CPU用户卡(包括储值卡和记账卡)卡号由卡片网络编号(4位)+CPU卡内部编号(16位),共20位数字组成。其中卡片网络编号的前两位表示 。___
A. 运营商序号
B. 省级行政区划代码
C. 卡片类型
D. 初始化星期
根据《公路电子不停车收费联网运营与服务规范》要求,ETC专用形象标识的基础色为 。___
ETC全国联网区域内所有ETC关键设备应符合国家和行业现行有关标准规定,并必须通过具备相关检测资质的 机构的型式检验。___
A. 第三方检测
B. 国家中心检测
C. 各省中心检测
D. 发行方检测
工作车不论是否安装ETC车载设备,其免费区间、有效期均按现行规定执行,由 审批,超出免费区间、有效期的正常缴费。___
A. 该单位负责人
B. 上级行业主管部门
C. 联网公司
D. 该单位责任部门
我省收费系统按照交通运输部 的相关要求,为军车提供通行服务。___
A. 《军车使用ETC系统技术要求》
B. 《全国高速公路电子不停车收费联网总体技术方案》
C. 《公路电子不停车收费联网运营服务与规范》
D. 《收费公路联网电子不停车收费技术要求》
按照《河南省高速公路收费站电子不停车收费(ETC)技术要求》规定,ETC车道系统中交易可靠性,应满足正常ETC车辆以 的速度通过ETC车道,每千笔交易不能有多于3次错误的性能指标要求。___
A. 10km/h
B. 20km/h
C. 30km/h
D. 40km/h
对于一个省内存在多个发行方主体的情况,省中心应指导各发行主体在发行用户卡时,每个发行主体的 应明确且唯一,以保证的用户卡网络编号以及发行方标识的唯一性。___
A. 运营商标识
B. 初始化年份
C. 初始化星期
D. 省级行政区划代码
ETC异地充值是指,当充值交易的 与发行方属不同省(区、市),则该笔交易称为异地充值。___
A. 发行方
B. 合作银行
C. 服务网点
D. 受理渠道
省级联网收费系统接入全国联网系统前,或联网省份内联网收费系统进行升级改造会影响到全国联网运营时,应通过 组织的入网测试。___
A. 国家中心
B. 省中心
C. 道路业主
D. 发行方
ETC设备。 ___
A. 不少于3入3出6条, 不少于2入2出4套
B. 不少于4入4出8条, 不少于3入3出6套
C. 不少于3入3出6条, 不少于3入3出6套
D. 不少于4入4出8条, 不少于4入4出8套
按照ETC全国联网运营基础保障要求,各省应建立收费系统运行监测体系,实时监测省内 运行情况,并按要求向国家中心报送监测数据。___
A. 收费车道
B. 省中心服务器
C. 监控室服务器D. 车道天线
ETC全国联网运营基础保障要求,各收费站应加强数据传输监控,具备 手段,确保数据传输安全、准确、及时。___
A. 应急传输
B. 双线传输
C. 防灾备份
D. U盘备份
根据《公路电子不停车收费联网运营和服务规范》规定,我省高速公路运营管理单位 内未能将黑名单下发到车道,造成某黑名单车辆通行高速公路,所产生的通行费损失由该单位承担。___
A. 16小时
B. 12小时
C. 8小时
D. 6小时
部级消费PSAM卡如有丢失,申请单位应在 个工作日内以书面形式报至河南省高速公路联网监控收费通信服务有限公司。___
A. Internet
B. 国家信息基础设施
C. 智能化高速公路建设
D. 高速公路的信息化建设
A. 国家网信部门
B. 国务院电信主管部门
C. 公安部门
D. 以上均是
A. 每两年
B. 每年
C. 每半年
D. 每季度
A. 发布 收集 分析 事故处理
B. 收集 分析 管理 应急处置
C. 收集 分析 通报 应急处置
D. 审计 转发 处置 事故处理
A. 网络安全事件应急预案
B. 网络安全事件补救措施
C. 网络安全事件应急演练方案
