A. 坚持全国一盘棋
B. 健全体制机制
C. 强化战略规划
D. 突出重点领域
A. 聚焦实战
B. 创新驱动
C. 体系建设
D. 军民融合
A. 军民结合、寓军于民的武器装备科研体系
B. 军队人才培养体系
C. 军队保障体系
D. 国防动员体系
A. 世界大战是可以避免的
B. 和平与发展是当代时代的主题
C. 建立了国际政治经济新秩序
D. 霸权主义和强权政治是和平与发展的主要障碍
A. 互相尊重主权和领土完整
B. 互不侵犯
C. 互不干涉内政
D. 平等互利
E. 和平共处
A. 互相尊重主权和领土完整
B. 互不侵犯
C. 互不干涉内政
D. 平等互利、和平共处
A. 维护中国发展的重要战略机遇期
B. 争取和平稳定的国际环境
C. 睦邻友好的周边环境
D. 平等互利的合作环境和客观友善的舆论环境
A. 相互尊重
B. 互不侵犯
C. 互不干涉内部事务
D. 完全平等
E. 独立自主
A. 人大
B. 政协
C. 地方
D. 民间团体
A. 世界多极化
B. 经济全球化
C. 社会信息化
D. 文化多样化
A. 生产全球化
B. 贸易全球化
C. 金融全球化
D. 跨国公司在全球范围进行布局
A. 世界多极化在曲折中发展
B. 经济全球化深入发展
C. 文化多样化持续推进
D. 科学技术孕育新突破
A. 相互尊重主权的领土完整
B. 互不侵犯
C. 互不干涉内政
D. 平等互利
A. 把国家主权和安全放在第一位
B. 从我国人民和世界人民的根本利益出发
C. 反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治
D. 主张和平解决国际争端和热点问题
A. 大国是关键
B. 周边是首要
C. 发展中国家是基础
D. 多边是舞台
A. 共赢
B. 共建
C. 共商
D. 共享
要相互尊重、平等协商,坚决摒弃冷战思维和强权政治,___ 的国与国交往新路。
A. 互不侵犯
B. 平等互利
C. 走对话而不对抗
D. 结伴而不结盟
A. 和平
B. 增长
C. 改革
D. 文明
A. 反帝反霸
B. 相互尊重
C. 公平正义
D. 合作共赢
A. 主权
B. 平等
C. 安全
D. 发展利益
A. 从中国经南海至印度洋
B. 从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲
C. 从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋
D. 从中国至东南亚.南亚.印度洋
A. 文化包容
B. 政治互信
C. 经济融合
D. 民族共融
当下,国际安全形势动荡复杂,各国应树立 ___的新安全观。
A. 共同
B. 综合
C. 合作
D. 可持续
A. 持久和平、
B. 普遍安全、
C. 共同繁荣、
D. 开放包容、
E. 清洁美丽
F. 公平正义
A. 相互尊重
B. 互不干涉
C. 公平正义、
D. 合作共赢
A. 新型国际关系
B. 新型大国关系
C. 人类命运共同体
D. 和谐世界
A. 和平
B. 发展
C. 合作
D. 共赢
A. 中国在全球事务中的影响力和话语权日益增强
B. 联合国对维护世界和平与发展发挥着积极作用
C. 中国积极践行联合国宪章精神支持联合国工作
D. 构建人类命运共同体符合多数国家人民的利益
A. 政策沟通
B. 设施联通
C. 贸易畅通
D. 人员互通
E. 资金融通
F. 民心相通
A. 公平正义
B. 相互尊重
C. 独立自主
D. 合作共赢
A. 全方位
B. 多层次、
C. 立体化
D. 多元化
A. 马克思主义的
B. 代表社会发展的正确方向
C. 代表最广大人民的根本利益
D. 代表全人类的利益
A. 中国工人阶级的根本利益同中国人民和中华民族的根本利益是一致的
B. 马克思主义执政党的内在要求
C. 党实现民族振兴的必然选择
D. 历史和人民的要求
A. 中国工人阶级的根本利益同中国人民和中华民族的根本利益是一致的
B. 马克思主义执政党的内在要求
C. 党以实现民族振兴为己任的必然选择
D. 党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心
A. 中国共产党代表中国工人阶级的利益,同时代表着中国广大人民和整个中华民族的利益
B. 坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,是坚持马克思主义唯物史观的根本要求
C. 只有为人民服务,党才有存在的意义
D. 只有依靠人民群众,党才会有力量
A. 不断增强党的阶级基础
B. 扩大党的群众基础,提高党在全社会的影响力
C. 把全国各族人民紧密地团结在党的周围
D. 完成历史和时代赋予党的庄严使命
A. 是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队
B. 是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心
C. 代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益
D. 党的最高理想和最终目标是实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
A. 伟大斗争
B. 伟大工程
C. 伟大事业
D. 伟大梦想
A. 政治意识
B. 大局意识
C. 核心意识
D. 看齐意识
A. 增强学习本领,增强政治领导本领
B. 增强改革创新本领,增强科学发展本领
C. 增强依法执政本领,增强群众工作本领
D. 增强狠抓落实本领,增强驾驭风险本领
A. 政治意识
B. 大局意识
C. 核心意识
D. 看齐意识
A vSphere administrator manages a cluster which includes critical and non-critical virtual machines. The cluster requires different permissions for contractors and non-contractors. How can the administrator exclude the contractor group from some of the critical VMs?___
A. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the cluster level.
B. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the cluster level. Remove permission on the critical VMs for contractors.
C. Remove permission for contractors on the cluster level. Apply permission on the critical VMs for noncontractors.
D. Apply permission for both contractors and non-contractors on the VMs. Remove permission on the critical VMs for contractors.
In an ESXi 6.5 cluster only "NFS datastore has running or registered virtual machines" returns. A vSphere HA cluster with four hosts has admission control configured to tolerate one host failure. Which statement is true if a fifth host is added?___
A. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 50%.
B. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 30%.
C. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 25%.
D. CPU and Memory capacity will be set to 20%.
Which command can be run to troubleshoot connectivity problems with vmkernal network interfaces?___
A. esxcli network
B. vmkping
C. net-status
D. vicfg-vmknic
What counter should an administrator check to determine if a virtual machine is ballooning?___
A. swapinRate
B. vmmemctltarget
C. swapped
D. vmmemctl
By default, how often is the vCenter vpx user password automatically changed?___
A. 15 days
B. 60 days
C. 30 days
D. 45 days
Which metric in the Exhibit would identify high latency for a virtual machine operating system?___
A. QAVG/cmd
B. KAVG/cmd
C. DAVG/cmd
D. GAVG/cmd
What VM Monitoring setting would ensure that the failure interval for a virtual machine is defined as 120 seconds?___
A. High
B. Normal
C. Low
D. Medium
The business managers have asked the IT administrator to ensure configuration compliance in the vSphere infrastructure. The IT administrator wants to use Host Profiles to accomplish this, but is unable to do so. Why is the administrator unable to use Host Profiles?___
A. The infrastructure uses a vSphere Standard license.
B. The infrastructure has servers with various CPU families.
C. The user has only the “Administrator” role.
D. Host Profiles apply only to storage settings.
What is the result of a “Consolidate” action on a virtual machine?___
A. All snapshots on the virtual machines will be deleted.
B. The virtual machine will be reverted to its last snapshot.
C. Redundant delta disks will be combined and deleted.
D. A new snapshot with memory state will be created.
A Telco customer is implementing NFV using vSphere as the virtualization platform. Which feature can help achieve a high packet rate with lower CPU consumption?___
A. Network I/O Control
B. SplitRX
What is the VMware-recommended best practice for Fibre Channel zoning?___
A. soft zoning
B. single-initiator-multiple-target zoning
C. single-initiator zoning
D. single-initiator-single-target zoning
How can a vSphere administrator ensure that a set of virtual machines run on different hosts in a DRS cluster?___
A. Use a VM-Host affinity rule.
B. Add the VMs to a vApp.
C. Use a VM-VM affinity rule.
D. Place the VMs in different folders.
vCenter Server Appliance Instance can be backed up using which Client Interface?___
A. vSphere Client Interface
B. vSphere Web Client Interface
C. VMware Host Client Interface
D. Virtual Appliance Management Interface
What tool can capture network traffic at the uplinks, or vSwitch, or virtual port levels?___
A. tcpdump-uw
B. wireshark
C. pktcap-uw
D. pcap
Which storage feature always requires the use of third-party software on ESXi?___
A. Hardware Acceleration for NAS devices
C. Hardware Acceleration for Block
D. evices
An ESXi host's VMCA-Signed certificate has expired. How can the certificate be renewed?___
A. In the vSphere Web Client, browse to the host in question. Click the Manage tab and select settings. Select System and click Certificate, then click the Renew button.
