A. 三叉神经痛
B. 肋间神经痛
C. 癌痛
D. 缺血性疼痛
E. 局麻药过敏或有出血倾向者
A. 药物治疗
B. 神经阻滞
C. 手术治疗
D. 理疗
E. 光疗
A. 可能与颈椎退变造成支配区神经功能障碍有关
B. 其病变受累结构常常包括关节囊与关节滑囊
C. 肩周炎可不治自愈
D. 所有的肩周炎患者均有明确的影像学改变
E. 外伤常常是引起肩周炎的重要原因
A. 有8块颈椎
B. 有4块骶椎
C. 胸部运动最灵活
D. 腰曲凸向前
E. 颈曲凸向后
A. 丁卡因
B. 利多卡因
C. 普鲁卡因
D. 布比卡因
E. 其余选项都不是
A. 促进突出物还纳
B. 安定镇静
C. 解除肌肉痉挛
D. 促进炎症和水肿消退
E. 营养神经
A. 头部转动时发作性眩晕
B. 下肢无力.步伐不稳
C. 颈肩臂疼痛麻木
D. 心慌.胸闷
E. 大小便功能障碍
A. 食欲亢进
B. 排便增多
C. 偶有黄疸
D. 肝功能损害
E. 肝脏缩小
A. 1型糖尿病患者
B. 严重肝.肾功能不全者
C. 单纯用饮食难以控制的2型糖尿病患者
D. 合并妊娠者
E. 合并严重感染
A. 血糖升高
B. 尿糖强阳性
C. 血白细胞增高
D. 血酮升高.尿酮阳性
E. 血pH<7E.35
A. 原剂量
B. 加大减量
C. 一半减量
D. 改维持量
E. 停药
A. 甲巯咪唑(他巴唑)
B. 普萘洛尔(普萘洛尔)
C. 卡比马唑(甲亢平)
D. 甲硫氧嘧啶
E. 丙硫氧嘧啶
A. 安静舒适
B. 光线暗淡
C. 避免噪音
D. 室温宜高
E. 单人房间
A. 0.1u
B. 0.4u
C. 0.6u
D. 0.8u
E. 1u
A. 胰岛素
B. 阿卡波糖
C. 格列吡嗪
D. 吡格列酮
E. 二甲双胍
A. (200-年龄)30~40%
B. (200-年龄)40~45%
C. (200-年龄)50~60%
D. (200-年龄)60~75%
E. (200-年龄)80~95%
A. 减轻胰岛
B. 胞负担
C. 控制高血糖
D. 减少胰岛素敏感性
E. 减少胰液的外分泌
关于2型糖尿病的描述,其错误的是 ___
A. 起病缓慢
B. 症状较轻
C. 成年多见
D. 必须用胰岛素治疗
E. 多伴肥胖
A. 视网膜病变
B. 肾小球硬化
C. 肾小球肾炎
D. 冠心病
E. 四肢麻木
A. 综合治疗
B. 饮食治疗
C. 运动疗法
D. 药物治疗
E. 行为治疗
A. 血糖高至33A.3mmol/L
B. 多有糖尿病史
C. 三多一少症状明显
D. 血浆渗透压低于正常
E. 多见于年轻人
A. 皮肤化脓性感染
B. 皮肤真菌感染
C. 急性肾盂肾炎
D. 浸润性肺结核
E. 急性胰腺炎
A. 20岁以下
B. 妊娠.哺乳期妇女
C. 中年.重度甲亢但无严重全身疾病患者
D. 甲状腺危象患者
E. 重度浸润性突眼症者
A. 创伤
B. 反复感染
C. 精神刺激
D. 过度劳累
E. 术前准备不充分
下列哪一项不是甲状腺功能减退症患者的临床表现 ___
A. 少言懒动
B. 心动过缓
C. 性欲减退
D. 凹陷性水肿
E. 体温偏低
A. 垂体危象
B. 甲状腺危象
C. 肾上腺危象
D. 高血糖危象
E. 高血压危象
A. 低血钾
B. 肌无力
C. 呼吸困难
D. 四肢瘫痪
E. 出血倾向
关于甲状腺功能亢进症患者的饮食护理下列错误的是 ___
A. 高热量.高蛋白.高维生素
B. 避免摄入辛辣等刺激性食物
C. 多吃富含高纤维素饮食
D. 避免吃含碘丰富食物
E. 避免咖啡.浓茶等兴奋性饮料
A. 尿糖阳性肯定血糖升高
B. 尿糖阳性是由于肾小管不能将糖全部重吸收
C. 尿糖阳性肯定有糖代谢紊乱
D. 根据尿糖阳性即可诊断糖尿病
E. 班氏试验只检查尿中有无葡萄糖
A. 学会胰岛素注射方法
B. 注意饮食控制
C. 学会尿糖定性试验测定法
D. 绝对卧床休息,保证充足睡眠
E. 观察低血糖反应与酮症酸中毒
A. 自我形象紊乱
B. 躯体移动障碍
C. 有孤独的危险
D. 预感性悲哀
E. 营养失调
A. 眼球突出
B. 手指震颤
C. 怕热.多汗
D. 体重减轻
E. 甲状腺肿大
A. 性腺功能减退
B. 甲状腺功能减退
C. 肾上腺皮质功能减退
D. 生长激素不足
E. 垂体危象
A. 调整膳食中糖的供给量
B. 减轻胰岛细胞的负担
C. 纠正糖代谢紊乱
D. 降低血糖
E. 其余选项均是
A. 脑垂体
B. 小脑核
C. 下丘脑
D. 纹状体
E. 大脑皮质
神经垂体功能减退可致 ___
A. 巨人症
B. 呆小症
C. 尿崩症
D. 侏儒症
E. 肥胖症
A. 血管升压素
B. 泌乳素
C. 对垂体的各种激素的促释放激素
D. 缩宫素
E. 生长素
A. 胸腺癌
B. 胰腺癌
C. 肺癌
D. 甲状腺髓样癌
E. 支气管癌
A. 视力下降
B. 血压下降
C. 肥胖
D. 肾上腺皮质功能减退
E. 肾上腺病变复发
腺垂体功能减退的患者在用激素替代治疗过程中突然出现感染.发热,在抗感染治疗的同时,替代的激素应如何调整 ___
A. 暂时停用
B. 减小药量
C. 增大药量
D. 维持原剂量不变
E. 改换其他药物
A. 心悸
B. 房颤
C. 早搏多
D. 心力衰竭
E. 睡眠时心律仍快
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
齿轮的齿侧间隙分为12 个等级
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
What happens to the status of users already logged into ESXi Shell when a vSphere administrator enables lockdown mode?___
