A. 大革命
B. 土地革命
C. 抗日战争
D. 解放战争
A. 重工业
B. 轻工业
C. 农业
D. 服务业
29.新中国的工业化是在苏联的影响下起步的。走中国工业化道路,是中国共产党初步探索我国社会主义建议道路的一个重要思想。当时所讲的工业化道路问题,主要是指___ 。
A. 中央和地方的关系问题
B. 经济建设和国防建设的关系问题
C. 沿海工业和内地工业的关系问题
D. 重工业、轻工业和农业的发展关系问题
A. 解放生产力
B. 发展生产力
C. 进行社会主义革命
D. 建设和巩固社会主义
A. 尖锐性
B. 对抗性矛盾
C. 斗争性
D. 又相适应又相矛盾
A. 干部参加劳动和工人参加管理。改革不合理的规章制度。工人群众、领导干部和技术人员三结合。
B. 参加劳动和参加学习。深化经济改革。工人群众、领导干部和技术人员三结合。
C. 干部参加管理和工人参加劳动。改革不合理的规章制度。工人群众、领导干部和技术人员三结合。
D.干部参加劳动和工人参加管理。改革不合理的规章制度。工人、群众、技术人员三结合。 33.关于经济体制和运行机制改革,毛泽东提出了___思想。
A. 发展商品生产和利用价值规律
B. 发展社会主义市场经济
C. 科学发展观
D. 社会主义改革
A. 集体化
B. 农业化
C. 现代化
D. 工业化
A. 走中国工业化道路
B. 走社会主义道路
C. 走改革开放道路
D. 走农业化道路
A. 社会主义市场经济理论
B. 社会主义本质理论
C. 社会主义初级阶段理论
D. 邓小平理论
A. 正确处理改革、发展同稳定的关系
B. 坚持以经济建设为中心
C. 解放思想、实事求是
D. 什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义
A. 马克思主义
B. “三个有利于”
C. 实践
D. 生产力
A. 概括了社会主义建设的目标
B. 指出了社会主义的根本任务
C. 明确了社会主义的发展方向
D. 体现了社会主义本质的要求
A. 发展社会主义民主,加强社会主义法制
B. 一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明
C. 坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放
D. 自力更生,艰苦创业
A. 展开
B. 重要内容
C. 核心内容
D. 重要补充
A. 中华人民共和国成立
B. 社会主义改造基本完成
C. 党的十一届三中全会
D. 党的十三大
A. 解决温饱问题
B. 彻底摆脱贫困
C. 实现小康
D. 比较富裕
A. 科学技术是第一生产力
B. 科技工作要面向经济建设
C. 中国在高科技领域要占有一席之地
D. 中国的农业最终要靠科技解决问题
A. 低效益、低支出
B. 低储蓄、低膨胀
C. 低工资、低物价
D. 低效益、低产出
A. 公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展
B. 多种所有制经济共同发展
C. 按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存
D. 按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合
A. 公有制经济
B. 股份制经济
C. 国有经济
D. 集体经济
A. 调节整个社会的生产和流通
B. 在国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用
C. 在流通领域发挥作用
D. 自发地调节社会总量平衡
A. 竞争信号
B. 价格信号
C. 供给信号
D. 需求信号
A. 社会主义公有制
B. 无产阶级掌握政权
C. 生产力有一定的发展
D. 劳动存在着重大差别
A. 1987年党的十三
B. 1992年党的十四大
C. 1997年党的十五大
D. 1998年全国人大九届二次会议
A. 1978年党的十一届三中全会
B. 1982年党的十二大
C. 1987年党的十二大
D. 1992年视察南方谈话
A. 别人的经验可以借鉴,但必须根据自己的实际情况来决定自己的事情
B. 无需借鉴别国的经验
C. 可以照搬社会主义国家的经验
D. 不能借鉴资本主义国家的经验
A. 坚持治理整顿
B. 坚持改革开放
C. 发展经济
D. 发展科技与教育
A. 四项基本原则
B. 改革开放
C. 一个中心,两个基本点
D. 两手抓,两手都要硬
A. 基本理论
B. 基本路线
C. 基本方针
D. 基本纲领
A. 政府直接管理
B. 通过行政命令管理
C. 运用市场机制管理
D. 靠法律法规转变
A. 简单再生产向扩大再生产转变
B. 计划经济向市场经济转变
C. 传统产业向高科技产业转变
D. 粗放型向集约型转变
A. 三级所有,队为基础
B. 集体劳动,集中经营
C. 家庭承包经营,双层经营
D. 家庭分散经营
A. 社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分
B. 社会主义经济的重要组成部分
C. 社会主义初级阶段公有制经济的重要组成部分
D. 社会主义性质经济
A. 价格机制
B. 供求机制
C. 竞争机制
D. 约束机制
A. 处理好计划与市场的关系
B. 处理好价格与价值的关系
C. 中央与地方分权
D. 政企职能分开
A. 个人利益第一
B. 国家利益第一
C. 国家和人民利益放在首位而又充分尊重公民个人合法利益
D. 必要时,国家利益服从公民个人利益
A. 改革实质上是要改革社会主义制度
B. 改革是一个阶级改变一个阶级的政治地位的阶级斗争
C. 改革是社会主义制度的自我完善和发展
D. 改革就是改良主义
A. 处于萌芽时期
B. 初步形成
C. 逐步展开并形成轮廓
D. 走向成熟并形成理论体系
An administrator reports that the System Event log data is only available for 24 hours when reviewing the Hardware Status tab. Which condition could be responsible for the loss of data?___
A. A Reset event log was executed.
B. The statistical collection level was set to a value of 1.
C. The boot disk of the host is corrupt.
D. Syslog has been configured at the vCenter Server level.
During an upgrade, the ESXi 6.x installer finds an existing version of ESXi and a VMFS3 volume. No virtual machines exist on the host or VMFS3 volume. The requirement is to upgrade to VMFS5. Which option should be chosen to meet this requirement?___
