A. 争取民族独立和人民解放
B. 建立民主共和国
C. 实行国家富强和人民解放
D. 大力发展资本主义
E. 积极引进西方文明
A. 帝国主义不会自动放弃在中国攫取的特权
B. 革命是最快解决问题的方式
C. 封建势力不会自动放弃自己控制的政权
D. 近代的改良主义运动统统失败
E. 革命派创造了革命形势
A. 争取民族独立、人民解放和实现国家富强、人民富裕既互相区别又互相紧密联系
B. 争取民族独立、人民解放和实现国家富强、人民富裕互为前提
C. 争取民族独立、人民解放为实现国家富强、人民富裕创造前提,开辟道路
D. 只有争得民族独立、人民解放以后,中国人民才能集中力量进行现代化建设,才能实现国家的富强、人民的富裕。
E. “落后就要挨打”,所以只有先进行现代化建设,实现国家富强、人民富裕,才能完成争取民族独立、人民解放的历史任务。
A. 发动战争,屠杀人民
B. 操纵中国的经济命脉
C. 侵占领土,划分势力范围
D. 勒索赔款,抢夺财富
E. 控制中国内政、外交
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《北京条约》
C. 《马关条约》
D. 《辛丑条约》
E. 《天津条约》
A. 《瑷珲条约》
B. 《北京条约》
C. 《勘分西北界约记》
D. 《改订伊犁条约》
E. 《辛丑条约》
A. 1898年,德国强租山东的胶州湾
B. 1898年,沙俄强租旅顺口、大连湾及其附近海面
C. 1898年,英国强租山东的威海卫及香港对岸的新界
D. 1899年,法国强租广东的广州湾及其附近海面
E. 1899年,日本强租福建的厦门及其附近海面
A. 德国把山东划为其势力范围
B. 沙俄以长城以北为其势力范围
C. 英国以长江流域为其势力范围
D. 法国把广东、广西、云南作为其势力范围
E. 日本声明福建为其势力范围
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《北京条约》
C. 《马关条约》
D. 《辛丑条约》
E. 《中法新约》
A. 西班牙
B. 意大利
C. 荷兰
D. 德国
E. 奥地利
A. 控制中国的通商口岸
B. 掠夺中国的关税自主权
C. 实行商品倾销和资本输出
D. 操纵中国的经济命脉
E. 勒索战争赔款
A. 垄断近代工业
B. 设立银行
C. 控制现代交通运输业
D. 进行商品倾销
E. 迫使中国举借外债、
A. 阻碍了中国民族工商业的发展
B. 对农业经济也造成严重破坏
C. 使中国在经济上丧失了独立性
D. 使中国经济的发展地区不平衡性更为严重
E. 中国资本主义快速发展
A. 宣扬殖民主义奴化思想
B. 麻醉中国人民的精神
C. 摧毁中国人的自尊心和自信心
D. 灌输民主思想
E. 提升中国文明层次
A. 英国从印度侵入西藏
B. 英国从缅甸入侵云南
C. 法国从越南侵犯广西
D. 俄国从中亚入侵新疆
E. 日本吞并琉球、侵犯台湾
A. 英国
B. 法国
C. 俄国
D. 德国
E. 美国
A. 扶植收买代理人
B. 租借港湾
C. 迫使中国举借外债
D. 划分势力范围
E. 对中国进行资本输出
A. 列强之间的矛盾和互相制约
B. 中华民族进行的不屈不挠的反侵略斗争
C. 清政府的存在有利于列强实现自己的利益
D. 部分列强企图独占中国
E. 世界舆论的谴责
A. 林则徐
B. 关天培
C. 陈化成
D. 邓世昌
E. 海龄
A. 社会制度的腐败
B. 经济技术落后