A. Users remain logged in and can run commands, except to disable lockdown mode.
B. Users remain logged in and can run commands, including disabling lockdown mode.
C. Users are immediately logged out of ESXi Shell.
D. Users are logged out after a timeout specified by the vSphere administrator.
What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period?___
A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
To comply with security requirements, an administrator with a vCenter Server Appliance needs to force logoff of the vSphere web client after 10 minutes of inactivity.What should the administrator do to meet the requirement?___
A. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
B. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=600
C. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties modify session.timeout=600
D. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
An administrator enables High Availability (HA) on a Virtual SAN cluster.Which network is used for HA Network Heatbeat configuration?___
A. The Management network.
B. The vMotion network.
C. The Virtual SAN network.
D. The Provisioning Traffic network.
A user wants to monitor a business-critical virtual machine to ensure that it doesn't run out of resources. What metric could be monitored in vRealize Operations to address this concern?___
A. Time Remaining badge
B. Compliance badge
C. Reclaimable Waste badge
D. Density badge
An administrator has recently installed a new ESXi 6.x Host, and during the configuration notices sporadic network problems. To check whether the issue occurred sometime during the configuration, the administrator would like to reset the system.How can this be accomplished in the shortest amount of time?___
A. Run the ESXi installer again and reinstall the host.
B. Select the Reset System Configuration option from the vSphere Client when connected directly to the host.
C. From the
D. irect Console User Interface, select Reset System Configuration.
A vApp is running out of compute resources when overall activity is high within the resource pool. At other times, everything is fine.What should be done to resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the size of the resource pool Shares.
B. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Reservation Type to Expandable.
C. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Limit to Unlimited.
