1980 年 5 月,邓小平说,社会主义是一个很好的名词,但是如果搞不好,不能正确理解,能采取正确政策,那就体现不出社会主义的___
A. 优越性
B. 本质
C. 目标
D. 基本特征
A. 马克思
B. 列宁
C. 毛泽东
D. 邓小平
A. 1978 年十一届三中全会
B. 党的十二大
C. 党的十三大
D. 92 年南方谈话
A. 靠党的领导
B. 靠自己发展
C. 靠他国帮助
D. 靠改革开放
A. 1978 年
B. 1980 年
C. 1985 年
D. 1992 年
A. 阶级斗争与经济建设的关系
B. 解放生产力与发展生产力的关系
C. 什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义
D. 计划与市场的关系
A. 十一届三中全会
B. 十二大
C. 十三大
D. 十四大
A. 中国的第二次革命
B. 社会主义制度的自我完善与发展
C. 计划经济体制的全面改革
D. 建设中国特色社会主义的全面探索
A. 改革与开放
B. 战争与和平
C. 和平与发展
D. 科技与创新
A. 《解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看》
B. 《坚持四项基本原则》
C. 邓小平南方谈话和党的十四大
D. 党的十五大报告
A. 《光明日报》
B. 中央党校《理论动态》
C. 《人民日报》
D. 《红旗》杂志
A. 以经济建设为中心不动摇
B. 改革开放不动摇
C. 四项基本原则不动摇
D. 自力更生不动摇
A. 强国之路
B. 立国之本
C. 物质保证
D. 发展动力
A. 在马克思主义指导下 打破习惯势力和主观偏见的束缚,研究新情况解决新问题
B. “大胆地试、大胆地闯”
C. 一切从实际出发,走自己的路
D. 排除姓“资”姓“社”抽象理论的干扰
A. “一个中心,两个基本点”
B. 经济建设
C. 改革开放
D. 四项基本原则
A. 和平与发展成为时代主题
B. 总结我国社会主义胜利和挫折的历史经验
C. 借鉴其他社会主义国家兴衰成败历史经验
D. 我国改革开放和现代化建设的实践中
A. 开创了中国特色社会主义
B. 创立了邓小平理论
C. 提出了社会主义的本质理论
D. 提出了社会主义市场经济理论
1978 年 12 月召开的党的十一届三中全会___
A. 重新确立了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
B. 停止使用“以阶级斗争为纲”的错误提法
C. 确定把全党工作的着重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来
D. 作出了实行改革开放的重大决策
1987 年召开的党的十三大___
A. 第一次比较系统地论述了我国社会主义初级阶段理论
B. 明确概括和全面阐发了党的“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线
C. 第一次对中国特色社会主义理论的主要内容作了系统概括
D. 提出实现现代化“三步走”发展战略
1992 年召开的党的十四大___
A. 从九个方面概括了中国特色社会主义理论的主要内容
B. 明确指出邓小平同志是我国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师
C. 系统总结了改革开放以来十四年取得的巨大成就
D. 明确提出我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制
A. 根本制度
B. 社会主义制度
C. 社会主义公有制
D. 计划经济
A. 解放生产力,发展生产力
B. 公有制
C. 消灭剥削,消除两极分化
D. 最终达到共同富裕
A. 以社会主义公有制经济为主体
B. 共同富裕
C. 市场经济
D. 发展生产
A. 《解放思想实事求是,团结一致向前看》
B. 《完整地准确地理解毛泽东思想》
C. 《“两个凡是”不符合马克思主义》
D. “南方谈话”
A. 我国已经进入社会主义社会,必须坚持而不能离开社会主义
B. 我国的社会主义社会还处在不发达的阶段,必须正视而不能超越初级阶段
C. 初级阶段是过渡时期
D. 社会主义初级阶段是进入社会主义的起始阶段
A. 揭示了当代中国的历史方位
B. 建设中国特色社会主义的总依据
C. 是对马克思主义关于社会主义发展阶段理论的重大发展和重大突破
D. 是对我国实际的最好概括
A. 一个中心
B. 领导力量和依靠力量
C. 奋斗目标
D. 两个基本点
A. 发展是硬道理
B. 中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠自己的发展
C. 发展要抓住机遇
D. 发展离不开科学
40 年的实践充分证明,改革开放是___
A. 新时期最鲜明的特点
B. 中国的第二次革命
C. 社会主义社会发展的直接动力
D. 决定当代中国命运的关键抉择
A. 是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力
B. 是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力
C. 是否有利于提高人民的生活水平
D. 是否有利于改革开放
A. 对发达国家的开放
B. 对发展中国家的开放
C. 对经济领域的开放
D. 对科技教育文化等领域的开放。
A. 计划经济和市场经济不是划分社会制度的标志
B. 计划和市场都是经济手段,对经济活动的调节各有优势和长处
C. 市场经济作为资源配置的一种方式本身不具有制度属性,可以和不同的社会制度结合
D. 坚持社会主义制度与市场经济的结合,是社会主义市场经济的特色所在
A. 坚持一个中国,这是“和平统一、一国两制”的核心,是发展两岸关系和实现和平统一的基础
B. 两制并存,在祖国统一的前提下,国家的主体部分实行社会主义制度,同时在台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的社会制度和生活方式长期不变
C. 高度自治,祖国完全统一后,台湾、香港、澳门作为特别行政区,享有不同于中国其他省、市、自治区的高度自治权,台湾、香港、澳门同胞各种合法权益将得到切实尊重和维护
D. 尽最大努力争取和平统一,但不承诺放弃使用武力
A. 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想的继承和发展
B. 中国共产党集体智慧的结晶
