A. 帮助患儿适应医院
B. 教会家长为患儿作出护理诊断
C. 帮助患儿接受各种治疗
D. 指导家长如何观察患儿的病情
E. 帮助家长掌握患儿出院后护理
A. 羊水过少
B. 羊水过多
C. 羊水量正常
D. 双胎妊娠
E. 过期妊娠
A. 鳞状细胞癌
B. 移行上皮癌
C. 腺癌
D. 黏液细胞癌
E. 小细胞癌
A. 阴道介于膀胱、尿道和直肠之间
B. 阴道开口于前庭
C. 阴道前壁比后壁稍长
D. 后穹隆顶端为子宫直肠凹陷底部
E. 阴道壁富有静脉丛
A. 肝肾功能检查
B. X线检查
C. 病理检查
D. CT检查
E. MRI检查
A. 胎盘早剥
B. 宫缩乏力
C. 头盆不称
D. 死胎
E. 胎儿宫内窘迫
A. 癫痫状发作症状;空腹血糖<50mg/dl,用葡萄糖后症状缓解
B. 癫痫状发作症状;空腹血糖<50mg/d1,静注高血糖素后缓解
C. 腹痛;空腹血糖<50mg/dl,用葡萄糖后症状缓解
D. 腹痛;血清胰岛素值高于正常,用葡萄糖后症状缓解
E. 空腹恶心、呕吐,葡萄糖激发试验阳性,静注高血糖素后缓解
A. 阴道分泌物细胞学检查
B. 宫颈刮片检查
C. 宫颈锥切术行组织活检
D. 碘试验后行子宫镜检查
E. 分段刮宫活组织检查
A. 血液碳氧血红蛋白测定阳性
B. 心电图ST-T段改变
C. 全血胆碱酯酶活力低于70%
D. 红细胞计数减少
E. 血气分析PaO<60mmHg,PaCO>50mmHg
A. 肠道病毒
B. 链球菌
C. 大肠埃希菌
D. 铜绿假单胞菌
E. 肺炎链球菌
A. 血友病
B. 白血病
C. 骨转移瘤
D. 多发性骨髓瘤
E. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜
A. 育龄妇女,未避孕,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居2年未孕者
B. 育龄妇女,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居1年未孕者
C. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,曾有自然流产一次,未避孕,2年未孕者
D. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,曾有自然流产一次,后未避孕,1年未孕者
E. 夫妇同居后1年未孕,一方有无法纠正的解剖生理缺陷者
A. 3~9岁儿童多见
B. 发病高峰在夏秋季
C. 发病急
D. 与C型产气荚膜梭状芽孢杆菌有关
E. 一般无需禁食
A. 与复万短效避孕药的服用方法一样
B. 服药一次可以避孕1个月
C. 宜在午饭后2小时服药
D. 也可以在夜班饭后2小时服药
E. 服药后24小时可出现类早孕反应
A. 剧烈疼痛
B. 腹膜吸收大量毒素,血容量减少
C. 肠内积液刺激
D. 大量呕吐致液体丢失
E. 腹胀引起呼吸困难
A. 1000mL
B. 1500mL
C. 2000mL
D. 1500~2000mL
E. 3000mL以上
A. 避免死亡
B. 减轻痛苦
C. 促进康复
D. 减少复发
E. 加强保健
A. 负压吸引术
B. 钳刮术
C. 水囊引产
D. 依沙吖啶羊膜腔内注射法
E. 药物流产
A. 老年痴呆以阿尔茨海默病(AD)、血管性痴呆(VD)较为常见
B. 老年痴呆目前尚不能治愈
C. 痴呆患者一般无意识障碍
D. 痴呆早期对远事的记忆下降显著
E. 人格改变是痴呆患者的常见表现
A. 胆道感染
B. 肝炎后肝硬化
C. 血吸虫病性肝硬化
D. 酒精性肝硬化
E. 肝良性肿瘤
A. 大量饮酒
B. 亚硝胺类化学物质
C. 肝硬化
D. 饮用水污染
E. 乙型肝炎病毒
A. 乳头抬高
B. 乳头凹陷
C. 首次哺乳
D. 乳管畸形
E. 乳汁淤积
A. 体重
B. 牙齿
C. 头围
D. 胸围
E. 腹部皮褶厚度
A. 胫前
B. 踝部
C. 腹部
D. 双下肢
E. 腰骶部
A. 截石位
