy ?___
A. Clientless SSL VPN
B. SSL VPN Client
D. L2TP/IPsec
E. IPsec IKEv1
F. IPsec IKEv2
Which two statements regarding the aSA VPN configurations are correct?___
A. The asa has a certificate issued by an external certificate authority associated to the ASDM TrustPoint1
B. The Default WEBVPNGroup Connection Profile is using the aaa with RADIUS server method
C. The Inside-srvbook mark references the
D. Only Clientless SSL VPN access is allowed with the Sales group policy
E. Any Connect, IPSec IKEv1, and IPSec IKEv2 VPN access is enabled on the outside interface
F. The Inside -SRV bookmark has not been applied to the Sales group policy
Which three ESP fields can be encrypted during transmission?___
A. Security Parameter Index
B. Sequence Number
C. MAC Address
D. Padding
E. Pad length
F. Next Header
.Which three statements de scribe DHCP spoofing attacks?___
A. They can modify traffic in transit.
B. They are used to perform man- in-the-middle attacks
C. They use ARP poisoning
D. They can access most network devices
E. They protect the ide ntity of the attacker by masking the DHCP address.
F. They are can physically modify the network gateway.
Which statement about the communication between interfaces on the same security level is true?___
A. Interfaces on the same security level require additional configuration to permit interinterface communication
B. Configuring interfaces on the same security level can cause asymmetric routing
C. All traffic is allowed by default between interfaces on the same security level
D. You can configure only one interface on a n individual security level
In which two situations should you use in band management? ___
A. when the control plane fails to respond
B. when you require administrator access from multiple locations
C. when you require ROMMON access.
D. where a network device fails to forward packets
E. when multiple ma nagement applications need concument access to the device.
Which two features are supported in a VRF-aware softwar infrastructure before VRF-lite?___
A. multicast
B. fair queuing
.Which loS command do you enter to test authentication again a AAA server?___
A. dialer aaa suffix <suffix> password <password>
B. ppp authentication chap pap test
C. test aaa-server authentication dialer group user name <user> password <password>
D. aaa authentication enable default test group tacases
Which two statements about the self zone on a cisco Xone based policy firewall are true?___