C. 中国特色社会主义理论体系的开篇之作
D. 改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的科学指南
邓小平 92 年南方讲话的主要内容是___
A. 社会主义本质理论
B. 社会主义市场经济理论
C. “三个有利于”标准
D. 社会主义初级阶段理论
20 世纪 70 年代末,中国开始对外开放,并逐步把它作为一项基本国策,主要取决于___
A. 是对中国长期停滞落后的历史教训深刻总结的结果
B. 是对当代世界经济、科技发展和国际形势敏锐观察的结果
C. 是为了适应社会主义现代化建设的需要
D. 是为了借鉴和吸收人类文明的一切优秀成果
A. 一切从实际出发
B. 理论联系实际
C. 实事求是
D. 在实践中检验和发展真理
A. 1997
B. 1999
C. 2000
D. 2001
A. 1999
B. 2000
C. 2001
D. 2002
A. 1999
B. 2000
C. 2001
D. 2002
A. 工人农民
B. 知识分子
C. 先进设备
D. 科学技术
Which three features are not supported when using Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.x? (Choose three.)___
A. Virtual Volumes (VVOLS)
B. Storage vMotion
C. Virtual Machine Component Protection
D. vMotion
E. vSphere Distributed Switches
Which two storage controller configurations can be used with Virtual SAN? (Choose two.)___
A. SAS controllers in Passthrough mode
B. SAS controllers in RAID0 mode
C. SAS controllers in RAID1 mode
D. SAS controllers in RAID10 mode
Which three are requirements when using vMotion to move a virtual machine across vCenter Server systems? (Choose three.)___
A. Both vCenter Servers must be using Enhanced Linked Mode.
B. Both vCenter Servers must be in the same Single Sign-On Domain.
C. Time must be synchronized.
D. Duplicate VM MAC addresses must be configured.
E. Both vCenter Servers must have High Availability enabled on source and destination clusters.
Which two components can be used when configuring Enhanced Linked Mode? (Choose two.)___
A. vCenter Server Appliance
B. vRealize Operations Manager
C. vSphere Management Appliance
D. vCenter Server for Windows
An organization has a number of virtual machines that would benefit from Fault Tolerance. These include: <A single vCPU Apache Server> < A dual vCPU vCenter Server> < A quad vCPU SQL Server> <An eight vCPU Hadoop Server>. Which two virtual machines can be configured to use VMware Fault Tolerance? (Choose two.)___
A. Apache Server
B. vCenter Server
C. SQL Server
D. Hadoop Server
Which two badges are major badges in vRealize Operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Risk
B. Efficency
C. Workload
D. Faults
An administrator is deploying multiple Windows 2003 Virtual Machines from the same template. What two steps should be taken to avoid network conflicts? (Choose two.)___
A. Customize the guest operating system.
B. Install VMware Tools into the new virtual machines.
C. Copy the Microsoft Sysprep tools onto the vCenter Server system.
D. Ensure the e1000 vmnic is selected for each new virtual machine.
Which three conditions would prevent Storage I/O Control from being enabled on a group of datastores? (Choose three.)___
A. The datastores planned for the solution are used by different vSphere clusters.
B. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as a Raw Device Mapping file.
