A. 实践特色
B. 理论特色
C. 民族特色
D. 时代特色
A. 坚持科学社会主义基本原则的社会主义
B. 具有鲜明实践特色、理论特色、民族特色、时代特色的社会主义
C. 中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度、文化四位一体的社会主义
D. 统揽伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想的社会主义
A. 迫于经济发展压力,要走先污染后治理的发展道路
B. 树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念
C. 坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策
D. 像对待生命一样对待生态环境
A. 外部安全与内部安全
B. 国土安全与国民安全
C. 传统安全和非传统安全
D. 自身安全和共同安全
A. 发展生产力
B. 实现共同富裕
C. 实现社会主义现代化
D. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
A. 国家富强
B. 民族振兴
C. 人民幸福
D. 世界和平
A. 国家追求
B. 民族向往
C. 人民期盼
D. 世界统
A. 以爱国主义为核心的民族精神
B. 以改革创新为核心的时代精神
C. 以艰苦奋斗为核心的革命精神
D. 以解放思想为核心的创新精神
A. 坚持中国道路
B. 弘扬中国精神
C. 凝聚中国力量
D. 借鉴美国梦
A. 国家富强、民族振兴是人民幸福的基础和保证
B. 人民幸福是国家富强、民族振兴的题中之义和必然要求
C. 国家富强、民族振兴都要以人民幸福为条件
D. 人民幸福是国家富强,民族振兴的根本出发点和落脚点
A. 国家言强,是指我国综合国力进一步增强
B. 民族振兴就是通过自身发展强大,再次以高昂的姿态屹立于世界民族之林
C. 人民幸福,就是人民权利保障更加充分、人人得享共同发展,
D. 实现中国梦必须坚持中国道路,弘扬中国精神,凝聚中国力量
A. 共同享有人生出彩的机会
B. 共同享有梦想成真的机会
C. 共同享有升官发财的机会
D. 共同享有同祖国和时代一起成长与进步的机会
A. 中国经济实力和综合国力、国际地位和国际影响力大大提高
B. 中华民族以更加昂扬向上、文明开放的姿态,屹立于世界民族之林
C. 中国将成为世界超级大国
D. 中国人民过上更加幸福安康的生活
A. 人民是中国梦的主体
B. 人民是中国梦的创造者和享有者
C. 中国梦的深厚源泉在于人民
D. 中国梦的根本归宿在于人民
A. 反映了近代以来,一代又一代中国人的美好夙愿
B. 揭示了中华民族的历史使命和当代中国的发展方向
C. 是党和国家面向未来的政治宣言
D. 指明了全党全国各族人民共同奋斗的目标
A. 机遇
B. 威胁
C. 和平
D. 进步
A. 建党100年时建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会
B. 新中国成立100年时建成社会主义现代化国家
C. 建军100年时成为世界第一强大国家
D. 改革开放100年时成为世界第一大国
A. 决胜全面建成小康社会
B. 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利
C. 全面建成社会主义现代化强国
D. 实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
E. 实现人民对美好生活的向往
从2035年到本世纪中叶, 建成社会主义现代化强国时,我国___。
A. 核心竞争力名列世界前茅
B. 经济总量和市场规模超越其他国家
C. 中国精神、中国价值、中国力量,成为中国发展的重要影响力和推动力
D. 社会公平正义普遍彰显
A. 焕发出前所未有的生机活力
B. 实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化
C. 成为综合国力和国际影响力领先的国家
D. 对构建人类命运共同体,推动世界和平发展作出更大贡献
A. 解决温饱问题
B. 全面建成小康社会
C. 基本实现社会现代化
D. 把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国
A. 全体人民共同富裕基本实现
B. 人与自然和谐共生
C. 践行社会主义核心价值观,成为全社会自觉行动
D. 基本公共服务健全
A. 基本建成现代化经济体系
B. 国家治理体系和治理能力现代化基本实现
C. 公共文化体系,现代文化产业体系和市场体系基本建成
D. 全体人民共同富裕基本实现
A. 美丽中国目标基本实现
B. 清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系和绿色低碳循环发展的经济体系基本建立
C. 绿色发展的生产方式和生活方式基本形成
D. 生产空间安全高效,生活空间舒适宜居,生态空间,山清水碧的国土开发格局形成
A. 法治国家,法治政府,法治社会基本建成
B. 国家治理体系和治理能力现代化基本实现
C. 人民满意的服务型政府基本建成
D. 科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法的局面基本形成
A. 进行伟大斗争
B. 建设伟大工程
C. 依靠伟大领袖
D. 推进伟大事业
A. 中华民族历来就是爱好和平的民族
B. 天下太平,共享大同,是中华民族绵延数千年的理想
C. 中国人民怕的就是动荡,求的就是稳定,盼的就是天下太平
D. 中国越发展,对世界和平与发展就越有利
A. 教育建设
B. 文化建设
C. 社会建设
D. 生态文明建设
A. 创新、
B. 协调、
C. 绿色、
D. 开放共享
A. 劳动力
B. 资本
C. 土地
D. 技术
A. 革命老区
B. 民族地区
C. 边疆地区
D. 贫困地区
A. 城市化格局
B. 农业发展格局
C. 生态安全格局
D. 自然岸线格局
A. 农业
B. 农村
C. 农田
D. 农民
A. 坚守底线
B. 突出重点
C. 完善制度
D. 引导预期
A. 加快建设制造强国
B. 支持传统产业优化升级,坚持“三去一降一补”
C. 激发和保护企业家精神,鼓励更多社会主体投身创新企业
D. 建设知识型、技能型、创新型劳动大军。
A. 深化供给侧结构性改革
B. 加快建设创新型国家
C. 实施乡村振兴战略,实施区域协调发展战略
D. 加快完善社会主义市场经济体制和推动形成全面开放新格局
A. 质量变革
B. 利益变革
C. 效率变革
D. 动力变革
A. 实体经济
B. 科技创新
C. 现代金融
D. 人力资源
A. 产出高效
B. 产品安全
C. 资源节约
D. 环境友好
A. 积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,探索和创造具有中国特色的民主政治建设模式和发展道路
B. 坚持和改善党的领导
C. 坚持和完善我国的根本政治制度和其他重要制度
D. 加强基层民主管理和群众自治
A. 党的领导
B. 人民当家作主
C. 依法治国
D. 参政议政
When setting up a site-to-site VPN with PSK authentication on a Cisco router, which two elements must be configured under crypto map?___
A. pfs
B. nat
C. reverse route
D. peer
E. transform-set
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two options are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Install from SFTP server
B. Usehttps
C. Install from a file
Which two SNMPv3 services support its capabilities as a secure networ k manage protocol? ___
A. access control
B. the shared secret key
C. authentication
D. authorization
E. accounting
Which two statements about routed firewall mode are true ?___
A. The firewall acts as a routed hop in the network
B. This mode conceals the presence of the firewall
C. The firewall requires a unique iP address for each interface