D. 网站安全规章制度
A. 系统上线、检修和漏洞修复三个关键节点
B. 系统交付、投运和漏洞消控三个关键节点
C. 系统上线、运行和漏洞消控三个关键节点
D. 系统开发、投运和补丁修复三个关键节点
A. 信息采集设备
B. 信息处理设备
C. 信息提供设备
D. 通信设备
A. 信息采集系统
B. 信息处理系
C. 信息提供系统
D. 通信系统
A. 监控中心
B. 信息提供
C. 外场设备
D. 管线
A. 省级监控中心—路段监控分中心
B. 省级监控中心—基层监控单元
C. 路段监控分中心—基层监控单元—省级监控中心
D. 省级监控中心—路段监控分中心—基层监控单元
A. 信息采集设备
B. 信息发布设备
C. 视频监控设备
D. 系统控制设备
A. 采集交通流数据
B. 交通组织
C. 信息的分析与处理
D. 执行控制策略
A. 光亮度检测器
B. 烟雾检测器
C. CO检测器
D. 能见度检测器
A. 发光单级管
B. 发光二级管
C. 发光三级管
D. 液晶显示器
A. 调焦功能
B. 变倍功能
C. 雨刷功能
D. 切换功能
A. 150m 信息板、固定标志、补光灯、有线广播
B. 250m 信息板、固定标志、报警灯、有线广播
C. 150m 视频设备、固定标志、补光灯、有线广播
D. 250m 视频设备、固定标志、报警灯、有线广播
A. 感应线圈检测器、微波检测器
B. 视频车辆检测器、红外检测器
C. 感应线圈检测器、视频车辆检测器
D. 微波检测器、红外检测器
A. 服务攻击
B. 拒绝服务攻击
C. 被动攻击
D. 非服务攻击
A. 公共结合
B. 公专结合
C. 自由结合
D. 上下结合
A. 养护施工
B. 车辆违章
C. 高速公路封闭信息
D. 突发状况
网络安全法中网络运行安全规定,国家实行____制度 。___
A. 网络安全行政级别
B. 网络安全等级保护
C. 网络安全分层
D. 网络安全结构
A. 网络监听,加密技术
B. 网络扫描,防火墙技术
C. 网络后门,操作系统的安全配置
D. 协同检查点恢复,入侵检测
各级党组织和广大党员要保持锐意进取的精神风貌,进一步______,做到登高望远、居安思危,勇于变革、勇于创新、永不僵化、永不停滞。 ___
A. 解放思想、实事求是
B. 实事求是、与时俱进
C. 解放思想、与时俱进
D. 与时俱进、求真务实
增强科学发展本领,要不断增强我国经济创新力和竞争力,不断开创______新局面。 ___
____是新的历史条件下党执政的基本方式。 ___
A. 执法必严
B. 有法可依
C. 依法执政
D. 违法必究
马克思主义政党学说的基本原则是___。 ___
A. 无产阶级掌握国家政权的最高权力
B. 无产阶级执政党必须坚持党对国家政权的最高领导权
C. 工人阶级掌握国家政权的最高权力
D. 无产阶级执政党必须坚持人民对国家政权的最高领导权
党领导的事业越是伟大,就越要加强___,就越要把党锻造为合格的最高政治领导力量。 ___
A. 党的队伍
B. 党的理论
C. 党的组织
D. 党的建设
创新____体制机制和方式方法,要既服务群众,又带领群众坚定不移贯彻落实党的理论和路线方针政策。 ___
A. 群众工作
B. 群众路线
C. 群众发展
D. 群众观念
列宁曾多次强调:“____是直接执政的无产阶级先锋队,是领导者。” ___
增强______本领要加快形成覆盖党的领导和党的建设各方面的党内法规制度体系。 ___
A. 执法必严
B. 依规治党
C. 依法执政
D. 法制建设
要把党的____确定的夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利宏伟蓝图变为现实,关键是要狠抓落实。 ___