B. 侧卧位
C. 颈仰卧位
D. 平卧位
E. 半卧位
A. 低钾
B. 低氯
C. 低钙
D. 高钠
E. 高钾
A. 测基础体温
B. 测性激素
C. 刮取子宫内膜活检
D. 宫颈黏液检查
E. B超检查
A. 胆道感染
B. 经开放性伤口
C. 经血液循环
D. 经淋巴途径
E. 细菌栓子脱落进入
A. 粪-口传播
B. 血行传播
C. 呼吸道传播
D. 蚊虫叮咬
E. 水源传播
A. 服用利血生
B. 少量多次输血
C. 暂时停药
D. 加强营养
E. 中药治疗
A. 医院
B. 法律
C. 政府
D. 群众
E. 社区
A. 幼年期
B. 青春期
C. 性成熟期
D. 老年期
E. 更年期
A. Hb<150g/L
B. Hb<120g/L
C. Hb<110g/L
D. Hb<90g/L
E. Hb<60g/L
A. 甲状腺功能亢进症
B. 甲状腺功能减退症
C. 单纯性甲状腺肿
D. 糖尿病
E. Cushing综合征
A. 完全性尿失禁
B. 压力性尿失禁
C. 充溢性尿失禁
D. 急迫性尿失禁
E. 功能性尿失禁
A. 屈曲型损伤
B. 过伸型损伤
C. 病理性损伤
D. 屈曲牵拉型损伤
E. 垂直压缩型损伤
A. 细菌性痢疾中毒休克型
B. 霍乱并发,循环衰竭
C. 钩端螺旋体病肺大出血型休克
D. 青霉素治疗钩端螺旋体病引发赫氏反应
E. 青霉素过敏性休克
A. 早期肾癌
B. 晚期肾癌
C. 肿瘤内出血
D. 肾癌已侵入肾盏、肾盂黏膜
E. 肾癌已侵入肾门
A. 中央或稍偏处有脐带附着
B. 表面为羊膜
C. 18~20个胎盘小叶
D. 呈灰白色
E. 表面光滑,呈鲜红色
A. 主动脉瓣狭窄
B. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
C. 二尖瓣狭窄
D. 肺动脉瓣狭窄
E. 二尖瓣关闭不全
A. 氧气
B. 氮气
C. 氢气
D. 二氧化碳
A. 呼吸与助燃
B. 防暑降温
C. 消毒灭菌
D. 净化水体
A. 铁锅生锈
B. 酒精燃烧
C. 冷水结冰
D. 生米煮成熟饭
A. 活性炭可除去冰箱中的异味
B. 干冰用作人工降雨
C. 氮气用作焊接金属的保护气
D. 汽油可用于擦拭衣物上的油污
A. 是否导电
B. 是否有颜色
C. 是否透明
D. 是否有气味
A. 单质
B. 化合物
C. 混合物
D. 混杂物
对于经常有胃酸反应的人,你会建议他吃的药应具有 ___
A. 碱性的
B. 酸性的
C. 中性的
D. 辣性的
A. 南丰北缺
B. 东北地区缺水最严重
C. 冬春季节少,夏秋季节多
D. 绝大部分地区水资源丰富
A. 冷热不均
B. 水汽交换
C. 地壳运动
D. 万有引力
A. 形态结构的基本单位
B. 形态与生理的基本单位
C. 结构与功能的基本单位
D. 生命活动的基本单位
A. 动物、植物与微生物
B. 海洋生物、陆地生物与高山生物
C. 动物、植物与昆虫
D. 高等生物、低等生物与微生物
香樟是一种在长江三角洲地区常见的树种,它是属于 ___
A. 常绿针叶树种
B. 落叶针叶树种
C. 常绿阔叶树种
D. 落叶阔叶树种
A. 人工培育威胁
B. 种类减少威胁
C. 自相残杀威胁
D. 天外来客威胁
A. 蕨类植物
B. 地衣
C. 蓝藻
D. 苔藓
植物、藻类利用叶绿素产生的光合作用过程中,在可见光的照射下,能将二氧化碳和水转化为有机物,释放出的是 ___
呼吸作用是生物体内的有机物在细胞内经过一系列的氧化分解,在释放出能量的同时,最终生成的主要是 ___
A. 氧气
B. 二氧化碳
C. 氮气
D. 不知道
A. 空气温度
B. 空气湿度
C. 氧气浓度
D. 氮气浓度
A. 短暂性增强
B. 持续性增强
C. 结构性增强
D. 内在增强
A. 勒比雄
B. 魏格纳
C. 赫斯
D. 李四光
(1)Whieh of the following descriptions about the characteristics of physiology is wrong?___
