A. 发行股票
B. 取得股票股利
C. 长期借款
D. 取得现金股利
A. 114
B. 117
C. 120
D. 129
A. 取得投资收益收到的现金
B. 分配股利支付的现金
C. 吸收投资收到的现金
D. 经营租赁支付的现金
A. 现金
B. 现金等价物
C. 现金及现金等价物
D. 净利润
A. 间接法
B. 直接法
C. 计算法
D. 调整法
A. 将现金存入银行
B. 用现金购买短期国债
C. 用现金偿还短期银行借款
D. 向银行存入现金
A. 发行股票
B. 取得股票股利
C. 长期借款
D. 取得现金股利
A. 购买原材料
B. 支付生产经营人员工资
C. 缴纳税款
D. 购建固定资产
A. 用银行存款清偿10万元的债务
B. 从银行提取现金
C. 用固定资产抵偿债务
D. 用银行存款支付管理费用
A. 3万元
B. 2.5万元
C. 5.5万元
D. 0.5万元
A. 65万
B. 5万
C. 30万
D. 35万
A. 涉及现金项目之间增减变动的经济业务
B. 涉及非现金项目之间增减变动的经济业务
C. 涉及现金项目与非现金项目之间增减变动的经济业务
D. 涉及所有的经济业务
甲企业本期发生下列业务:①企业本年实际支付工资及各种奖金 津贴共100万元,其中,在建工程人员工资20万元;②支付离退休人员工资40万元;③支付在岗职工困难补助10万元;④支付职工养老保险40万元。则现金流量表中,支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金为___。
A. 120万元
B. 140万元
C. 130万元
D. 150万元
A. 工作底稿法
B. T型账户法
C. 现金类日记账法
D. 直接填列法
A. 纳税
B. 计提折旧
C. 发工资
D. 支付电费
A. 构建固定资产无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金
B. 取得借款收到的现金
C. 偿还债务支付的现金
D. 分配股利 利润或偿付利息所支付的现金
A. 收到的退税
B. 支付劳务费付出的现金
C. 取得投资收益收到的现金
D. 经营性租赁收到的现金
A. 支付的与投资活动有关的现金
B. 支付的与经营活动有关的现金
C. 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金
D. 偿还债务支付的现金
企业因发行股票 债券等方式筹集资金而由企业直接支付的审计 咨询费用,在现金流量表中___项目反映。
A. 支付的与投资活动有关的现金
B. 支付的与经营活动有关的现金
C. 吸收投资收到的现金
D. 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金
A. 构建固定资产无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金
B. 支付的与经营活动有关的现金
C. 支付的与筹资活动有关的现金
D. 支付的与投资活动有关的现金
A. 经营活动
B. 投资活动
C. 筹资活动
D. 汇率变动
A. 接受现金捐赠
B. 取得股票股利
C. 长期借款
D. 取得现金股利
A. 234
B. 224
C. 284
D. 242
A. 取得投资收益收到的现金
B. 投资支付的现金
C. 吸收投资收到的现金
D. 经营租赁支付的现金
A. 购买商品
B. 支付生产经营人员工资
C. 交纳税款
D. 支付在建工程人员工资
某企业本年发行长期债券,面值300万元,实际发行价格350万元,证券公司扣除印刷费 手续费等费用6万元,另外企业支付审计费4万元。现金流量表中吸收投资收到的现金为___。
A. 348
B. 294
C. 344
D. 354
A. 购买商品
B. 支付工资
C. 缴纳税款
D. 购建固定资产
A. 发行股票
B. 购买股票
C. 取的借款
D. 分配股利
下列各项中,不应在现金流量表中的“经营活动现金流量—支付的各项税费 ”中列示的有___。
A. 耕地占用税
B. 支付的房产税
C. 支付的保险费
D. 支付的教育费附加
A. 以银行汇票购买材料
B. 用产品抵偿应付账款
C. 用银行存款购买2个月到期的国债
D. 以现金购买商品。
A. 净利润
B. 资本公积
C. 盈余公积
D. 未分配利润
A. 中期财务报表
B. 年度财务报表
C. 季度财务报表
D. 半年度财务报表
属于财务综合评价方法的是___ 。
A. 比较分析法
B. 比率分析法
C. 沃尔比重评分法
D. 因素分析法
A. 权益乘数大,则财务风险大
B. 资产净利率是杜邦分析体系的核心指标
C. 权益乘数等于资产负债率的倒数
D. 权益乘数大,则销售净利率大
属于财务综合评价方法的是___ 。
A. 比较分析法
B. 比率分析法
C. 杜邦分析法
D. 因素分析法
A. 净资产收益率
B. 资产利润率
C. 销售利润率
D. 资产周转率
A. 5.73%
B. 2.17%
C. 12.43%
D. 7.9%
A. 7.16%
B. 15.54%
C. 12.43%
D. 10.62%
A. 15%
B. 6.67%
C. 10%
D. 25%
A. 会计确认
B. 会计计量
C. 会计记录
D. 编制报表
A. 明确分析目的和范围
B. 制订分析计划
C. 收集 整理 核实分析资料
D. 选择适当的分析方法,得出分析结论
Group A has permission to download files in Content Library. Group B does not have permission to download files in Content Library. If a user is a member of both groups, what will be the result?___
A. The user cannot download file from Content Library.
B. The user can download file from Content Library.
C. The user cannot access Content Library.
D. The user can access Content Library.
An administrator is trying to set up Host Partial Failure Response, but the Automated option is grayed out. What can the administrator change to enable the Automated option?___
A. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Partially Automated.
