简易程序的适用条件是( )
A. 罚款和警告的行政处罚
B. 对公民处以50元以下,对法人或者其他组织处以1000元以下罚款或者警告的行政处罚
C. 当事人无异议
D. 当事人同意履行处罚
关于询问笔录,下列说法错误的是( )
A. 询问笔录应当写明进行询问的起止时间
B. 询问人应当详细记录所有问题,以免挂一漏万
C. 询问笔录应当写明被询问人的基本情况
D. 询问笔录正文的第一句,一般应写明执法人员向被询问人表明身份,并告知被询问人的权利、义务
关于行政处罚决定书的送达,下列说法错误的是:( )
A. 行政处罚决定书应当在宣告后当场交付当事人
B. 宣告决定时当事人不在场的,行政机关应当在七日内将行政处罚决定书送达当事人
C. 宣告决定时当事人不在场的,行政机关应当依照行政诉讼法的有关规定将行政处罚决定书送达当事人
D. 宣告决定时当事人不在场的,行政机关应当依照民事诉讼法的有关规定将行政处罚决定书送达当事人
根据行政处罚的一般程序,行政机关进行调查取证,下列说法错误的是:( )
A. 执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,应当回避
B. 执法人员应当向当事人或者有关人员出示证件
C. 执法人员询问或者检查应当制作笔录
D. 执法人员可以一人进行调查或者检查
上级机关以决定的方式指定下一级行政机关对某一行政处罚行使管辖权的是( )
A. 地域管辖
B. 职权管辖
C. 级别管辖
D. 指定管辖
关于行政处罚的听证程序,下列说法错误的是:( )
A. 听证笔录应当交当事人审核无误后签字或者盖章
B. 听证由行政机关指定的非本案调查人员主持
C. 为保证行政处罚公开,听证一律公开进行
D. 当事人可以委托代理人参加听证
送达回证中最关键的内容是( )
A. 签收人及收件日期
B. 送达文件名称及编号
C. 送达人姓名
D. 送达的具体方式
某县卫生行政部门因某饭馆的卫生质量存在问题,遂以违反《公共场所卫生管理条例》为由,对其作出吊销卫生许可证的处罚决定。这一行为属于( )
A. 行政处罚
B. 行政强制措施
C. 行政强制执行
D. 行政检查
李某因违规驾驶被交通警察房某口头作出罚款200元的处罚决定,并要求当场缴纳。李某要求出具书面处罚决定和罚款收据,房某拒绝。关于该处罚决定,下列说法正确的是:( )
A. 该处罚决定不能成立
B. 该处罚决定有效
C. 该处罚决定可撤销
D. 该处罚决定无效
当事人被处以罚款,但其确有经济困难,经本人申请和行政机关批准,可以( )
A. 免除罚款
B. 适当减少罚款数额
C. 暂缓或者分期缴纳
D. 变更行政处罚
执法人员当场收缴的罚款,应当交至( )
A. 行政机关
B. 财政部门
C. 指定的银行
D. 人民法院
关于行政处罚法律文书的法律依据的引用,下列说法错误的是( )
A. 确认行为违法的依据与进行处罚的依据均要予以区分
B. 同时适用二个以上处罚依据的,相互之间应当排除矛盾
C. 处罚依据应当写明具体的条、款、项
D. 处罚依据可用该依据的文号来代替
下列选项中,违法事实确凿,行政机关可以当场处罚的有( )
A. 驾驶员甲某违章驾车,对其罚款人民币50元
B. 市民乙某故意毁坏绿化标志,对其罚款100元
C. 丙企业销售变质食品,对其罚款1500元
D. 丁企业违反劳动安全法规,对其责令停产整顿
某县村民胡某生产假酒进行销售,致使多位村民中毒,对身体造成严重危害。受害人向该县工商局举报,县工商局后认为胡某的行为已经构成犯罪。对此,县工商局应当( )
A. 对胡某进行最严厉的行政处罚
B. 自行侦察,然后移送司法机关
C. 立即移送司法机关,由司法机关依法追究胡某的刑事责任
D. 对胡某进行行政处罚,然后移送司法机关
关于行政处罚决定书,下列说法错误的是( )
A. 当事人的姓名或单位的名称应当书写完整
B. 适用法律法规的名称应当写全称
C. 罚款的数额及履行期限应当使用中文大写数字
D. 可以加盖行政机关或者承办机构的印章
某音像店被人举报曾销售盗版音像制品,县工商局经查实,该店是在两年前曾代人销售过盗版音像制品200盘,获利1000元。对此行为,县工商局应当( )
A. 给予行政处罚
B. 不再给予行政处罚
C. 从轻处罚
D. 减轻处罚
法律文书的制作中,如果对财物的数量记录不清,可能会造成( )不清。