A. Upgrade ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
B. Install ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
C. Install ESXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
D. Upgrade
E. SXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
A vSphere 6.x Standard Switch is configured with 4 virtual machine portgroups, as shown in the exhibit. Which portgroup would be utilized by default when creating a new virtual machine?___
A. Access Network
B. DMZ Network
C. VM Network
D. Virtual Machine Network
Which vSphere 6.x feature will allow an organization to utilize native snapshots?___
A. Virtual Volumes
B. Virtual SAN
An administrator is creating a new vSphere Distributed Switch that will be utilized with a specific vSphere Cluster. The cluster itself contains a mix of ESXi 5.x and 6.x Hosts. Which Distributed Switch version should be created to support this configuration?___
A. Distributed Switch: 6.0.0
B. Distributed Switch: 5.0.0
C. Distributed Switch: 5.1.0
D. Distributed Switch: 5.5.0
Which load balancing policy, previously limited to vSphere Distributed Switches, is now available on vSphere Standard Switches with vSphere 6.x?___
A. Route based on physical NIC workload
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on the originating virtual port
D. Route based on Source MAC Hash
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
An administrator has just completed performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x and is booting the host. How is the network initially configured?___
A. The network is configured by Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA).
B. The network is configured based on the settings detected in DNS.
C. The network is configured with the address as specified in the installer.
D. The network is automatically configured by DHCP.
You have just installed an ESXi 6.x Host. As part of your company security regulations, a security banner must be presented on the console of the host. How can this action be accomplished?___
A. Configure the Advanced Settings > Annotations screen of the ESXi host.
B. This is configured from the Direct Console User Interface configuration menu.
C. It is not possible to configure a security banner for the ESXi host.
D. From vCenter Server, this setting is configured globally in the vCenter Server configuration.
An administrator is only able to see the Health Badge when using the vRealize Operations user interface. What is the likely cause of this behavior?___
A. The vRealize Operations Foundation License is in use.
B. The vmware-sps service failed to start.
C. The vRealize Operations Standard License is in use.
D. The vmware-rbd-watchdog service failed to start.
An administrator has configured an alarm to be notified when a virtual machine meets either of these conditions: <High virtual CPU> <High active memory consumption.> <The alarm is only triggering when both of the conditions are met.> What can be done to correct the alarm behavior?___
A. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ANY of the following conditions are satisfied.
B. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied.