C. 敌人过于强大
D. 没有革命的领导力量
E. 没有广大人民的支撑
A. 林则徐 魏源
B. 王韬 薛福成
C. 马建忠 郑观应
D. 李鸿章 曾国藩
E. 洪秀全、洪仁玕
A. 《海国图志》
B. 《天朝田亩制度》
C. 《盛世危言》
D. 《资政新篇》
E. 《大同书》
A. 主张平均分配土地,从根本上否定了封建地主的土地所有制,
B. 主张发展资本主义,直接推动了民族资本主义的诞生
C. 是一个以解决土地问题为中心的社会改革方案
D. 没有超出农民小生产者的狭隘眼界,是一种绝对平均主义思想的体现
E. 具有不切实际的空想的性质,在太平天国占领地区并未付诸实行。
A. 杨秀清
B. 石达开
C. 洪仁玕
D. 陈玉成
E. 李秀成
A. 沉重打击了封建统治阶级,强烈撼动了清政府的统治根基
B. 比较完整地表达了千百年来农民对拥有土地的渴望,是中国旧式农民战争的最高峰
C. 颁布了近代第一个比较系统的发展资本主义的方案,推动了中国资本主义的发展
D. 冲击了孔子和儒家经典的正统权威,在一定程度是削弱了封建统治的精神支柱
E. 有力打击了外国侵略势力,冲击了西方殖民主义在亚洲的统治
A. 他们不是新的生产力和生产关系的代表
B. 他们无法克服小生产者所固有的阶级局限性
C. 他们无法从根本上提出完整的正确的政治纲领和社会改革方案
D. 他们无法制止和克服领导集体自身腐败现象的滋长和长期保持领导集团的团结
E. 中外反动势力的联合绞杀
A. 农民具有伟大的革命潜力
B. 农民战争是资产阶级革命的前奏
C. 农民自身不能担负起领导反帝反封建斗争取得势力的重任
D. 农民阶级是无产阶级最可靠的革命同盟军
E. 单纯的农民战争不可能完成争取民族独立和人民解放的历史任务
A. 奕
B. 曾国藩
C. 李鸿章
D. 魏源
E. 左宗棠
F. 张之洞
A. 兴办近代企业
B. 建立新式海陆军
C. 创办新式学堂,派遣留学生
D. 设议院,进行官制改革
E. 开放言论,奖励新著和创办报刊
A. 依赖性
B. 封建性
C. 买办性
D. 垄断性
E. 腐朽性
A. 爱国救亡运动
B. 政治改良运动
C. 经济改革运动
D. 思想启蒙运动
E. 农民革命运动
A. 康有为
B. 李鸿章
C. 袁世凯
D. 梁启超
E. 谭嗣同
A. 要不要变法
B. 要不要发展资本主义
C. 要不要兴民权、设议院,实行君主立宪
D. 要不要废八股、改科举和兴西学
E. 要不要推翻帝制,实行共和
A. 康有为
B. 梁启超
C. 谭嗣同
D. 刘光第
E. 林旭
F. 杨锐
A. 不敢否定封建主义
B. 对帝国主义抱有幻想
C. 害怕人民群众
D. 民族资产阶级力量弱小
A. 英国
B. 日本
C. 法国
D. 德国
E. 俄罗斯
A. 《孔子改制考》
B. 《革命军》
C. 《驳康有为论革命书》
D. 《猛回头》
E. 《警世钟》
A. 章炳麟
B. 邹容
C. 陈天华
D. 鲁迅
E. 陈独秀
A. 民族主义
B. 民权主义
C. 民治主义
D. 民生主义
E. 民本主义
A. 《国闻报》
B. 《时务报》
C. 《民报》
D. 《新民丛报》
E. 《新青年》
所有的紫色酒精,在 1 米内不准点有明火,不准放在暖气片上
What happens to the status of users already logged into ESXi Shell when a vSphere administrator enables lockdown mode?___