C. A datastore planned for the solution has three extents.
D. A datastore planned for the solution is configured as NFS.
E. The organization has an Enterprise license.
Which two actions are prerequisites to adding ESXi 6.x hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Verify that there is at least one Distributed Port Group on the Distributed Switch.
B. Verify that the Distributed Port Group have active uplinks configured in its teaming and failover policy.
C. Verify that the
D. istributed Switch has been configured with a Network Profile.
An organization has configured Distributed Power Management (DPM) on a vSphere 6 cluster. The organization wants to be alerted when an ESXi host has been powered down by DPM. Which two options represent the type and name of the alarm that would accomplish this? (Choose two.)___
A. DrsEnteringStandbyModeEvent
B. DrsEnteredStandbyModeEvent
C. Event-based
D. Condition-based
Which two allow for the disabling of Network Rollback operations? (Choose two.)___
A. Modifying the vpxd advanded configuration options and adding the config.vpxd.network.rollback key
B. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the<rollback> xml tag
C. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg file and adjusting the <networkrollback> xml tag
D. Modifying the C:\ProgramData\VMware\CIS\cfg\vmware-vpx\firstboot\vpxd-service- spec.prop file and adjusting the <rollback> xml tag
An administrator is tasked with performing a vMotion migration of a virtual machine. The virtual machine is configured as follows: <vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC) enabled> <Is part of a Distributed Resource Cluster (DRS) Cluster> Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)___
A. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports multiple virtual flash resources.
B. Each ESXi host in the cluster supports one virtual flash resource.
C. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a preferred affinity to their current host and moves them only for mandatory reasons.
D. DRS treats powered-on virtual machines with Flash Read Cache as having a required affinity to their current host and does not move them.
An administrator is using the Host Failures to Tolerate Admission Control Policy for a vSphere High Availability ___ cluster. When configuring this setting on the cluster, the administrator sees this error message: <Insufficient resources to satisfy HA failover level on cluster > What are two likely causes for the error? (Choose two.)(AB)
A. The hosts in the cluster are disconnected.
B. A host in the cluster is displaying an HA error.
D. istributed Resource Scheduler has not been configured on the cluster.
What are two ways to identify TCP/IP stack information? (Choose two.)___
A. Using the vSphere Web Client
B. Using esxcli network ip netstack
C. Using esxcfg-netstack
D. Using the vSphere Client
Which two actions are required when enabling vFlash Read Cache for a virtual machine's virtual disk? (Choose two.)___
A. A value in the Virtual Flash Read Cache text box must be entered.
B. A Flash Resource Pool for Cache size reservation must be entered.
C. The Device backing and the block size must be configured.
D. The
E. nable virtual flash host swap cache check box must be selected.
What two IT infrastructure components are virtualized by vSphere Essentials? (Choose two.)___
A. Networks
B. Applications
C. Storage
D. Management
When attempting to access a virtual machine, an administrator is unable to login using the vSphere credentials. What two options are probable causes of the authentication failure? (Choose two.)___
A. The vSphere credentials have not been granted permissions.
B. The vSphere credentials are granted read-only permissions.
C. The vSphere credentials are granted no-access permissions.
D. The vSphere credentials are not a member of the local administrator group.
An administrator is performing a scripted installation of ESXi 6.x. In which three locations does the script need to be? (Choose three.)___
A. PXE Server
E. VVOLs Datastore
In order for a company to meet regulatory requirements, all ESXi 6.x Hosts must be configured to direct logs to a syslog server. What are two ways ESXi hosts can configured for this action? (Choose two)___