A. It is the study of how living organisms work.
B. It illustrates the discipline of the development and the evolution of disease and the essence of disease.
C. It is to study the living phenomena and the function activities of living organs.
D. It is to explain how they are regulated and integrated.
(2) Which of the following are specialized in producing force and movement?___
A. muscle cells
B. connective tissues
C. nerve cells
D. epithelial cells
(3)The fluid environment surrounding each cell is called the___
A. intracellular fluid
B. intracellular fluid
C. internal environment
D. external environment
(4) Which of the following is not the fundamental characteristic of living organisms?___
A. metabolism
B. adaption
C. reproduction
D. passive diffusion
(5)Whicl of the following is a physiological process with negative feedback?___
A. blood coagulation
B. process of passing urine
C. sino-aortic baroreceptor reflex
D. process of parturition
(6)Which of the following is not the characteristic of regulation by hormone?___
A. diffusenin nature
B. longer in duration
C. accurate in action
D. action in overcorrection
7)Which of the following is not the characteristic of cells?___
A. They are bound by the plasma membrane
B. They have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to Liberate energy for their activities
C. They possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of deoxyribonucleicacid(DNA).
D. Living cells can not transform materials.
8)The breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones is called___
A. respiration
B. anabolism
C. catabolism
D. absorption
9) Which of the following descriptions about the characteristics of nervous regulation is wrong?___
A. It responds fast
B. It acts exactly
C. It responds slowly.D.
D. uration is short
10)Which of the following descriptions about the control of body function is wrong?___
A. Homeostasis is kept by feedback control.
B. Negative feedback minimizes the changes, leading to stability.
C. Positive feedback is not useful.
D. Feed-forward makes human body foresee and adapt itself to the environment promptly.
(1)Which of the following parts of knowledge of drugs should be included in pharmacology?___
A. The effects of drugs on man
B. The correlation of biological activity with chemical structure
C. The history, source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiologicaleffects, mechanisms of action, absorption, distrilbution, biotransformation and excretion.
D. The prevention, recognition, and treatment of drug poisonings
(2)Which of the following is what a clinician is primarily interested in according to the text?___
A. Drugs which can be reasonably limited to those aspects that provide the basis for their rational clinical use
B. Chemical agents that are not used in therapy but are commonly responsible for household and industrial poisoning as well as environmental pollution
C. Drugs which are useful in the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of human disease,or in the prevention of pregnancy.
D. rugs which are useful in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy.
(3)Why was the physician not interested in pharmacognosy?___
A. He didn't have to select the proper plants for his prescription
B. He had a broad botanical knowledge
C. Fewer drugs were obtained from natural sources
D. Natural drugs had little difference with synthetic ones
(4)Which of the following is the best way of studying pharmacology for medical students and practitioners?___
A. to have a broad botanical knowledge
B. to select a plant and its preparation
C. to have the ability to purify natural plants
D. to have curiosity that stimulates them to learn about sources of drugs
(5)What are the tasks related to medicines almost complete!y delegated to the pharmacists now?___
A. the physical and chemical properties of medicines
B. the preparing, compounding, and dispensing of medicines
C. dosage forms of medicines available
D. the therapeutic and other uses of medicines
(6) What is a main unique aspect of pharmacodynamics?___
A. Pharmacodynamics is an experimental medical science
B. Pharmacodynamics is focused on the characteristics of drugs
C. Pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the subject matter and the experimenta techniques of physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and pathology
D. Pharmacodynamics correlates the entire field of preclinical medicine
7) What time of history does pharmacodynamics date back to?___
A. the second half of the seventeenth century
B. the second half of the eighteenth century
C. the second half of the nineteenth century
D. the second half of the twentieth century