C. Create two separate alarms, one for CPU and one for memory and link them together with ESXCLI.
D. Delete the existing alarm and create a new event based alarm.
An administrator creates an ESXi cluster using vSphere Auto Deploy. The ESXi hosts are configured to get a management IP address from a DHCP server. The administrator needs to troubleshoot the management network on one of the hosts. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to renew the DHCP lease? ___
A. Restart Management Network
B. Restore Network Settings
C. Test Management Network
D. Configure Management Network
An administrator is attempting to restore a number of files in a directory within the Operating System of a virtual machine. How can the administrator restore the files from a previous backup? ___
A. Use the File Level Restore option from the selected backup of the virtual machine in the vSphere Web Client.
B. Connect to the File Level Restore tool from a web browser in the virtual machine.
C. Connect to the File Level Restore tool from the VMware
D. ata Protection appliance.
After selecting an object in vRealize Operations, how can a user compare the badge values of related child objects? ___
A. Use the Scoreboard tab
B. Use the Relationship tab
C. Use the Members tab
D. Use the Overview tab
You want to deploy a vApp and dynamically assign IP addresses without a DHCP server on the network. Which action would you take to accomplish this task? ___
A. Enable IP pools.
B. Configure a local DHCP server in the vApp.
C. Enable NAT on the vApp router.
D. Configure the guest OS for workgroup and WINS.
What is the optimal configuration when building a virtual machine for a single-threaded Windows application? ___
A. Deploy single-threaded applications on uniprocessor virtual machines.
B. Deploy single-threaded applications on symmetric multi-processor virtual machines.
C. Tune single-threaded applications to take advantage of symmetric multi-processor resources.
D. Tune Single-threaded applications at the hypervisor level.
An administrator has created the resource pool configuration shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, which virtual machine(s) can be successfully powered on? ___
A. VM-M1 only
B. VM-K1 only
C. VM-K1 and VM-K2 only
D. VM-K1, VM-K2, and VM-M1
Which vSphere 6 Enterprise Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA
An administrator has a virtual machine that requires four times the compute resources than other virtual machines on the same ESXi 6.x host. How should the administrator configure the virtual machine settings, in order to be prepared for any resource contention? ___
A. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High and the rest to Low.
B. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High.
C. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to High and the rest to Normal.
D. Set the shares of the priority virtual machine to Normal and the rest to Low.
Which type of Adapter does not require vmkernel networking? ___
A. Independent Hardware iSCSI Adapter
B. Dependent Hardware iSCSI Adapter
C. Software iSCSI Adapter
D. Software FCoE Adapter
During the installation of ESXi 6.0, the following error message is reported: Hardware Virtualization is not a feature of the CPU, or is not enabled in the BIOS. Which condition would generate this message? ___
A. LAHF/SAHF is not enabled in the BIOS.
B. NX/XD is not enabled in the BIOS.
C. SSE3 is not enabled in the BIOS.
D. Hyperthreading is not enabled in the BIOS.
An administrator is unable to login to vCenter Server when using the vSphere web client. The administrator successfully accessed vCenter Server using the client earlier the same day. What is the most appropriate first step the administrator should take to resolve this issue? ___
A. Verify the web browser being used has Adobe Flash plugin version 11.5 or later
B. Verify the vCenter Single Sign-On service is running on the vCenter Server
C. Verify the vSphere Web Server service is running on the vCenter Server
D. Verify the administrator has permissions configured in vCenter Server
An administrator has configured an alarm to be notified when a virtual machine meets two conditions: <high virtual CPU> <high active memory consumption> The alarm is malfunctioning and triggering when either condition is met instead of both. What can be done to correct the issue? ___
A. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied.
B. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ANY of the following conditions are satisfied.
C. Create two separate alarms, one for CPU and one for memory.
D. Delete the existing alarm and create a new event based alarm.
What must be enabled to ensure that VM Component Protection (VMCP) works in a High Availability cluster? ___
A. VMware Tools Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI)
B. Fault Tolerance
C. Atomic Test and Set (ATS)
D. All Paths Down (APD) Timeout
An administrator wants to add a web server to an existing multi-tier application consisting of three virtual machines: <A web server> <A database server An application server> The web server should be added to the application when the primary web server reaches: <70% vCPU utilization> <55% active memory> Which option will achieve this result? ___
A. Create a virtual machine alarm with an action to run a script that starts a new instance of the web server.
B. Create a host cpu and memory alarm with an action to run a script that starts a new instance of the webserver.
C. Configure HA application monitoring for the web server and set it to trigger deployment of a new instance of the web server.