D. This mode allows the firewall to be added to an existing networ k with minimal additional configuration By default, this mode permits most traffic to pass throug
Which two statements describe DHCP spoofing attacks?___
A. They are used to perform man-in- the-middle attacks
B. They can access most network devices
C. They can modify the flow of traffic in transit. LNGKAIG
D. They protect the identity of ti attacker by masking the DHCP address
E. They can physically modify the network gateway
Which two types of VLANs using PVLANs are valid?___
A. isolated
B. promiscuous
C. backup
D. secondary
E. community
What are two limitations of the self-zone policies on a zone-based firewall?___
A. They are unable to block Https traffic
B. They restrict SNMP traffic.
C. They are unable to support Https traffic
D. They are unable to implement application inspection
E. They are unable to perform rate limiting
Which two descriptions of TACACS+ are true? ___
A. The TACACS+ header is unencrypted
B. It combines a uthentication and authorization
C. It uses TCP as its transport protocol
D. Only the password is encrypted.
E. It uses UDP as its transport protocol.
Which two actions does an IPS perform? ___
A. it spans the traffic
B. it reflects the traffic back to the sender
C. it encrypts the traffic
D. it terminates the user session or connection of the attacker
E. it reconfigures a device to block the traffic
In which form of fraud does an attacker try to learn information such as login credenti account information by ma squerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or communication channels ?___
A. phishing
B. Smurfit
C. Hacking
D. Identity Spoofing
Which two ESA services are available for incoming and outgoing mails ?___
A. anti-DoS
B. reputation filter
C. antispam
D. content filter
What are two reasons to recommend SNMPv 3 over SNMPv2?___
A. SNMPv3 is secure because you can configure authe ntication and privacy
B. SNMPv3 is insecure because it send in formation in clear text
C. SNMPv2 is insecure because it send information in clear text
D. SNMPv3 is a Cisco proprietary protocol
E. SNMPv2 is secure because you can configure authentication and privacy
Which two actions can a zone- based firewall apply to a packet as it transits a zone pair?___
A. drop
B. inspect
C. queue
D. quarantine
Which security principle has been violated if data is altered in an unauthorized manner?___
A. accountability
B. confidentiality
C. availability
D. integrity
Which IKE Phase 1 parameter can you use to require the site-to-site VPN to use a pre-shared ?___
A. encryption
B. authentication
C. group
Which command successfully creates an administrative user with a password of "cisco"on a Cisco router?___
A. username Operator privilege 7 password cisco
B. username Operator privilege 1 password cisco
C. username Operator privilege 15 password cisco
D. username Operator password cisco privilege 15
Which EAP method authenticates a client against Active Directory without the use of client-side 802.1X certificates?___
What is a limitation of network-based IPS?___
A. It must be in dividually configured to support every operating system on the network.
B. It is most effective at the in dividual host level
C. It is unable to monitor attacks across the entire netw ork
D. Large installations require numerous sensors to fully protect the network
When would you configure the ip dhcp snooping trust command on a sw itch?___
A. when the switch is connected to a DHCP server
B. when the switch is working in an edge capacit
C. when the switch is connected to a client system
D. when the switch is serving as an aggregator
How does the 802. 1x supplicant communicate with the authentication server?___
A. The supplicant creates EAP packets and sends them to the authenticator, which encapsulates them into RADIUS and forwards them to the authentication server.
