A. 土地革命
B. 工农联盟
C. 武装斗争
D. 根据地建设
A. 延安革命根据地
B. 鄂豫皖革命根据地
C. 瑞金革命根据地
D. 井冈山革命根据地
A. 北洋军阀
B. 日本帝国主义
C. 国民党反动派
D. 英、美帝国主义
A. 《论人民民主专政》
B. 《中国革命和中国共产党》
C. 《新民主主义论》
D. 《论联合政府》
A. 《新民主主义论》
B. 《中国革命和中国共产党》
C. 《<共产党人>发刊词》
D. 《论联合政府》
A. 辛亥革命
B. 俄国十月革命
C. 抗日战争
D. 解放战争
A. 独立的中国逐步沦为半殖民地的国家
B. 资本主义发展壮大
C. 完全沦为殖民地国家
D. 封建的中国逐步变为半封建的中国
A. 帝国主义与殖民地的矛盾
B. 帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾
C. 帝国主义与封建主义的矛盾
D. 封建主义和人民大众的矛盾
A. 扫清军阀统治
B. 推翻官僚资本主义的统治
C. 推翻帝国主义的统治
D. 推翻封建主义的统治
A. 没有在领导中国新民主主义革命历程中,党由小到大、由弱到强的实践,就不会有党的建设的理论
B. 没有两次国共合作的实践,就没有关于统一战线的理论
C. 没有建立和巩固农村革命根据地的实践,就不会有关于中国革命道路的理论
D. 没有革命战争的实践,就不会有建立人民军队和关于军事战略的理论
A. 土地革命
B. 根据地建设
C. 党的建设
D. 武装斗争
A. 无产阶级领导的
B. 人民大众的
C. 反对帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义
D. 反对民族资本主义
A. 中国新民主主义革命处于世界无产阶级社会主义革命的时代,是世界无产阶级社会主义革命的一部分
B. 革命的领导力量是中国无产阶级及其先锋队——中国共产党
C. 革命的指导思想是马克思列宁主义
D. 革命的前途是社会主义而不是资本主义
A. 团结一切可以团结的力量
B. 发展进步势力
C. 争取中间势力
D. 孤立顽固势力
A. 无产阶级
B. 农民阶级
C. 城市小资产阶级
D. 民族资产阶级
新民主主义革命时期,党领导的统一战线,先后经过了___ 等几个时期。
A. 第一次国共合作的统一战线
B. 工农民主统一战线
C. 抗日民族统一战线
D. 人民民主统一战线
A. 没收封建地主阶级的土地归农民所有
B. 没收官僚资本归新民主主义国家所有
C. 保护民族工商业
D. 平均地权
A. 大革命时期认识到了党指挥枪的重要性,形成了人民军队建设的根本原则;
B. 经历大革命的失败和井冈山的斗争后,探索出了农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的革命道路;
C. 抗日战争时期,对中国革命的认识趋于成熟,逐步形成了系统化的适合中国国情的新民主主义革命理论;
D. 解放战争时期,开始认识到建立统一战线的重要性。
新民主主义文化是 ___的文化。
A. 无产阶级领导的
B. 民族的
C. 科学的
D. 大众的
A. 旧民主主义革命
B. 新民主主义革命
C. 农民革命
D. 社会主义革命
A. 武装斗争
B. 土地革命
C. 党的建设
D. 统一战线
A. 仍然属于资产阶级民主主义革命的范畴
B. 在政治上争取和联合民族资产阶级去反对共同的敌人
C. 在经济上保护民族工商业
D. 要建立的是无产阶级领导的革命阶级的联合专政
A. 工人阶级同农民阶级、广大知识分子及其他劳动者的联盟
B. 工人阶级同非劳动人民的联盟
C. 工人阶级同亲英美的大资产阶级的联盟
D. 农民阶级同小资产阶级的联盟
A. 它从诞生之日起就深受外国资本主义、本国封建势力和资产阶级的三重压迫,因此,在革命斗争中比任何别的阶级都来得坚决和彻底
B. 它分布集中,有利于无产阶级队伍的组织和团结,有利于革命思想的传播和形成强大的革命力量
C. 它的成员中大部分出身于破产农民,和农民有着天然的联系,便于和农民结成亲密的联盟
D. 它们人数众多,容易形成强大的革命力量
A. 中国革命的敌人虽然建立了庞大的反革命军队,并长期占据着中心城市,但农村是其统治的薄弱环节
B. 全国革命形势继续向前发展,是中国红色政权能够存在和发展的客观条件
C. 相当力量正是红军的存在,是红色政权能够存在和发展的条件
D. 党的领导及其正确的政策,是红色政权能够存在和发展的主观原因
A. 开创了中国历史的新纪元
B. 有力鼓舞和推动了世界上被压迫民族和人民反抗帝国主义、殖民主义的斗争
C. 极大地增强了世界上被压迫民族和人民反对帝国主义的信心
D. 增强了世界人民争取和平的力量
A. 资本主义 社会
B. 新民主主义社会
C. 社会主义社会
D. 共产主义社会
A. 五四运动
B. 辛亥革命
C. 中华人民共和国成立
D. 新民主主义革命
A. 没收帝国主义在华企业
B. 没收官僚资本
C. 赎买民族资产阶级的财产
D. 剥夺地主阶级土地和财产
A. 《中国土地法大纲》
B. 《中华人民共和国土地法》
C. 《中国土地改革法》
D. 《中华人民共和国土地改革法》
中国共产党七届三中全会提出的中心任务是 ___
A. 消灭国民党反动派残余势力
B. 争取国家财政经济状况的好转
C. 在新解放区完成土地改革
D. 合理调整工商业
建国之初,在土地改革中对待富农的土地采取的政策是 ___
A. 征收富农的多余土地
B. 消灭富农经济
C. 保存富农经济
D. 限制富农经济
A. 国营企业
B. 私营企业
C. 党政机关
D. 合作社
A. 新民主主义
B. 过渡性质
C. 社会主义
D. 劳动人民
A. 过渡时期
B. 民主革命
C. 社会革命
D. 土地改革
党在过渡时期的总路线和总任务是 ___