D. Configure Fault Tolerance on the virtual machine and leave the secondary machine disabled until needed.
An administrator has an application that requires connection directly to PCI devices through a virtual machine. What is a limitation of this configuration? ___
A. Devices must be reserved for PCI passthrough on at least one host on which the virtual machine will run.
B. Snapshots are not supported with DirectPath I/O passthrough devices.
C. A maximum of 18 PCI vSphere
D. irectPath devices can be added to a virtual machine.
The vSphere administrator is configuring directory services for an ESXi host: What should the vSphere administrator do to configure the host to use CAM services? ___
A. Check the Use vSphere Authentication Proxy checkbox.
B. Set Select Directory Service Type to CAM services.
C. Specify CAM$ for the
D. omain.
Which statement is true regarding the licensing of vCenter Server? ___
A. The license for vCenter Server must be provided at the time of installation.
B. Changing the license assigned to vCenter Server requires a restart of the vCenter Server service.
C. Virtual machines can still be powered on if the vCenter Server license expires.
D. Licensing for a single vCenter Server installation is determined by the number of managed virtual machines.
When configuring vSphere Replication for a virtual machine, what is the lowest Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that can be selected? ___
A. 1 min
B. 5 min
C. 10 min
D. 15min
A developer needs to create a multi-tier development stack for a home lab. Which vSphere product will support the architecture required for the least software cost? ___
A. vSphere Hypervisor
B. vSphere Essentials
C. VMware Player
D. VMware Workstation
An administrator is installing Windows into a virtual machine. The DVD has been mounted on the Host and configured for the virtual machine as shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, when the virtual machine is booted, why would it attempt to search for a PXE server? ___
A. The CD/DVD device is not connected.
B. The ISO is in the incorrect storage location.
C. The OS minimum requirements have not been met.
D. The CD/DVD device is not set to Client Device.
What component must be installed prior to deploying a vCenter Server in vSphere 6.x? ___
A. vCenter Identity Services
B. Platform Services Controller
C. vCenter Single Sign-On
D. Client Integration Plug-In
What is a valid plug-in status for a plug-in that has been added to a vSphere client? ___
A. Disabled
B. Unknown
C. Stopped
D. Installed
Users of an application are reporting performance issues. The following performance values are observed in the vSphere Web Client: <Host CPU utilization is 90%> <Virtual Machine memory utilization is consistently greater than 90% CPU Ready values are higher than 20%> What could be the cause of the application performance issue? ___
A. The host is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
B. The host is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
C. The virtual machine is lacking the CPU resources required to meet the demand.
D. The virtual machine is lacking the memory resources required to meet the demand.
An administrator creates an ESXi cluster using vSphere Auto Deploy. The ESXi hosts are configured to get a management IP address from a DHCP server. The administrator needs to troubleshoot the management network on one of the hosts. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to renew the DHCP lease? ___
A. Restart Management Network
B. Restore Network Settings
C. Test Management Network
D. Configure Management Network
An administrator is re-provisioning an ESXi host and moving it to another datacenter. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to revert the system configuration to the default settings? ___
A. Reset System Configuration
B. Rebuild Default System Configuration
C. Revert System Configuration
D. Renew Default System Configuration
An administrator has just completed installing an ESXi 6.x host, but doesn't know what address has been configured. Where is the ESXi host IP address configured? ___
A. RVC console
B. Direct Console User Interface
C. vSphere Web Client
D. vSphere Client
When is it possible to place a VMFS5 datastore in maintenance mode? ___
A. When it is a member of a Storage DRS cluster
B. When it is a member of Virtual SAN cluster
C. When it is a member of a multi-extent datastore
D. When it is a member of a Virtual Volume
Immediately after installing ESXi, an administrator observes that the Configure Lockdown Mode option is grayed out in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). What is the most likely explanation? ___
A. The host has not yet been added to a vCenter Server.
B. The BIOS on the host does not have NX/XD enabled.
C. The ESXi host is running in evaluation mode.
D. The host requires a reboot before this feature is available.