B. The supplicant creates RADIUS packets and sends them to the authe nticator, which encapsulates the m into EAP and forwards them to the a uthentication server.
C. The supplicant creates RADIUS packets and sends them to the authenticator, which translates them into eap and forwards them to the a ut hentication server
D. The supplicant creates
E. AP packets and sends them to the authe nticator, which translates them into radius and forwards them to the authentication server.
Which command do you enter to verify the phase I status of a VPN connection?___
A. sh crypto se ssion
B. debug crypto isakmp
C. sh crypto isakmp sa
D. sh crypto ipsec sa
Refer to the exhibit. what is the e ffect of the given configuration?___
A. It enables authentication,
B. It prevents keychain authentication.
C. The two routers receive normal updates from one another.
D. The two device s are able to pass the message digest to one another.
Which command can you enter to configure OSPF to use hashing to authenticate routing updates?___
A. ip ospf aut hentication message-digest
B. neighbor 192 168.0 112 cost md5
C. ip ospf priority 1
D. ip ospf aut hentication-key
Which command can you enter to verify the status of Cisco lOS Resilient Configuration on a Cisco router?___
A. show secure bootset
B. secure boot-image
C. show binary file
D. ure boot-config
A user on your network inadvertently activates a botnet program that was received as an emai attachment. Which type of mechanism does Cisco Firepower use to detect and block only the botnet attack?___
A. network-based access control rule
B. reputation-based
C. user-ba sed access control rule
D. botnet traffic filter
What does the policy map do in CoPP?___
A. defines service parameters
B. defines packet selection parameters
C. defines the packet filter
D. define s the action to be performed
How is management traffic isolated on a Cisco ASR 1002?___
A. Traffic isolation is done on the vlan level
B. There is no management traffic isolation on a Cisco ASR 1002
C. Traffic is isolated based upon how you configure routing on the device
D. The management interface is configured in a special vRF that provides traffic isolation from the default routing table
Which statement about NaT table evaluation in the asa is true?___
A. After-auto NAT polices are appl d first
B. Manual NAT policies are applied first
C. the asa uses the most specific match
D. Auto NAT policies are applied first
Which information can you display by executing the show crypto ipsec sa command?___
A. ISAKMP SAs that are established between two peers
B. recent changes to the IP address of a peer router
C. proxy infor mation for the connection between two peers
D. IPsec SAs established between two peers
How can you prevent NAT rules from sending traffic to incorrect interfaces?___
A. Assign the output interface in the NAT statement
B. Add the no-proxy-arp command to the nat line.
C. Configure twice NAT instead o bject NAT. 5
D. Use packet-tracer rules to reroute misrouted NAT entries.
What term can be defined as the securing, control, and identification of digital data?___
A. cryptography
B. crypto key
C. cryptoanalysis
D. cryptology
Which feature in the dNS security module provide on and off network DNS protection?___
A. Data Loss Prevention
B. Umbrella
C. Real-time sandboxing
D. Layer-4 monitoring
Which a dverse consequence can occur on a network without BPDu guard ?___
A. The olde st switch can be elected as the root bridge
B. Unauthorized switches that are connected to the network can cause spanning-tree loops
D. ouble tagging can cause the switches to experience CAM table overload.
What configuration is required for multitenancy ?___
A. shared infrastructure
B. multiple carriers
C. co-located resources
D. multiple separate zones
Why does ISE require its own certificate issued by a trusted CA?___
A. ISEs certificate allows guest devices to validate it as a trusted network device
B. It generates certificates for guest devices ba sed on its own certificate
C. It requests certificates for guest devices from the Ca server based on its own certificate.
D. ISE's certificate allows it to join the network security framework
which attack involves large numbers of ICMP packets with a spoofed source IP address?___
A. smurf attack
B. Teardrop attack
C. Nuke attack
D. SYN Flood attack
Which statement about interface and global access rules is true?___
A. Interface access rules are processed before global access rules.
B. Global access rules apply only to outbound traffic, but interface access rules can be applied in either direction
C. The implicit allow is proce ssed after both the global and interface access rules
D. If an interface access rule is applied, the global access rule is ignored
Which type of malicious software can create a back-door into a device or network?___
A. bot
B. worm
C. virus
D. Trojan
Which security term refers to the like lihood that a weakness will be exploited to cause damage to an asset?___
A. threat
B. risk
C. countermeasure
D. vulnerability
Which IPS detection method examines network traffic for preconfigured patterns?___
A. signature-based detection
B. honey-pot detection
C. anomaly-based detection
D. policy-based detection