A. Multiple interfaces can be assigned to the self zone
B. it supports stateful inspections for multicast traffic
C. zone pairs that include the self zone apply to traffic transiting the device.
D. it can be either the source zone or the destination zone
E. traffic entering the self zone must match a rule
Which type of attack can exploit design flaws in the implementation of an application without ?___
A. DHCP starvation attacks
B. low-rate dos attacks
C. application DDos flood attacks
D. application DDoS flood attacks
E. volume-based DDoS attacks
Which type of firewall can server as the interme diary between a client and a server ?___
A. Stateless firewall
B. application firewall
C. proxy firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the highest security level that can be configured for an interface on an ASA?___
A. 0
B. 50
C. 10
D. 200
Which term refers to the electromagnetic interference that can radiate from network cables?___
A. Gaussian distributions
B. Doppler waves
C. emanations
D. multimode distortion
How does a zone pair handle traffic if the policy de fination of the zone pair is missing?___
A. It inspects all traffic.
B. It drops all traffic.
C. It permits all traffic wihtout logging
D. It permits and logs all traffic
default how does a zone based firewall handle traffic to add from the self zone?___
A. It permits all traffic without inspection
B. It inspects all traffic to determine how it is handled
C. It permits all traffic after inspection
D. It frops all traffic
Which command should beused to ena ble AAA Authentication to determine if a user can access the privilege command level?___
A. aaa authentication enable local
B. aaa authentication enable level=
C. aaa authentication enable method de fault
D. aaa authentication enable defa ult local
On an ASA, the policy indicates that traffic should not be translated is often referred to as which of the following?___
A. NAT zero
B. NAT forward
C. NAT nul
D. NAT allow
Which protocol offers data Integrity encryption, authentication, and anti-replay functions for IPSec VPN?___
A. ESP protocol
B. IKEv3 Protocol
C. AH protoco
D. IKEv1 Protocol
Which component offers a variety of security Solution, including firwall, IF Antivirus and antiphishing features?___
A. Cisco loS router
B. Cisco ASA 5500 Ser ies security appliance
C. Cisco ASA 5500 X series Next Gen Security appliance
D. Cisco 4200 series IPS appliance