A. Users remain logged in and can run commands, except to disable lockdown mode.
B. Users remain logged in and can run commands, including disabling lockdown mode.
C. Users are immediately logged out of ESXi Shell.
D. Users are logged out after a timeout specified by the vSphere administrator.
What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period?___
A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus
B. vSphere Standard
C. vSphere Enterprise
D. vSphere
E. nterprise Plus
To comply with security requirements, an administrator with a vCenter Server Appliance needs to force logoff of the vSphere web client after 10 minutes of inactivity.What should the administrator do to meet the requirement?___
A. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
B. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=600
C. Edit: /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties modify session.timeout=600
D. Edit: /opt/vmware/vsphere-client/webclient.properties, modify session.timeout=10
An administrator enables High Availability (HA) on a Virtual SAN cluster.Which network is used for HA Network Heatbeat configuration?___
A. The Management network.
B. The vMotion network.
C. The Virtual SAN network.
D. The Provisioning Traffic network.
A user wants to monitor a business-critical virtual machine to ensure that it doesn't run out of resources. What metric could be monitored in vRealize Operations to address this concern?___
A. Time Remaining badge
B. Compliance badge
C. Reclaimable Waste badge
D. Density badge
An administrator has recently installed a new ESXi 6.x Host, and during the configuration notices sporadic network problems. To check whether the issue occurred sometime during the configuration, the administrator would like to reset the system.How can this be accomplished in the shortest amount of time?___
A. Run the ESXi installer again and reinstall the host.
B. Select the Reset System Configuration option from the vSphere Client when connected directly to the host.
C. From the
D. irect Console User Interface, select Reset System Configuration.
A vApp is running out of compute resources when overall activity is high within the resource pool. At other times, everything is fine.What should be done to resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the size of the resource pool Shares.
B. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Reservation Type to Expandable.
C. Set the vApp's CPU and Memory Limit to Unlimited.
D. Create a new resource pool with the existing hardware configuration.
A virtual machine has been renamed and an administrator is unable to find files with the new virtual machine name in the datastore.What is the reason for this?___
A. The names of the files on the datastore do not change.
B. The names of the files on the datastore have been corrupted.
C. The virtual machine needs to be re-added to the inventory.
D. The Distributed Resource Scheduler moved the virtual machine to another host.
An administrator has configured network connectivity for a new virtual machine, as shown in the Exhibit.What will occur with the network traffic of this virtual machine when communicating externally from vSwitch1?___
A. The virtual machine will communicate on both uplinks
B. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic1
C. The virtual machine will only communicate on vmnic2
D. The virtual machine will fail to communicate externally
An administrator is unable to create the first group in a new vRealize Operations environment. What is the likely cause of the problem?___
A. There are no group types defined.
B. The group is not defined in SSO.
C. There are more than 32 group types defined.
D. The description for the group is not provided.
A new vApp was built and tested in the corporate headquarters datacenter running vSphere 6.x. What condition would explain why the virtual machine is failing to boot in an offsite datacenter running on vSphere 5.5?___
A. The virtual machine was built with the default hardware version.
B. The VMFS 5 datastore is not compatible with virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
C. a
D. RS 5.5 cluster cannot run virtual machines configured with vSphere 6.x.
An administrator is evaluating whether to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server or on a vCenter Server appliance. The administrator has the following requirements: <A web browser will be utilized to manage the vSphere environment.> <16 ESXi hosts will be deployed.> <Licenses must be shared with a vCenter Server at another site.> <An external Oracle 10g database server will be used to host the vCenter Server database.> Why will the administrator need to deploy vCenter Server on a Windows server?___
A. Linked Mode is a requirement for the solution.
B. Oracle 10g is a requirement for the solution.
C. The vSphere web client is a requirement for the solution.
D. Management of more than 5 hosts is a requirement for the solution.
What is a benefit of using VMware Data Protection ?___
A. Provides support for guest-level backups and restores of Microsoft SQL Servers, Exchange Servers, and Share Point Servers.