A. 认定事实
B. 事实理由
C. 处理理由
D. 适用依据
1997年5月,万达公司凭借一份虚假验资报告在某省工商局办理了增资的变更登记,此后连续四年通过了工商局的年检。2001年7月,工商局以办理变更登记时提供虚假验资报告为由对万达公司作出罚款1万元,责令提交真实验资报告的行政处罚决定。2002年4月,工商局又作出撤销公司变更登记,恢复到变更前状态的决定。2004年6月,工商局又就同一问题作出吊销营业执照的行政处罚决定。关于工商局的行为,下列说法正确的是( )
A. 2001年7月工商局的处罚决定违反了行政处罚法关于追溯时效的规定
B. 2002年4月工商局的处罚决定违反了一事不再罚原则
C. 2004年6月工商局的处罚决定是对前两次处罚决定的补充和修改,属于合法的行政行为
D. 对于万达公司拒绝纠正自己违法行为的情形,工商局可以违法行为处于持续状态为由作出处罚
当事人对行政处罚决定不服申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的,下列说法正确的是( )
A. 行政处罚暂停执行
B. 行政处罚不停止执行,法律另有规定的除外
C. 对提起行政复议的,行政处罚停止执行;对提起行政诉讼的,行政处罚不停止执行
D. 对提起行政诉讼的,行政处罚停止执行;对提起行政复议的,行政处罚不停止执行
在行政处罚听证程序中,行政机关应当在听证的( )前,通知当事人举行听证的时间、地点。
行政机关对当事人进行处罚时,当事人当场拒收的,行政执法人员首先采取的送达方式( )
A. 留置送达
B. 邮寄送达
C. 委托送达
D. 公告送达
行政处罚法律文书制作的合法性,包括两层意思,一是必须由( )制作,二是要依法制作
A. 法人
B. 行政机关
C. 法定的行政执法主体
D. 司法机关
关于行政处罚事先告知书和行政处罚听证告知书,下列说法中正确的是( )
A. 这两种文书的适用条件相同
B. 这两种文书的适用条件不同
C. 对符合听证条件的案件,应当先制作行政处罚事先告知书,再制作行政处罚听证告知书
D. 这两种文书的制作单位一定不同
工人李某骑自行车误闯红灯,被执勤交警发现当场作出罚款20元的处罚决定。下列说法正确的是( )
A. 本案不可以适用当场处罚程序
B. 李某应到指定银行缴纳罚款
C. 李某申辩,可能提高罚款额
D. 李某应当当场交纳罚款
李某因销售变质的食品而被当地区卫生局拟处以罚款1万元,李某不服,可以在法定期限内要求( )举行听证。
A. 市卫生局
B. 区卫生局
C. 市人民政府
D. 区人民政府
行政机关对当事人进行处罚时使用非财政部门的罚款收据的,当事人( )
A. 有权拒绝缴纳罚款
B. 应当缴纳罚款
C. 应先接受处罚,然后再依法申请行政复议或提起行政诉讼
D. 应先接受处罚,然后可以向其上级行政机关进行检举
王某擅自在海上捕鱼,被某县渔政执法人员发现,当场对王某作出罚款50元的行政处罚,并当场收缴了该罚款。关于收缴的罚款,下列说法正确的是( )
A. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起2日内将罚款交至指定银行
B. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起5日内将罚款交至指定银行
C. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起2日内将罚款交至所在行政机关,由行政机关在2日内缴付指定银行
D. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起5日内将罚款交至所在行政机关,由行政机关在5日内缴付指定银行
某县交警大队以赵某酒后驾车为由,依法暂扣赵某1个月的驾驶执照。这一行为属于( )
A. 行政检查
B. 行政强制措施
C. 行政强制执行
D. 行政处罚
行政执法人员对法人或者其他组织作出( )以下罚款或者警告的行政处罚的,可以当场作出行政处罚决定。
A. 1000元
B. 2000元
C. 3000元
D. 5000元
My hands and feet were ___ with cold as I waited for the bus.