A. 无产阶级领导的,人民大众的,反对帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义的革命
B. 在一个相当长的时期内,逐步实现国家的社会主义工业化,并逐步实现国家对农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造
C. 鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义
D. 以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗
A. 社会主义工业化
B. 社会主义民主化
C. 社会主义现代化
D. 社会主义中国化
A. 互助组、初级社和高级社
B. 供销小组、供销合作社和生产合作社
C. 初级形式国家资本主义、个别企业公私合营和全行业公司合营
D. 委托加工、计划订货和统购包销
A. 互助合作
B. 社会主义
C. 公私合营
D. 土地改革
A. 互助组
B. 初级社
C. 高级社
D. 合作社
An administrator is attempting to power on a virtual machine with 32GB of memory. The operation fails with the following error: <Could not power on VM: No space left on device> <Checking the space on the virtual machine's datastore, there is 30GB free.> Which action would allow the VM to power on?___
A. Set a 2GB memory reservation on the VM.
B. Mount the virtual disk from the affected VM on to another virtual machine and free up space from within the OS.
C. Enable vSphere HD admission control on the cluster in which the VM resides.
D. Set a 2GB memory limit on the VM.
An administrator attempts to manually reclaim space on thin-provisioned VMFS6 volumes but finds that no additional space is being recovered. Which could be causing this?___
A. vSphere 6.5 does not support manual UNMAP.
B. The manual UNMAP operation has been moved to the vSphere web client.
C. The VASA version is use is incompatible.
D. UNMAP is automated for VMFS6.
An administrator has upgraded to vSphere 6.5 and also wants to use Kerberos authentication for NFS. Which can be done to the existing NFSv3 volumes to enable this feature?___
A. Perform a storage rescan on VMFS volumes.
B. Unmount the NFSv3 datastore, and then mount as NFSv4.1 datastore.
C. Nothing. All NFSv3 mounted datastores are upgraded automatically during vSphere upgrades.
D. Perform a scan of new storage devices.
An administrator wants to restore the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 from backup. Where can this be accomplished?___
A. from the ESXi Host Client
B. from the VMware vSphere Appliance Management Interface
C. from within the VMware vSphere Web Client
D. from the vCenter Server Appliance Installer
The administrator wants to power on VM-K2, which has a 2GHz CPU reservation. VM-M1, VM-M2, and VM-K1 are all powered on. VM-K2 is not powered on. The exhibit shows the parent and child resource reservations. If Resource Pool RP-KID is configured with an expandable reservation, which statement is true?___