A. Use the esxcli system syslog command.
B. Edit them in the ESXi host Advanced System Settings.
C. From the Syslog collector user interface of the Web Client.
D. Syslog logging is not available for
E. SXi Hosts.
Which three actions can be executed when an alarm is triggered? (Choose three.)___
A. Send an email.
B. Send an SNMP trap.
C. Run a script or command.
D. Run an Orchestrator workflow.
E. Send a trigger to syslog.
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine, but is unable to do so. Which two reasons are probable causes of the failure? (Choose two.)___
A. Storage access to the virtual machine swap file has been lost.
B. One of the virtual machine VMDK files is locked.
C. Virtual machine is running CentOS 7.0 64-bit.
D. Virtual machine has Hyper-Threading enabled.
An administrator has configured a host profile so that ESXi 6.x hosts will point to the corporate NTP server for time synchronization. The NTP server is located at, but time has not been synchronized properly across the ESXi hosts. The administrator reviews Host Profile settings as shown in the Exhibit. Which two steps are required to resolve the issue? (Choose two.)___
A. Correct the NTP server IP address.
B. Check the host for host profile compliance.
C. Remediate the host based on the updated host profile.
D. Change the NTP server to the FQDN as IP Addresses are not supported.
An administrator is attempting to migrate a large Hadoop virtual machine using vMotion. The administrator notices a delay when the machine is quiesced. The Hadoop virtual machine is processing many transactions a second to an in-memory database. Which two actions would help reduce the amount of time needed to perform a vMotion on this virtual machine? (Choose two.)___
A. Use multiple NICs for the vMotion vmkernel port.
B. Use a 10Gbps Network card for the vMotion vmkernel port.
C. Add an additional management network to help transmit the data quicker.
D. Disable Fault Tolerance before performing the vMotion.
An administrator is installing a new network card in an ESXi 6.x host that is part of a vSphere cluster. When the host is placed into maintenance mode, the vSphere Web Client displays the progress bar at 2% for over 30 minutes. Which two are likely reasons for this occurrence? (Choose two.)___
A. Maintenance mode is unable to migrate all virtual machines from the host.
B. There is a large number of virtual machines that must be migrated from the host.
C. VMware High Availability is in the process of reconfiguring the cluster.
D. Each virtual machine on the
E. SXi host must be reconfigured to recognize the new adapter.
Which two events happen when Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is disabled? (Choose two.)___
A. The cluster's resource pool heirarchy and affinity rules are re-established when DRS is turned back on.
B. The cluster's resource pool hierarchy and affinity rules are not re-established when DRS is turned back on.
C. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster.
D. The cluster's resource pools are removed from the cluster and assigned to the hosts.
Which two networking connection types can be configured on a virtual switch? (Choose two.)___
A. Virtual machine portgroups
B. VMkernel services (such as NFS, iSCSI, or vMotion) to the physical network
C. Web services over the Management Network
D. NFS and FCoE storage services
An administrator creates a DRS cluster of eight ESXi 6.x hosts. There are 10 virtual machines balanced across the hosts. An attempt to place the first host into maintenance mode fails. What are two reasons that the host failed to enter maintenance mode? (Choose two.)___
A. The DRS cluster Automation Level is set to Partially Automated mode.
B. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Should run on hosts in group.
C. One of the virtual machines on the ESXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with a DRS Host affinity rule Must run on hosts in group.
D. One of the virtual machines on the
E. SXi Host entering maintenance mode is configured with an individual Automation Level set to Partially Automated.
When modifying a vApp, which two vSphere entities can be added? (Choose two.)___
A. A resource pool
B. A network pool
C. A vApp
D. A folder
From which two locations in the inventory hierarchy can you deploy a virtual machine using a template? (Choose two.)___