B. In the vSphere Web Client, browse to the host in question. Click the Manage tab and select settings. Select System and click Certificate, then click the Refresh CA Certificates button.
C. Run the command /sbin/generate-certificates on the affected host.
D. Disconnect the host from vCenter Server and reconnect it.
Which is the correct order for upgrading vSphere components?___
A. vCenter Server, ESXi hosts, VMware Tools, Virtual Machine hardware
B. VMware Tools, Virtual Machine hardware, ESXi hosts, vCenter Server
C. vCenter Server, Virtual Machine hardware, VMware tools, ESXi hosts
D. ESXi hosts, vCenter Server, Virtual Machine hardware, VMware Tools
Which iSCSI initiator type can be used with any network interface card?___
A. Software iSCSI initiator
B. Software FCoE adapter
C. Hardware Independent iSCSI initiator
D. Hardware Dependent iSCSI initiator
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine with 32GB of memory. The operation fails with the following error: <Could not power on VM: No space left on device> <Checking the space on the virtual machine's datastore, there is 30GB free.> Which action would allow the VM to power on?___
A. Set a 2GB memory reservation on the VM.
B. Mount the virtual disk from the affected VM on to another virtual machine and free up space from within the OS.
C. Enable vSphere HD admission control on the cluster in which the VM resides.
D. Set a 2GB memory limit on the VM.
An administrator attempts to manually reclaim space on thin-provisioned VMFS6 volumes but finds that no additional space is being recovered. Which could be causing this?___
A. vSphere 6.5 does not support manual UNMAP.
B. The manual UNMAP operation has been moved to the vSphere web client.
C. The VASA version is use is incompatible.
D. UNMAP is automated for VMFS6.
An administrator has upgraded to vSphere 6.5 and also wants to use Kerberos authentication for NFS. Which can be done to the existing NFSv3 volumes to enable this feature?___
A. Perform a storage rescan on VMFS volumes.
B. Unmount the NFSv3 datastore, and then mount as NFSv4.1 datastore.
C. Nothing. All NFSv3 mounted datastores are upgraded automatically during vSphere upgrades.
D. Perform a scan of new storage devices.
An administrator wants to restore the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 from backup. Where can this be accomplished?___
A. from the ESXi Host Client
B. from the VMware vSphere Appliance Management Interface
C. from within the VMware vSphere Web Client
D. from the vCenter Server Appliance Installer
The administrator wants to power on VM-K2, which has a 2GHz CPU reservation. VM-M1, VM-M2, and VM-K1 are all powered on. VM-K2 is not powered on. The exhibit shows the parent and child resource reservations. If Resource Pool RP-KID is configured with an expandable reservation, which statement is true?___
A. VM-K2 will be unable to power on because there are insufficient resources.
B. VM-K2 will be able to power on since resource pool RP-KID has 2GHz available.
C. VM-K2 will be unable to power on because only 2GHz are reserved for RP-KID.
D. VM-K2 will receive resource priority and will be able to power on this scenario.
Which is the block size on the VMFS6 datastore?___
A. All small and large file blocks are 8MB.
B. All small and large file blocks are 1MB.
C. Small file blocks are 512KB. large file blocks are 64MB.
D. Small file blocks are 1MB, large file blocks are 512MB.
When installing vCenter Converter Standalone, why must an administrator perform a client-server installation instead of a local installation?___
A. to manage conversion tasks remotely
B. to convert virtual machines as well as physical machines
C. to allow installation of the Converter agent on remote source machines
D. to hot clone physical or virtual machines
Which is required by vCenter Converter Standalone to convert a physical Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 machine to a virtual machine?___