Refer to the exhibit, A Network Secur ity administrator check the ASa firewall NAT policy table rith show nat command, which statement is fails?___
A. There are only reverse translation matches for the REAL SERvER object
B. First policy in the Section 1 is a dynamic nat entry defined in the object configuration
C. NAT policy in section 2 is static entry de fined in the object configuration
D. Translation in Section 3 used when a connection does not matches any entries in first two sections
诈骗公私财物虽已达到“数额较大”的标准,但在一审宣判前全部退赃、退赔,且行为人认罪、悔罪的,对其可以(    )。___   
A. 不起诉
B. 免予刑事处罚
C. 减轻处罚
D. 从轻或减轻处罚
下列行为中,如数额较大,构成诈骗罪的有(  )。___  
A. 甲在某商场看中一套西服,便向售货员乙提出试穿。试穿时,甲趁乙与其他顾客说话之机将西服穿走
B. 甲假装在商场购买西服,售货员乙让其试穿西服,甲穿上西服后,对乙说:“我买西服需征得妻子的同意,我将身份证押在这里,如果妻子同意,我明天来交钱;如果妻子不同意,我明天还回西服。”乙同意甲将西服穿回家,但甲使用的是假身份证,次日根本没有送钱或还西服给乙
C. 洗衣店经理甲发现丙家的走廊上晒着西服,便欺骗本店临时工乙说:“丙要洗西服,但没有时间送来,你到丙家去将走廊上晒的西服取来。”乙信以为真,取来西服交给甲,甲将西服据为己有
D. 洗衣店经理甲发现丙家的走廊上晒着西服,便敲开丙家的门,欺骗丙家小保姆乙说:“我是洗衣店经理,你家主人丙打电话给我们说要洗西服,但没有时间送来,麻烦你将走廊上晒的西服取来给我。”乙信以为真,取来西服交给甲,甲将西服据为己有
利用发送短信、拨打电话、互联网等电信技术手段对不特定多数人实施诈骗,诈骗数额难以查证,应以诈骗罪(未遂)定罪处罚的情形有(   )。___  
A. 发送诈骗信息5000条以上的
B. 发送诈骗信息3000条以上的
C. 拨打诈骗电话500人次以上的
D. 拨打诈骗电话300人次以上的
行为人实施诈骗犯罪后,已将诈骗财物用于清偿债务或者转让给他人,其中应当依法追缴的有(    )。___    
A. 对方明知是诈骗财物而收取的
B. 对方善意取得诈骗财物的
C. 对方以明显低于市场的价格取得诈骗财物的
D. 对方取得诈骗财物系源于非法债务或者违法犯罪活动的
下列关于抢夺罪表述正确的是(  )。___   
A. 甲将仿真玩具手枪1支装在裤兜里埋伏在僻静处欲抢财物,恰巧乙边打电话边走了过来,甲见有机可乘,便迅速从暗处冲出抢了乙的手机就跑。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
B. 甲见一老农紧抱一包袱不放便欲抢走,甲用力拉扯包袱时,老农站立不稳栽倒在地跌成轻伤。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
C. 甲抢走乙的笔记本电脑1台,乙在后面猛追,甲见无法摆脱,便自恃身强体壮,将乙打倒,致乙重伤。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
D. 甲在火车站候车室见乙身旁的座位上有一精致的小包便上前拿了就跑,但实际上包是另一侧丙的,其当时正在打盹,后经人提醒才发现包不见了。甲的行为构成抢夺罪
抢夺公私财物达到“数额较大”的50%标准,具有下列(  )情形的,以抢夺罪处罚。___   
A. 抢夺残疾人、老年人、未成年人的财物的
B. 抢夺救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、扶贫、移民、救济款物的
C. 在医院抢夺病人财物
D. 利用行驶的机动车辆抢夺的
下列构成抢夺罪的有( )。___
A. 携带凶器抢夺
B. 一年内曾因抢夺受过行政处罚的
C. 抢夺公私财物,数额较大
D. 多次抢夺的
甲在街上看见乙的手包很鼓,以为包内有很多钱,遂跟踪乙。之后,乙到一商场购物,拉开手包拉链,甲看到露出多张百元面额的人民币。甲见财起意,又尾随乙至一人员稀少处,趁其不备,从乙手中抢走手包,逃之夭夭。甲打开手包发现,包内除现金4000元外,还有六四手枪一支。甲将手枪藏在家中。甲的行为构成(  )。___ 
A. 抢夺枪支罪
B. 抢夺罪
C. 抢劫罪
D. 非法持有枪支罪
下列有关职务侵占罪的表述,正确的是(  )。___  
A. 本罪的主体为特殊主体,即公司、企业或其他单位的人员,且这些人员不属于国家工作人员
B. 本罪在客观方面可以采用侵吞、盗窃、骗取等各种手段
C. 国有单位委派到非国有单位的从事公务的人员实施侵占行为的,不以本罪论
D. 主观上具有将本单位财物非法占为己有的目的
A. 小康村村民小组的赵组长利用职务便利,将村民小组集体所有的5万元人民币占为己有
B. 小张(不是A公司职员)与在A公司工作的同学相勾结,利用其同学的职务便利,共同将A公司的10万元货款非法占为己有
C. 被国有公司委派到国有资本控股公司从事公务的王某,利用职务上的便利,将本公司货款8万元非法占为己有
D. 公司董事李某利用职务便利,非法占有其他股东股权(价值6万元)