B. Change the vSphere DRS Automation level to Fully Automated.
C. Enable vSphere HA Host Monitoring.
D. Change the vSphere DPM Automation level to Automatic.
When you attempt to open a virtual machine console from the vSphere Web Client, the console does not connect. The following error message appears:<HTTP ERROR 404> <Problem accessin/.Reason: Not Found>. Why did not connect?___
A. Port 443 is in use.
B. Port 9443 is in use.
C. Port 8443 is in use.
D. Port 22443 is in use.
What new feature was introduced to the Content Library in vSphere 6.5?___
A. Mount an ISO directly from the Content Library.
B. Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF Package in a Content Library.
C. Upload a File from a URL to a Library Item.
D. Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item.
How can an administrator exclude Encryption rights from a support engineer?___
A. Clone the role Virtual machine power user, remove Cryptographic operations privileges.
B. Clone the role Administrator and assign to the support engineer.
C. Clone the role Virtual machine power user and assign to the support engineer.
D. Clone the role No cryptography administrator and select privileges only for the support engineer.
The administrator must back up a vCenter HA deployment. Which component must be backed up?___
A. Passive node
B. Witness node
C. External database
D. Active node
What is the supported protocol to perform remote L3 traffic monitoring in vSphere 6.5?___
What are the minimum hardware requirements for a Windows vCenter Server with embedded PSC that manages a “Small” environment?___
A. 2vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
B. 4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM
C. 2 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
D. 4 vCPUs, 10 GB RAM
Which port is used for communication between ESXi and vSphere Data protection?___
A. 80
B. 443
C. 902
D. 22
What can prevent Storage DRS from functioning on a datastore?___
A. The datastore is configured for Virtual Machine Swapfile location.
B. The datastore is shared across multiple datacenters.
C. The datastore is connected to a host that is running Storage I/O Control.
D. Storage DRS advanced option IgnoreAffinityRulesForMaintenance is set to 1.
When troubleshooting VMware vCenter Server issues, when logging level provides maximum detail?___
A. Verbose
B. Trivia
C. Info
D. Error
What new feature is introduced in NFS 4.1 on ESXi 6.5?___
A. IPv6
B. KRB5i
D. Storage DRS
What configuration option would ensure that a virtual NUMA topology is defined on VMs having more than eight virtual CPUs?___
A. cupid.coresPerSocket
B. numa.vcpu.followcorespersocket
C. numa.vcpu.maxPerVirtualNode
D. numa.vcpu.min
What is the minimum disk space required to deploy vSphere Data Protection (VDP) with 8 TB configuration?___
A. 4 TB
B. 16 TB
C. 8 TB
D. 12 TB
What advanced option for vSphere HA defines a maximum number of reset attempts by VMCP for a virtual machine?___
A. das.maxterminates
B. das.isolationshutdowntimeout
C. das.maxresets
D. fdm.isolationpolicydelaysec
What vSphere technology enables the administrator to ensure consistent configuration at scale?___
A. PowerCLI
B. Host Profiles
C. esxcli
D. vSphere Web Client
Which port is used for vSphere HA agent-to-agent communication?___
A. 443
B. 8182
C. 22
D. 902
Which log file would assist in identifying an issue that occurred during the database export phase of a vCenter Server upgrade process?___
A. vcdb_import.out
B. export.json
C. export-upgrade-runner.log
D. vcdb_export.out
Bidirectional CHAP is support by which storage initiator?___
A. software FCoE HBA
B. Fibre Channel HBA
C. independent hardware iSCSI HBA
D. dependent hardware iSCSI HBA
What is a pool of raw storage capacity that a storage system can provide to Virtual Volumes?___
A. protocol endpoint
B. storage container
C. storage provider
D. datastore
vSphere 6.5 DRS is now Network-Aware. Based on network utilization, when will DRS balance VMs?___