A. VM-K2 will be unable to power on because there are insufficient resources.
B. VM-K2 will be able to power on since resource pool RP-KID has 2GHz available.
C. VM-K2 will be unable to power on because only 2GHz are reserved for RP-KID.
D. VM-K2 will receive resource priority and will be able to power on this scenario.
Which is the block size on the VMFS6 datastore?___
A. All small and large file blocks are 8MB.
B. All small and large file blocks are 1MB.
C. Small file blocks are 512KB. large file blocks are 64MB.
D. Small file blocks are 1MB, large file blocks are 512MB.
When installing vCenter Converter Standalone, why must an administrator perform a client-server installation instead of a local installation?___
A. to manage conversion tasks remotely
B. to convert virtual machines as well as physical machines
C. to allow installation of the Converter agent on remote source machines
D. to hot clone physical or virtual machines
Which is required by vCenter Converter Standalone to convert a physical Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 machine to a virtual machine?___
A. The Linux machine must be powered off.
B. The Linux machine must have the SSH daemon started.
C. The Linux machine must use a static IP address.
D. The Linux machine must have a fully-qualified domain name.
An administrator is troubleshooting network communications between a vCenter Server and an ESXi 6.5 host. Which log shows the related events between these components?___
A. /var/log/fdm.log
B. /var/log/vpxa.log
C. /var/log/hostd.log
D. /var/log/auth.log
An administrator has recently upgraded from vSphere 6.0 to 6.5, and can no longer see the software iSCSI named vmhba33. Which could be the reason for this?___
A. The upgrade has changed the vmhba name.
B. vSphere 6.5 automates iSCSI configurations.
C. vSphere 6.5 no longer supports software iSCSI.
D. The upgrade has deleted the vmhba.
An administrator is trying to vMotion a VM from his datacenter to a recovery site. Which is the maximum allowed RTT (Round-Trip Time) latency between source and destination host?___
A. 100 milliseconds
B. 150 milliseconds
C. 15 milliseconds
D. 10 milliseconds
Which is required for configuring iSCSI Software Adapter network port binding?___
A. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on IP Hash algorithm.
B. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on Source Virtual Port ID algorithm.
C. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be load balanced using Route based on Source MAC Hash algorithm.
D. VMkernel of the iSCSI traffic must be bound to only one active network adapter.
In vSphere Data Protection 6.1, which is the function of a Backup Verification job?___
A. None. Backup Verification job is not a feature of vSphere Data Protection
B. It is a manual task -Power it on -Verify the guest OS -Check started applications
C. It is an automatic process -Restore a virtual machine -Power it on -Verify that the guest OS is booted by communicating with the Backup Verification agent
D. It is an automatic process -Restore a virtual machine -Power it on -Verify that the guest OC is booted by detecting the VMware ToolsTM "heartbeats"
An administrator has enabled vSphere Distributed Switch Health Check. The hosts connected to that Distributed Switch all display an alert:< vSphere Distributed Switch MTU supported status > .The administrator has all of the VMkernel ports MTU sizes set to 1600. Which action will remedy this problem?___
A. Configure the Distributed Switch to MTU 9100.
B. Disconnect and reconnect the physical network cable.
C. Configure the physical switch to MTU 1600.
D. Disable the Distributed Switch MTU.
Which Host Profile Subprofile configuration is used to configure firewall settings for ESXi hosts?___
A. Advanced Configuration Settings
B. General System Settings
C. Security
D. Networking
Where would a vSphere administrator find general vCenter Server logs on a vCenter Server Appliance?___
A. /var/log/vmware/vpxd/
B. /var/log/messages
C. /etc/vmware-vpx/
D. /var/log/vmware/vsan-health/
An administrator wishes to enable network port mirroring based on source port. Which feature should be enabled?___
A. vSphere standard switch port
C. NSX Virtual Wire
Which CLI command shows the physical uplink status for a vmnic?___
A. esxcli network ip connection list
B. esxcli network ip neighbor list
C. esxcli network nic get
D. esxcli network nic list
Which is the maximum number of block devices (LUNs) that are supported by ESXi hosts that are running version 6.5?___
A. 1024
B. 512
C. 2048
D. 256
When performing a vCenter Server 5.5 for Windows with Microsoft SQL Server Express database migration to vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which will be the target database?___
A. Microsoft SQL Server Express 2012R2
B. Microsoft SQL Server Standard 2012R2
C. PostgreSQL
D. Oracle DB 11g
An administrator has multiple vCenter Server 6.5 systems but cannot enable Storage I/O Control (SIOC) on a datastore shared by ESXi hosts managed by the vCenter Server systems. Which action should the administrator take to resolve the issue?___
A. Unmount the datastore and then enable SIOC on the vCenter Server system.
B. Configure the datastore to be managed by a single vCenter Server system.
C. Configure Storage DRS and then enable SIOC on the vCenter Server system.
D. Enable Raw Device Mapping (RDM) on the
E. SXi hosts.
“OneAppServer” is a VM template stored in a content library named “LibraryOne”, but the vSphere administrator is not able to use this template for deployment. Why is the administrator unable to deploy OneAppServer?___