下列行为应以职务侵占罪论处的是( )。___   
A. 甲系某村民小组的组长,利用职务上的便利,将村民小组集体财产非法据为己有,数额较大
B. 乙为村委会主任,利用协助乡政府管理和发放救灾款物之机,将数额较大救灾款非法据为己有
C. 丙是某国有控股公司部门经理,利用职务上的便利,将本单位数额较大的公款非法据为己有
D. 丁与某私营企业的部门经理李某内外勾结,利用李某职务上的便利,共同将该单位数额较大的资金非法据为己有
在挪用资金罪中,对“挪用本单位资金归个人使用或者借贷给他人”的理解,正确的是(  )。___
A. 挪用本单位资金归本人使用
B. 挪用本单位资金给其他自然人使用  
C. 个人决定以单位名义将挪用资金供其他单位使用,谋取个人利益的
D. 挪用人以个人名义将所挪用的资金借给其他单位的
  236、甲见丙有钱,遂见财起意,找到乙共谋勒索丙的钱财。因甲与丙的儿子丁(17周岁)相识,某日下午,甲将丁邀到一家游乐场游玩,然后授意乙给丙打电话。乙打电话称丁被绑架,令丙赶快送3万元现金到约定地点,不许报警,否则杀死丁。丙担心儿子的生命安全而未报警,将3万元现金送往约定地点交给乙。乙取得钱后通知甲,甲随后与丁分手回家。下列表述正确的是(  )。___  
A. 甲和乙构成绑架罪
B. 甲和乙构成敲诈勒索罪
C. 甲和乙属于共同犯罪
D. 甲是主犯,乙是从犯
敲诈勒索公私财物,“数额较大”的标准可以按照当地基本标准的50%确定的情形包括( )。___ 
A. 1年内曾因敲诈勒索受过行政处罚的    
B. 以黑恶势力名义敲诈勒索的
C. 对残疾人敲诈勒索的
D. 冒充新闻工作者敲诈勒索的
敲诈勒索构成犯罪的基本行为要件包括(  )。___ 
A. 敲诈勒索公私财物价值数额较大的
B. 2年内敲诈勒索3次以上的
C. 1年内敲诈勒索3次以上的
D. 携带凶器敲诈勒索的
某小区收费供暖,但温度只有11度左右,甲的孩子(9个月)经常被冻病。甲多次找物业都不能给解决,有一天晚上甲和朋友(一个小区的)喝酒回来就去锅炉房找锅炉工,理论一番无果,一气之下把锅炉室的配电柜表砸碎,将变压器毁坏,导致整个小区供暖中断,并将烧锅炉的乙打成轻伤。关于甲的行为,下列说法正确的是(  )。___ 
A. 构成故意毁坏财物罪
B. 构成破坏生产经营罪
C. 构成故意伤害罪
D. 应当数罪并罚
下列关于罪名认定说法正确的是(   )。___ 
A. 张某出于泄愤报复,纠集3名同伙毁坏农田灌溉设备,构成破坏生产经营罪
B. 刘某因对村干部不满,毁坏村里用于集体生产的机器设备,造成经济损失20000元,刘某的行为构成故意毁坏财物罪
C. 王某因与邻居产生过节,故意砸坏邻居家的汽车,造成其邻居直接经济损失5万元,王某的行为构成故意毁坏财物罪
D. 孙某故意毁坏尚未投入使用的公共电信设施,造成公私财物损失10000元,孙某的行为构成故意毁坏财物罪
甲走私香烟被缉私人员发现,为逃避抓捕,其驾驶船只猛撞缉私艇,致使2名缉私人员掉入海里受轻伤。甲的行为构成(  )。___
A. 走私普通货物、物品罪
B. 妨害公务罪
C. 故意伤害罪
D. 过失伤害罪
故意阻碍(  )工作任务,未使用暴力、威胁方法,造成严重后果的,依照妨害公务罪的规定处罚。___  
A. 审判机关依法执行审判    
B. 检察机关依法执行检察
C. 公安机关依法执行国家安全
D. 国家安全机关依法执行国家安全
下列应当从重处罚的是(  )。___  
A. 暴力袭击正在依法执行职务的人民警察的
B. 多次实施诈骗的
C. 组织、强迫未成年人卖淫的
D. 司法工作人员利用职权伙同他人以捏造的事实提起民事诉讼,逃避合法债务的
244招摇撞骗罪,是指冒充国家机关工作人员进行招摇撞骗,以谋取非法利益的行为。这种行为包括(  )。___  
A. 非国家机关工作人员冒充国家机关工作人员
B. 此种国家机关工作人员冒充他种国家机关工作人员的身份或职称
C. 冒充高干子弟
D. 冒充党员、团员、烈士子弟
甲、乙、丙、丁四人共谋弄钱,该四人伪造了警官证等证件后,在宾馆和洗浴中心附近守候,见有成年男性出来就向该人出示证件,称其在宾馆和洗浴中心实施了嫖娼的非法活动,对其进行罚款,先后有10余人交纳“罚款”共计5000元。下列表述正确的是(  )。___  
A. 甲、乙、丙、丁构成招摇撞骗罪   
B. 甲、乙、丙、丁构成诈骗罪
C. 甲、乙、丙、丁属于共同犯罪
D. 对甲、乙、丙、丁应当从重处罚
王某假冒人民警察,称能找关系把李某(女)的弟弟(因盗窃被逮捕)放出来,李某信以为真,王某即趁机多次和李某发生性关系。后王某的身份被李某识破,王某不顾李某反抗多次将其奸淫。下列说法正确的是( )。___  
A. 王某构成招摇撞骗罪
B. 王某构成强奸罪
C. 对王某以招摇撞骗罪和强奸罪数罪并罚   
D. 王某冒充人民警察招摇撞骗,应从重处罚
甲模仿了有权签发机动车行驶证负责人丁的签字后,签发了5本机动车行驶证,交给乙,乙将该5本机动车行驶证分别卖给了不同的买家,案发后,甲、乙二人到案。对甲、乙二人行为定性准确的是(  )。___  
A. 对甲的行为以伪造国家机关证件罪定罪处罚   
B. 对乙的行为以买卖国家机关证件罪定罪处罚 
C. 对甲的行为以买卖国家机关证件罪的共犯定罪处罚 
D. 对乙的行为以掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪定罪处罚
李某为了对张某实施诈骗而伪造驾驶证,并用伪造的证件诈骗张某钱物2万余元。下列表述正确的有(  )。___  
A. 李某涉嫌伪造国家机关证件罪  
B. 李某涉嫌诈骗罪  
C. 对李某应以诈骗罪定罪处罚  
D. 对李某应以伪造国家机关证件罪定罪处罚