A. DRS will balance VMs when a network resource pool is configured for VMs.
B. DRS will balance VMs when Network I/O Control is enabled.
C. DRS will place VMs on initial boot for hosts that have network utilization lower that the threshold.
D. DRS will vMotion VMs when network utilization is higher than the threshold on a particular host.
A scripted upgrade of ESXi fails due to an incorrect parameter in the upgrade script. What file must the administrator modify to correct the problem?___
A. vmreconfig.pl
B. hostinfo.pl
C. ks.cfg
D. boot.cfg
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machine VM2. If a user is a member of group A and B, what action can the user perform?___
A. Suspend VM2.
B. Power off VM1.
C. Power on and power off VM1.
D. Power on and power off VM2.
The networking team has requested to have a dedicated network for iSCSI traffic. This task has been assigned to the vSphere Administrator. What is the VMware-recommended way to accomplish this?___
A. Configure Static Routes on each ESXi Server.
B. Configure the right subnet.
C. Create a custom IP Stack.
D. Define a dedicated gateway for the iSCSI vmkernel.
To prevent possible failures or issues during a vSphere upgrade, which component should be upgraded first?___
A. ESXi Hosts
B. virtual machines
C. datastores
D. vCenter Server
What is the command for updating an ESXi host?___
A. esxcli software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
B. esxupdate software update –d”/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
C. esxcli software update –d “/vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip”
D. esxupdate software vib update –d /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/DirectoryName/PatchName.zip
A vSphere Administrator would like to identify which physical NUMA node their virtual machine is currently residing on. What esxtop metric would provide this information?___
A. GST_ND[x]
B. OVD_ND[x]
How can a vSphere administrator ensure that two virtual machines never run on the same datastore in a datastore cluster, while permitting the VMs to be load-balanced?___
A. Use an Intra-VM Anti-Affinity Rule.
B. Configure a storage DRS VM override.
C. Disable storage
D. RS for the VMs.
What is the VMware-recommended way to move a physical adapter out of Network I/O Control’s scope?___
A. Set the teaming policy to “Route Based on Physical NIC Load.”
B. Add the vmnic to the Net.NetNiocAllowOverCommit parameter in Advanced System Settings.
C. Add the vmnic to the Net.IOControlPnicOptOut parameter in Advanced System Settings.
D. Move the vmnic to a different vmUplink port on the Distributed Switch.
A VM folder contains VM1 and VM2. Group A has permission to power on virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. Group B has permission to power off virtual machines, defined on the VM folder and its children. If a user is a member of Groups A and B, what will be the user’s effective permission on VM1 and VM2?___
A. Power on
B. Power off.
C. Power on and Power off.
D. Reset.
Group 1 is granted console interaction on a VM folder. User 1 is granted no console interaction on the same VM folder. What will be the outcome if User 1 tries to access the console of a virtual machine?___
A. User 1 will not be able to access the virtual machines in the VM folder.
B. User 1 will not have access to the virtual machine console.
C. User 1 will have access to the virtual machine console.
D. User 1 will have console access only via the vSphere Web Client.
Which statement is true regarding the use of VMFS3 datastores with vSphere 6.5?___
A. VMFS3 datastores can be used but not created.
B. VMFS3 datastores can be neither used nor created.
C. VMFS3 datastores will be present but unmounted.
D. VMFS3 datastores can be created and used.
In the Exhibit, each VM has a 1GHz non-expandable reservation. If all VMs are powered on in sequence, what would be the outcome?___
A. VM4 cannot be powered on.
B. VM5 cannot be powered on.
C. VM6 cannot be powered on.
D. VM3 cannot be powered on.
vSphere 6.5 introduced MAClearning capabilities for VMware’s virtual switches. What three benefits will it provide? (Choose three.)___
A. Reduced memory consumption.
B. Reduced consumption of extra CPU cycles.
C. Increased network throughput.
D. Prevent packet flooding inside the vSwitch.
What is the default pathing policy for most active-active arrays?___
A. Fixed
B. Most Recently Used
C. Dynamic
D. isk Morroring
Which command will show the iSCSI sessions on a ESXi 6.5 host?___
A. esxcli storage iscsi session get
B. esxcli iscsi session get
C. esxcli storage iscsi session
D. esxcli iscsi session list
Which of the following is not a parameter for traffic filtering or marking?___
A. virtual port ID
B. Protocol
C. Traffic Direction
D. DSCP value
E. Traffic redirection
A vSphere administrator wants to enable a virtual machine with Secure Boot, but in VM setting, Secure Boot option was not found under Boot Options. What could be the cause?___
A. The virtual hardware is not compatible.
B. The virtual machine has missing drivers.
C. The virtual machine OS does not support secure boot.
D. VMware Tools is not upgraded.
A virtual machine is connected on a distributed port group where the average bandwidth configured in the traffic shaping policy is 100 Mbps. The VM network adapter is configured with a reservation of 200 Mbps. What is the VM’s effective bandwidth?___
A. 200 Mbps
B. 100 Mbps
C. 150 Mbps
D. 400 Mbps
What are two reasons why a datastore in a Storage DRS cluster cannot enter maintenance mode?(Choose two.)___
A. Storage latency is too high to allow Storage DRS initiate Storage vMotion.
B. Storage DRS is configured for a VMFS3 datastore.
C. Storage
D. RS is disabled on the virtual disk.