A. OneAppServer must be updated before it can be deployed.
B. LibraryOne is a subscribed library and OneAppServer is not downloaded yet.
C. LibraryOne is published and optimized for syncing over HTTP.
D. OneAppServer was imported from a local file on the system.
An administrator sets the Failover Capacity for both CPU and Memory at 25%. Based on the Exhibit below, how much of the cluster’s total CPU resources are still available to power on additional virtual machines?___
A. 45%
B. 25%
C. 70%
D. 60%
Which statement applies to the vSphere Replication appliance?___
A. Only one vSphere Replication appliance can be deployed per vCenter Server instance.
B. VMware Tools in the vSphere Replication appliance can be upgraded.
C. A single vSphere Replication appliance can manage a maximum of 4000 replications.
D. vSphere Replication is available only with the vSphere
E. ssentials Plus license.
Which esxcli namespace can a vSphere Administrator use to adjust the queue depth?___
A. esxcli system module parameters
B. esxcli storage core device
C. esxcli system module set
D. esxcli storage core adapter
Which statement regarding datastore clusters meets VMware’s recommended best practices?___
A. Clusters should contain only datastores presented from the same storage array.
B. Clusters should contain only datastores with equal hardware acceleration capability.
C. Clusters should contain only datastores with the same capacity.
D. Clusters should contain only datastores using the same connection method (iSCSI, FC, etc.).
What VM Monitoring setting would ensure that the maximum reset window for a virtual machine is 24 hours?___
A. Medium
B. Low
C. High
D. Normal
What is the default space threshold for vSphere Storage DRS?___
A. 80%
B. 70%
C. 90%
D. 95%
Which is the correct sequence to upgrade a vSphere infrastructure?___
A. vCenter Server>ESXi host> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
B. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VMware Tools>VM compatibility
C. vCenter host> ESXi host> VM compatibility> VMware Tools
D. ESXi host>vCenter Server> VM compatibility>VMware Tools
An administrator has a large boot from SAN cluster and wants to ensure consistent configuration by using host profiles. What special considerations are required for boot from SAN hosts?___
A. Change the “Device is shared clusterwide” setting to “false” in the host profile.
B. Verify that the boot LUN is correctly identified as the boot device in the host profile.
C. The boot from SAN device must report as a local device.
D. Host profiles are incompatible with boot from SAN hosts.
When using VMware Converter to import a Windows server and improve the consistency of the destination virtual machine, which optional step can be performed immediately prior to powering down the source server?___
A. Perform a final synchronization task.
B. Remove the server from the network.
C. Uninstall production applications.
D. Remove the server from the Active Directory domain.
Restoration of the vCenter Server Appliance is accomplished using which interface?___
A. vSphere Web Client
B. vSphere Client
C. vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface
D. vCenter Server Appliance GUI Installer
When attempting to migrate a virtual machine to another host in the same cluster, the error message, “Select a valid compute resource” returns. What could cause this error?___
A. Both hosts run different versions of ESXi.
B. Both hosts are not sharing the same datastore.
C. VMware Tools is not installed.
D. Virtual machine has an ISO attached.
When will vSphere Data Protection delete the expired backup image of a Platform Service Controller?___
A. Immediately after the retention period has expired.
B. After the expired backup image is restored.
C. During the next backup window following expiry.
D. During the next maintenance window following expiry.
Group A has permission to download files in Content Library. Group B does not have permission to download files in Content Library. If a user is a member of both groups, what will be the result?___
A. The user cannot download file from Content Library.
B. The user can download file from Content Library.
C. The user cannot access Content Library.
D. The user can access Content Library.
An administrator is trying to set up Host Partial Failure Response, but the Automated option is grayed out. What can the administrator change to enable the Automated option?___
A. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Partially Automated.
B. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Fully Automated.
C. Enable vSphere HA Host Monitoring.
D. Change the vSphere DPM Automation level to Automatic.
When you attempt to open a virtual machine console from the vSphere Web Client, the console does not connect. The following error message appears:<HTTP ERROR 404> <Problem accessin/.Reason: Not Found>. Why did not connect?___
A. Port 443 is in use.
B. Port 9443 is in use.
C. Port 8443 is in use.
D. Port 22443 is in use.
What new feature was introduced to the Content Library in vSphere 6.5?___
A. Mount an ISO directly from the Content Library.
B. Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF Package in a Content Library.
C. Upload a File from a URL to a Library Item.
D. Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item.
How can an administrator exclude Encryption rights from a support engineer?___
A. Clone the role Virtual machine power user, remove Cryptographic operations privileges.
B. Clone the role Administrator and assign to the support engineer.
C. Clone the role Virtual machine power user and assign to the support engineer.
D. Clone the role No cryptography administrator and select privileges only for the support engineer.
The administrator must back up a vCenter HA deployment. Which component must be backed up?___
A. Passive node
B. Witness node
C. External database
D. Active node