D. Create a new resource pool with the existing hardware configuration.
A virtual machine has been renamed and an administrator is unable to find files with the new virtual machine name in the datastore.What is the reason for this?___
A. The names of the files on the datastore do not change.
B. The names of the files on the datastore have been corrupted.
C. The virtual machine needs to be re-added to the inventory.
D. The Distributed Resource Scheduler moved the virtual machine to another host.
An administrator has configured network connectivity for a new virtual machine, as shown in the Exhibit.What will occur with the network traffic of this virtual machine when communicating externally from vSwitch1?___
A. The virtual machine will communicate on both uplinks
B. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic1
C. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic2
D. The virtual machine will fail to communicate externally
An administrator is unable to create the first group in a new vRealize Operations environment. What is the likely cause of the problem?___
A. There are no group types defined.
B. The group is not defined in SSO.
C. There are more than 32 group types defined.
D. The description for the group is not provided.
A new vApp was built and tested in the corporate headquarters datacenter running vSphere 6.x. What condition would explain why the virtual machine is failing to boot in an offsite datacenter running on vSphere 5.5?___
A. The virtual machine was built with the default hardware version.
B. The VMFS 5 datastore is not compatible with virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
C. a
D. RS 5.5 cluster cannot run virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
An administrator is evaluating whether to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server or on a vCenter Server appliance. The administrator has the following requirements: <A web browser will be utilized to manage the vSphere environment.> <16 ESXi hosts will be deployed.> <Licenses must be shared with a vCenter Server at another site.> <An external Oracle 10g database server will be used to host the vCenter Server database.> Why will the administrator need to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server?___
A. Linked Mode is a requirement for the solution.
B. Oracle 10g is a requirement for the solution.
C. The vSphere web client is a requirement for the solution.
D. Management of more than 5 hosts is a requirement for the solution.
What is a benefit of using VMware Data Protection ?___
A. Provides support for guest-level backups and restores of Microsoft SQL Servers, Exchange Servers, and Share Point Servers.
B. Provides support for advanced storage services including replication, encryption, deduplication, and compression.
C. Provides direct access to VDP configuration integrated into the vSphere Client.
D. Reduces disk space consumed by virtual machine data using deduplication.
An administrator enables vSphere High Availability (HA) on an existing cluster with a large number of hosts and virtual machines. The administrator notices that the setup of vSphere HA on some of the hosts is failing. What step, if taken, might resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the value of the config.vpxd.das.electionWaitTimeSec setting.
B. Set the value of vpxd.das.aamMemoryLimit to 256.
C. Set the value of the das.useDefaultIsolationAddress setting to False.
D. Increase the value of the das.iostatsinterval setting.
An ESXi 6.x host consists of 24 logical cores. Hyperthreading is enabled on the host. What is the maximum number of vCPUs that can be assigned to a virtual machine on this host?___
A. 24
B. 48
C. 64
D. 128
By default, each ESXi 6.x host is provisioned with a certificate from which root certificate authority?___
A. RedHat Certificate Authority
B. VMware Certificate Authority
C. DigiCert Certificate Authority
D. Verisign Certificate Authority
An administrator is adding an NFS datastore as shown in the Exhibit. What is the purpose of the Servers to be added list?___
A. It contains the IP addresses of the NFS Storage Server to provide multipathing capability.
B. It contains the IP addresses of the ESXi hosts that mount the datastore.
C. It contains the IP addresses used for
D. ynamic Discovery of targets.
An administrator reports that the System Event log data is only available for 24 hours when reviewing the Hardware Status tab. Which condition could be responsible for the loss of data?___