A. Directly from the template.
B. From a compute resource.
C. From an existing virtual machine.
D. From a Datastore.
A company has decided to implement Virtual SAN within their vSphere 6.x environment. The Virtual SAN cluster will be composed of three ESXi 6.x hosts that are on the Virtual SAN Ready Node list. Each ESXi host includes: <Two SAS Controllers that support Passthrough Mode> < Four Solid State Drives (SSDs) 1TB in size each> <20 SAS Magnetic Disks (MDs) 1TB in size each> <The SSDs and MDs are evenly split between the two SAS controllers>. The company will pilot a Virtual SAN cluster utilizing VMware best practices while maximizing storage capacity. The Virtual SAN cluster will use Manual Mode. Which two Disk Group configurations would meet the stated configuration requirements? (Choose two.)___
A. 4 disk groups with 1 SSD and 5 MDs each
B. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 7 MDs each
C. 2 disk groups with 2 SSDs and 7 MDs each
D. 2 disk groups with 1 SSD and 10 MDs each
A physical Windows 2008 R2 Server is converted to a virtual machine using VMware vCenter Converter. Upon completion of the conversion and subsequent power on operation, the virtual machine fails to boot and the message below is observed in the Console of the virtual machine: <STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE>. Which two potential issues may be causing this boot failure? (Choose two.)___
A. An incorrect SCSI controller was selected during conversion.
B. Incompatible software drivers were migrated into the virtual machine from the source machine.
C. The vmdk file backing the virtual machine was thick provisioned.
D. A snapshot was taken immediately after the conversion completed.
An administrator is configuring the Failover Order option on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options should be used with IP-hash load balancing? (Choose two.)___
A. Active Uplinks
B. Standby Uplinks
C. Unused Uplinks
D. Override Failover Order
An administrator is configuring the Maximum Transmission Unit value on a vSphere Distributed Switch. Which two options are typical values for ESXi networking? (Choose two.)___
A. 1492
B. 1500
C. 9000
D. 9089
Which two configurable options apply to both virtual machine CPU and memory allocation? (Choose two.)___
A. Reservation
B. Shares
C. Resource Pool
D. Reserve All
When attempting to power on a Virtual Machine you observe the following error: <Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/volume/vm/vm-000002.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.> Which three actions will be the best solutions to address this problem? (Choose three.)___
A. Verify that the virtual machine's disk files are present.
B. Investigate the host and virtual machine log files.
C. Verify the vmdk descriptor files and if required, recreate them.
D. Delete the disk file preventing the power on operation.
E. Migrate or register the virtual machine to a different host.
An administrator has been tasked with enabling High Availability ___ on a cluster in a vSphere 6.x environment with default settings. The cluster configures properly and there are no errors. The next day when powering on a virtual machine, an error is presented: <Not Enough Failover Resources>. Which three scenarios are likely causes of this error message? (Choose three.)(CDE)
A. The default VM Monitoring Sensitivity is set too high.
B. There are not enough datastore heartbeat datastores configured by default.
C. The default slot size in the cluster is set too high.
D. There are virtual machines with large CPU reservations.
E. A host is in maintenance mode for a replacement of a failed Hard Drive.
vMotion can be performed between which three physical boundaries? (Choose three.)___
A. Between two vCenter Server Systems
B. Between two vSphere Distributed Virtual Switches
C. Between two vCenter Server Datacenter objects
D. Between two VMware NSX Layer 4 segments
E. Between two NFS datastores
An administrator configures vSphere Replication for a virtual machine and enables multiple point in time (PIT) instances under the recovery settings in the Configure Replication wizard. Which two statements are correct for vSphere Replication with multiple point in time instances enabled? (Choose two.)___
A. vSphere Replication retains a number of snapshot instances of the virtual machine on the target site based on the retention policy that you specify.
B. vSphere Replication uses the virtual machine's snapshot instances to define the target site Point in Time instance based on the retention policy that you specify.
C. vSphere Replication does not support virtual machines with snapshots.
D. vSphere Replication supports virtual machines with snapshots.
An administrator is virtualizing a physical application server and adding it to an existing multi-tiered vApp. The application license is currently tied to the physical NIC's MAC address, so the administrator needs to ensure the license will function properly in the virtual machine. Which two actions can the administrator take to satisfy this task? (Choose two.)___
A. Set the MAC address for the vNIC in the guest operating system.
B. Install the physical server's NIC into the ESXi host.
C. Configure the MAC address for the vNIC using the vSphere Web Client.
D. Assign the physical server NIC's MAC address in the vSphere Distributed Switch.
Which two Fibre Channel zoning options are supported with vSphere 6.x? (Choose two.)___
A. Single-Initiator
B. Single-Initiator-Single-Target
C. Multiple-Initiators-Single-Target
D. Multiple-Initiators-Multiple-Targets