以下行为中应以伪造、变造国家机关公文、证件罪定罪处罚的有(  )。___  
A. 伪造、变造各级人民政府设立的行使行政管辖权的临时性机构的公文、证件  
B. 伪造、变造国家机关颁发的野生动物允许进出口证明书、特许猎捕证、狩猎证、驯养繁殖许可证等公文、证件构成犯罪
C. 伪造、变造机动车行驶证、登记证书  
D. 伪造、变造居民身份证
关于伪造、贩卖伪造的高等院校学历、学位证明的案件,以下说法正确的是(  )。___   
A. 伪造高等院校印章制作学历、学位证明的,以伪造事业单位印章罪定罪处罚  
B. 明知是伪造高等院校印章制作的学历、学位证明而贩卖的,以伪造事业单位印章罪的共犯论处  
C. 明知是伪造高等院校印章制作的学历、学位证明而贩卖的,以买卖国家机关公文、证件罪定罪处罚  
D. 明知是伪造高等院校印章制作的学历、学位证明而购买、使用的,以伪造事业单位印章罪的共犯论处
下列行构成犯罪的是( )。___ 
A. 甲伪造居民身份证
B. 乙伪造护照
C. 丙变造社会保障卡
D. 丁买卖驾驶证
  252、下列行为构成犯罪的是( )。___  
A. 甲使用伪造的居民身份证,情节严重
B. 乙使用伪造的护照,情节严重
C. 丙使用变造的社会保障卡,情节严重
D. 丁盗用他人的驾驶证,情节严重
下列行为构成犯罪的是(   )。___  
A. 甲为他人组织国家司法考试作弊提供作弊器材
B. 乙为实施高考作弊,向他人出售司法考试的试题、答案
C. 丙代替他人参加高考
D. 丁找他人代替自己参加高考
以下行为构成编造虚假信息罪的是( )。___   
A. 甲致电某航空公司,谎称该公司某航班上被安放了炸弹,导致某航班紧急迫降
B. 乙通过短信传播当地小学发生砍杀学生事件的谣言,导致大批学生家长涌向学校,教学活动被迫中断
C. 丙看到国外发生疑似邮寄炭疽病毒进行恐怖袭击的新闻,遂用粉笔末冒充炭疽病毒向本市多个政府机关寄送,致使当地政府采取紧急防疫措施,严重扰乱社会秩序
D. 丁在人流高峰期挤不上地铁,情急之下大喊:“有人拿刀砍人啦!快跑啊”,引发群体恐慌,多人受伤入院治疗,地铁公司被迫紧急疏散乘客,地铁运输一度中断
下列行为,情节恶劣,可以寻衅滋事罪追究刑事责任的是(    )。___
A. 随意殴打他人
B. 恐吓他人
C. 追逐、辱骂他人
D. 拦截、恐吓他人
周某路上遇到素不相识的徐某,看其不顺眼,进行挑衅辱骂,并用随身携带的尖刀向徐某刺了一刀,致其轻伤。周某的行为属于(  )。___  
A. 故意伤害罪
B. 寻衅滋事罪
C. 直接故意
D. 间接故意
下列人员,构成赌博罪,应当从重处罚的是(  )。___
A. 甲具有国家工作人员身份
B. 乙组织国家工作人员赴境外赌博
C. 丙组织未成年人参与赌博
D. 丁开设赌场吸引未成年人参与赌博
下列关于赌博犯罪的说法正确的有(  )。___
A. 以营利为目的,在计算机网络上建立赌博网站,或者为赌博网站担任代理,接受投注的,属于《刑法》规定的“开设赌场”                                                          
B. 中华人民共和国公民在我国领域外周边地区聚众赌博、开设赌场,以吸引中华人民共和国公民为主要客源,构成赌博罪的,可以依照《刑法》规定追究刑事责任                                                                               
C. 明知他人实施赌博犯罪活动,而为其提供资金、计算机网络、通讯、费用结算等直接帮助的,以赌博罪的共犯论处                                                                    
D. 通过赌博或者为国家工作人员赌博提供资金的形式实施行贿、受贿行为,构成犯罪的,依照《刑法》关于赌博犯罪的规定定罪处罚
A. 张某建立赌博网站并接受投注   
B. 李某建立赌博网站并提供给他人组织赌博    
C. 王某为赌博网站担任代理并接受投注   
D. 赵某参与赌博网站利润分成
甲将乙打致轻微伤。乙在住院期间通过丙找到医生丁,要求其扩大自己的伤口长度,并伪造了病历,因而导致乙的法医鉴定为轻伤,后甲被公安机关刑事拘留,几日后,经公安机关侦查查明事实真相。关于本案,下列说法正确的是(  )。___  
A. 丁构成伪证罪  
B. 丁不构成伪证罪  
C. 丁构成帮助伪造证据罪   
D. 丁不构成帮助伪造证据罪
曹某系个体商贩,某日曾与其一起服过刑的高某找到他,拿出3万元现金让曹某为其保管。当曹问“是什么钱”时,高某做了一个“偷”的手势,让其不要多问。半个月后,高某取走2万元,数日后交给曹某一个塑料纸包,说是“白面”(毒品),找到买主就取走。后高某被公安机关查获。按其交代,公安民警从曹某处起获毒品和剩余的1万元现金。经核实,高某交给曹某的3万元现金确系盗窃所得。曹某的行为构成(  )。___  
A. 窝藏毒品罪
B. 非法持有毒品罪 
C. 掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪 
D. 包庇毒品犯罪分子罪
拒不执行判决、裁定罪中人民法院的判决、裁定包括人民法院为依法执行(    )等所作的裁定。___
A. 支付令  
B. 生效的调解书  
C. 仲裁裁决  
D. 公证债权文书
被告人王某决定拒不执行法院判决,抢在判决书生效前将法院查封的2万余斤苹果转卖他人,致使判决无法执行。关于王某的行为,下列说法正确的是(  )。___   
A. 涉嫌拒不执行判决、裁定罪  
B. 涉嫌非法处置查封的财产罪 
C. 同时涉嫌拒不执行判决、裁定罪和非法处置查封的财产罪,择一重处 
D. 主观方面表现为故意