A. cliff
B. still
C. stiff
D. stick
The Foreign Minister made an excellent ___ on the current international situation.
A. committee
B. command
C. comment
D. commission
Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ___ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignment
C. exception
D. access
My father seemed to be in no ___ to look at my school report.
A. mood
B. emotion
C. attitude
D. feeling
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. endangered
D. threatening
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. concept
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. evaluating
C. calculating
D. computing
When he opened the door, he used too much force and ___ the key.
A. trailed
B. varied
C. wicked
D. twisted
I’m very sorry to have ___ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A. offended
B. impressive
C. bothered
D. interfered
It is sometimes difficult for young people from the countryside to ___ well to life in the big city.
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordination
Our guide gave us a detailed ___of this painting but we still do not understand.
A. authority
B. interpretation
C. instruction
D. institution
If you want to ___ the wood, cut it with the grain, not against it.
A. break
B. burn
C. split
D. divide
They have a stronger ___ of the importance of economic incentives.
A. appreciation
B. learning
C. conception
D. idea
I believe I am capable of ___ the political consequences accurately.
A. guessing
B. betting
C. calculating
D. computing
30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently ___ with extinction.
A. treated
B. threatened
C. danger
D. threatening
Workers should occasionally walk around, ___ and avoid prolonged periods at the desk.
A. pull
B. lengthen
C. strain
D. stretch
These companies often encounter many ___ impediments to investment.
A. invisible
B. edible
C. feasible
D. capable
Running a kitchen ___a great deal of discipline and speed.
A. including
B. involving
C. involves
D. composes
He had an ___ at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.
A. engagement
B. engage
C. contract
D. promise
I think I would have died of ___.
A. embarrass
B. embarrassing
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassment
He saw the publication of this book as an embarrassing invasion of his ___.
A. secret
B. privacy
C. private
D. piracy
The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 2020. ___ a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
B. ecause B. Nevertheless
C. Hence
D. Therefore
Stratford police refuse to comment ___ whether anyone has been arrested.
A. about
B. on
C. at
D. with
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ___ to the change.
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. accustom
D. adept
The company has launched a campaign of television ___ and leaflets.
A. commercials
B. commences
C. commerce
D. commercialization
The general secretary may ___ the president at official ceremonies.
A. present
B. represent
C. representative
D. stand
He ___ her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
A. dragged
B. pulled
C. stretched
D. twisted
Suppose that when I come back in ten years’ time all these old houses ___ down.
A. will have been pulled
B. will have pulled
C. will be pulling
D. will be pulled
The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I ___ to it.
A. have not gone
B. did not go
C. had not gone
D. should not have gone
An investigation was made into the accident ___ fifty people were killed.
A. for that
B. where
C. when
D. in which
___ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.
A. Dissatisfying thoroughly
B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied
C. To dissatisfy thoroughly
D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied
She was so angry that she felt like ___ something at him.
A. to throw
B. to have thrown
C. throwing
D. having thrown
If you want to know the train schedule, please ___ at the booking office.
A. acquire
B. inquire
C. request
D. require
My brother’s plans are very ___; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.
A. arbitrary
B. aggressive
C. ambitious
D. abundant
Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ___.
A. capacity
B. strength
C. length
D. possibility
Water and air are ___ to human beings. We cannot live without them.
A. harbor
B. function
C. definite
D. essential