A. The Linux machine must be powered off.
B. The Linux machine must have the SSH daemon started.
C. The Linux machine must use a static IP address.
D. The Linux machine must have a fully-qualified domain name.
An administrator is troubleshooting network communications between a vCenter Server and an ESXi 6.5 host. Which log shows the related events between these components?___
A. /var/log/fdm.log
B. /var/log/vpxa.log
C. /var/log/hostd.log
D. /var/log/auth.log
An administrator has recently upgraded from vSphere 6.0 to 6.5, and can no longer see the software iSCSI named vmhba33. Which could be the reason for this?___
A. The upgrade has changed the vmhba name.
B. vSphere 6.5 automates iSCSI configurations.
C. vSphere 6.5 no longer supports software iSCSI.
D. The upgrade has deleted the vmhba.
An administrator is trying to vMotion a VM from his datacenter to a recovery site. Which is the maximum allowed RTT (Round-Trip Time) latency between source and destination host?___
A. 100 milliseconds
B. 150 milliseconds
C. 15 milliseconds
D. 10 milliseconds
Which is required for configuring iSCSI Software Adapter network port binding?___
A. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on IP Hash algorithm.
B. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on Source Virtual Port ID algorithm.
C. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on Source MAC Hash algorithm.
D. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be bound to only one active network adapter.
In vSphere Data Protection 6.1, which is the function of a Backup Verification job?___
A. None. Backup Verification job is not a feature of vSphere Data Protection
B. It is a manual task -Power it on -Verify the guest OS -Check started applications
C. It is an automatic process -Restore a virtual machine -Power it on -Verify that the guest OS is booted by communicating with the Backup Verification agent
D. It is an automatic process -Restore a virtual machine -Power it on -Verify that the guest OC is booted by detecting the VMware ToolsTM "heartbeats"
An administrator has enabled vSphere Distributed Switch Health Check. The hosts connected to that Distributed Switch all display an alert:< vSphere Distributed Switch MTU supported status > .The administrator has all of the VMkernel ports MTU sizes set to 1600. Which action will remedy this problem?___
A. Configure the Distributed Switch to MTU 9100.
B. Disconnect and reconnect the physical network cable.
C. Configure the physical switch to MTU 1600.
D. Disable the Distributed Switch MTU.
Which Host Profile Subprofile configuration is used to configure firewall settings for ESXi hosts?___
A. Advanced Configuration Settings
B. General System Settings
C. Security
D. Networking
Where would a vSphere administrator find general vCenter Server logs on a vCenter Server Appliance?___
A. /var/log/vmware/vpxd/
B. /var/log/messages
C. /etc/vmware-vpx/
D. /var/log/vmware/vsan-health/
An administrator wishes to enable network port mirroring based on source port. Which feature should be enabled?___
A. vSphere standard switch port
C. NSX Virtual Wire
Which CLI command shows the physical uplink status for a vmnic?___
A. esxcli network ip connection list
B. esxcli network ip neighbor list
C. esxcli network nic get
D. esxcli network nic list
Which is the maximum number of block devices (LUNs) that are supported by ESXi hosts that are running version 6.5?___
A. 1024
B. 512
C. 2048
D. 256
When performing a vCenter Server 5.5 for Windows with Microsoft SQL Server Express database migration to vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which will be the target database?___
A. Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012R2
B. Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2012R2
C. PostgreSQL
D. Oracle DB 11g
An administrator has multiple vCenter Server 6.5 systems but cannot enable Storage I/O Control (SIOC) on a datastore shared by ESXi hosts managed by the vCenter Server systems. Which action should the administrator take to resolve the issue?___
A. Unmount the datastore and then enable SIOC on the vCenter Server system.
B. Configure the datastore to be managed by a single vCenter Server system.
C. Configure Storage DRS and then enable SIOC on the vCenter Server system.
D. Enable Raw Device Mapping (RDM) on the
E. SXi hosts.
“OneAppServer” is a VM template stored in a content library named “LibraryOne”, but the vSphere administrator is not able to use this template for deployment. Why is the administrator unable to deploy OneAppServer?___
A. OneAppServer must be updated before it can be deployed.
B. LibraryOne is a subscribed library and OneAppServer is not downloaded yet.
C. LibraryOne is published and optimized for syncing over HTTP.
D. OneAppServer was imported from a local file on the system.