A. A Reset event log was executed.
B. The statistical collection level was set to a value of 1.
C. The boot disk of the host is corrupt.
D. Syslog has been configured at the vCenter Server level.
During an upgrade, the ESXi 6.x installer finds an existing version of ESXi and a VMFS3 volume. No virtual machines exist on the host or VMFS3 volume. The requirement is to upgrade to VMFS5. Which option should be chosen to meet this requirement?___
A. Upgrade ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
B. Install ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
C. Install ESXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
D. Upgrade
E. SXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
A vSphere 6.x Standard Switch is configured with 4 virtual machine portgroups, as shown in the exhibit. Which portgroup would be utilized by default when creating a new virtual machine?___
A. Access Network
B. DMZ Network
C. VM Network
D. Virtual Machine Network
Which vSphere 6.x feature will allow an organization to utilize native snapshots?___
A. Virtual Volumes
B. Virtual SAN
An administrator is creating a new vSphere Distributed Switch that will be utilized with a specific vSphere Cluster. The cluster itself contains a mix of ESXi 5.x and 6.x Hosts. Which Distributed Switch version should be created to support this configuration?___
A. Distributed Switch: 6.0.0
B. Distributed Switch: 5.0.0
C. Distributed Switch: 5.1.0
D. Distributed Switch: 5.5.0
Which load balancing policy, previously limited to vSphere Distributed Switches, is now available on vSphere Standard Switches with vSphere 6.x?___
A. Route based on physical NIC workload
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on the originating virtual port
D. Route based on Source MAC Hash
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
An administrator has just completed performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x and is booting the host. How is the network initially configured?___
A. The network is configured by Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA).
B. The network is configured based on the settings detected in DNS.
C. The network is configured with the address as specified in the installer.
D. The network is automatically configured by DHCP.
You have just installed an ESXi 6.x Host. As part of your company security regulations, a security banner must be presented on the console of the host. How can this action be accomplished?___
A. Configure the Advanced Settings > Annotations screen of the ESXi host.
B. This is configured from the Direct Console User Interface configuration menu.
C. It is not possible to configure a security banner for the ESXi host.
D. From vCenter Server, this setting is configured globally in the vCenter Server configuration.
An administrator is only able to see the Health Badge when using the vRealize Operations user interface. What is the likely cause of this behavior?___
A. The vRealize Operations Foundation License is in use.
B. The vmware-sps service failed to start.
C. The vRealize Operations Standard License is in use.
D. The vmware-rbd-watchdog service failed to start.
An administrator has configured an alarm to be notified when a virtual machine meets either of these conditions: <High virtual CPU> <High active memory consumption.> <The alarm is only triggering when both of the conditions are met.> What can be done to correct the alarm behavior?___
A. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ANY of the following conditions are satisfied.
B. Edit the alarm and select Trigger if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied.
C. Create two separate alarms, one for CPU and one for memory and link them together with ESXCLI.
D. Delete the existing alarm and create a new event based alarm.
An administrator creates an ESXi cluster using vSphere Auto Deploy. The ESXi hosts are configured to get a management IP address from a DHCP server. The administrator needs to troubleshoot the management network on one of the hosts. Which DCUI option should the administrator use to renew the DHCP lease? ___
A. Restart Management Network
B. Restore Network Settings
C. Test Management Network
D. Configure Management Network
An administrator is attempting to restore a number of files in a directory within the Operating System of a virtual machine. How can the administrator restore the files from a previous backup? ___
A. Use the File Level Restore option from the selected backup of the virtual machine in the vSphere Web Client.
B. Connect to the File Level Restore tool from a web browser in the virtual machine.
C. Connect to the File Level Restore tool from the VMware
D. ata Protection appliance.
After selecting an object in vRealize Operations, how can a user compare the badge values of related child objects? ___
A. Use the Scoreboard tab
B. Use the Relationship tab
C. Use the Members tab
D. Use the Overview tab
You want to deploy a vApp and dynamically assign IP addresses without a DHCP server on the network. Which action would you take to accomplish this task? ___
A. Enable IP pools.
B. Configure a local DHCP server in the vApp.
C. Enable NAT on the vApp router.
D. Configure the guest OS for workgroup and WINS.
What is the optimal configuration when building a virtual machine for a single-threaded Windows application? ___
A. Deploy single-threaded applications on uniprocessor virtual machines.
B. Deploy single-threaded applications on symmetric multi-processor virtual machines.
C. Tune single-threaded applications to take advantage of symmetric multi-processor resources.
D. Tune Single-threaded applications at the hypervisor level.
An administrator has created the resource pool configuration shown in the Exhibit. Based on the exhibit, which virtual machine(s) can be successfully powered on? ___
A. VM-M1 only
B. VM-K1 only
C. VM-K1 and VM-K2 only
D. VM-K1, VM-K2, and VM-M1
Which vSphere 6 Enterprise Edition feature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? ___
A. Fault Tolerance
B. High Availability
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler
D. App HA