A. 十六大
B. 十七大
C. 十八大
D. 十九大
A. 执政地位
B. 首创地位
C. 国际地位
D. 社会地位
中国共产党要把______这场伟大的革命进行好,党必须进行自我革命,全面增强党的执政本领。 ___
A. 新时代经济体制改革
B. 新时代政治体制改革
C. 新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义
D. 新时代中国改革开放
A. 理论依据
B. 必由之路
C. 根本保障
D. 行动指南
A. 得民心者得天下
B. 坚持和完善党的领导的体制机制
C. 学习达国家的经验
D. 选举优秀领导人
增强面对新时代新使命,必须在全党营造善于学习、勇于实践的浓厚氛围,建设马克思主义____政党。 ___
A. 人民型
B. 事业型
C. 研究型
D. 学习型
必须坚持党的( ),既要充分发扬民主,又要善于集中。 ___
A. 集中民主制
B. 民主集中制
C. 多党合作制
D. 全民民主制
党是最高政治领导力量,是推进伟大事业的( )保证。 ___
According to one study, what do green spaces do to people? ___
A. Improve their work efficiently.
B. Add to their sustained happiness.
C. Help them build a positive attitude towards life.
D. Lessen their concerns about material well-being.
What does Dr. White say people usually do to make themselves happier? ___
A. Earn more money.
B. Settle in an urban area.
C. Gain fame and popularity.
D. Live in a green environment.
What does Dr. White try to find out about living in a greener urban area? ___
A. How it affects different people.
B. How strong its positive effect is.
C. How long its positive effect lasts.
D. How it benefits people physically.
What did Dr. White’s research reveal about people living in a green environment? ___
A. Their stress was more apparent than real.
B. Their decisions required less deliberation.
C. Their memories were greatly strengthened.
D. Their communication with others improved.
According to Dr. White, what should the government do to build more green spaces in cities? ___
A. Find financial support.
B. Improve urban planning.
C. Involve local residents in the effort.
D. Raise public awareness of the issue.
The survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation is mentioned to illustrate the idea that . ___
A. kids don’t always follow parents’ rules
B. only few parents believe the good news
C. much media use results in bad health
D. parents’ rules make a huge difference
What did the kids do when parents set any time or content limits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation? ___
A. They cut down on their screen time.
B. They appreciated their parents’ love.
C. They spent more time staying outdoor.
D. They accepted parents’ rules unwillingly.
What will Kenneth Ginsburg most probably suggest that parents should do? ___
A. Avoid setting firm rules.
B. Avoid ruling with an iron grip.
C. Set rules after family discussion.
D. Set rules that are easy to understand.
Margaret Broe -Fitzpatrick finds it impossible. ___
A. to achieve just- right parenting
B. to keep track of everything done by the kids
C. for the kids to face rules alone
D. for the kids to observe rules without protest
The passage is mainly intended for parents . ___
A. whose kids have difficulty in self- discipline
B. whose kids are addicted to media use
C. who have doubts about setting rules
D. who are too busy to care for their kids
The word “it” (Para. 2) most probably refers to. ___
A. the lack of stable communities
B. the breakdown of informal information channels
C. the increased mobility of families
D. the growing number of people moving from place to place
The main problem people may encounter today arises from the fact that . ___
A. they have to learn new things consciously
B. they lack the confidence of securing reliable and trustworthy information
C. they have difficulty obtaining the needed information readily
D. they can hardly carry out casual communications with an extended family
From the passage we can infer that _______. ___
A. electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages
B. it will become more difficult for people to keep secrets in an information era
C. people will spend less time holding meetings or conferences
D. events will be reported on the spot mainly through satellites
Technology facilitates _______. ___
A. sharing information
B. storing and sending information
C. providing people with easy access to more information
D. all of the above
We can learn from the last paragraph that _______. ___
A. it is necessary to obtain as much
B. people should make the best use of the information
C. we should realize the importance of accumulating information
D. it is of vital importance to acquire needed information efficiently
The author thinks that people are _________. ___
A. satisfied with their appearance
B. concerned about appearance in old age
C. far from neglecting what is in fashion
D. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion
Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to _________. ___
A. confidence in life
B. personal dress
C. individual hair style
D. personal future
Causes of fashions are _________. ___
A. uniform
B. varied
C. unknown
D. inexplicable
Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes _________. ___
A. uniformity
B. formality
C. informality
D. individuality
Which is the main idea of the last paragraph? ______________ ___
A. Care about appearance in formal situations.
B. Fashion in formal and informal situations.
C. Ignoring appearance in informal situations.
D. Ignoring appearance in all situations.
Permissive parents would ________. ___
A. let their children read any books they like to
B. not let their children see any films they like to
C. not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
D. let their children see the films with their first checking
The fact that parents check the contents of the book or the film for their children to read or see shows __________. ___
A. the necessity of censorship
B. that many books and films are bad
C. that children need their parents to help them understand more
D. that the parents are permissive
Which of the following statements is NOT true?____________ ___
A. Some adults can’t tell right from wrong.
B. Censorship is compared to the law because both of them perform good service to society as a whole.
C. Censors pay attention only to genuine works of art.
D. Censorship is necessary because many books, plays and films are far from being “works of art”.
What does the word “corrupt” in Para.4 mean?__________ ___
A. Make morally bad.
B. Hurt.
C. Injure.
D. Damage.