B. Provides support for advanced storage services including replication, encryption, deduplication, and compression.
C. Provides direct access to VDP configuration integrated into the vSphere Client.
D. Reduces disk space consumed by virtual machine data using deduplication.
An administrator enables vSphere High Availability (HA) on an existing cluster with a large number of hosts and virtual machines. The administrator notices that the setup of vSphere HA on some of the hosts is failing. What step, if taken, might resolve this issue?___
A. Increase the value of the config.vpxd.das.electionWaitTimeSec setting.
B. Set the value of vpxd.das.aamMemoryLimit to 256.
C. Set the value of the das.useDefaultIsolationAddress setting to False.
D. Increase the value of the das.iostatsinterval setting.
An ESXi 6.x host consists of 24 logical cores. Hyperthreading is enabled on the host. What is the maximum number of vCPUs that can be assigned to a virtual machine on this host?___
By default, each ESXi 6.x host is provisioned with a certificate from which root certificate authority?___
A. RedHat Certificate Authority
B. VMware Certificate Authority
C. DigiCert Certificate Authority
D. Verisign Certificate Authority
An administrator is adding an NFS datastore as shown in the Exhibit. What is the purpose of the Servers to be added list?___
A. It contains the IP addresses of the NFS Storage Server to provide multipathing capability.
B. It contains the IP addresses of the ESXi hosts that mount the datastore.
C. It contains the IP addresses used for
D. ynamic Discovery of targets.
An administrator reports that the System Event log data is only available for 24 hours when reviewing the Hardware Status tab. Which condition could be responsible for the loss of data?___
A. A Reset event log was executed.
B. The statistical collection level was set to a value of 1.
C. The boot disk of the host is corrupt.
D. Syslog has been configured at the vCenter Server level.
During an upgrade, the ESXi 6.x installer finds an existing version of ESXi and a VMFS3 volume. No virtual machines exist on the host or VMFS3 volume. The requirement is to upgrade to VMFS5. Which option should be chosen to meet this requirement?___
A. Upgrade ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
B. Install ESXi and preserve the VMFS datastore
C. Install ESXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
D. Upgrade
E. SXi and overwrite the VMFS datastore
A vSphere 6.x Standard Switch is configured with 4 virtual machine portgroups, as shown in the exhibit. Which portgroup would be utilized by default when creating a new virtual machine?___
A. Access Network
B. DMZ Network
C. VM Network
D. Virtual Machine Network
Which vSphere 6.x feature will allow an organization to utilize native snapshots?___
A. Virtual Volumes
B. Virtual SAN
An administrator is creating a new vSphere Distributed Switch that will be utilized with a specific vSphere Cluster. The cluster itself contains a mix of ESXi 5.x and 6.x Hosts. Which Distributed Switch version should be created to support this configuration?___
A. Distributed Switch: 6.0.0
B. Distributed Switch: 5.0.0
C. Distributed Switch: 5.1.0
D. Distributed Switch: 5.5.0
Which load balancing policy, previously limited to vSphere Distributed Switches, is now available on vSphere Standard Switches with vSphere 6.x?___
A. Route based on physical NIC workload
B. Route based on IP Hash
C. Route based on the originating virtual port
D. Route based on Source MAC Hash
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
A storage administrator is not seeing full utilization of all bandwidth from an ESXi host. The vSphere administrator observes the adapter details, as shown in the Exhibit. What is the probable cause of this issue?___
A. Another path needs to be used to allow full utilization of the bandwidth.
B. The array is not setup to use the correct multipathing policy.
C. There are no virtual machines on the host.
D. No traffic is being sent across it because a path failed.
An administrator has just completed performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x and is booting the host. How is the network initially configured?___
A. The network is configured by Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA).
B. The network is configured based on the settings detected in DNS.
C. The network is configured with the address as specified in the installer.
D. The network is automatically configured by DHCP.
You have just installed an ESXi 6.x Host. As part of your company security regulations, a security banner must be presented on the console of the host. How can this action be accomplished?___
A. Configure the Advanced Settings > Annotations screen of the ESXi host.
B. This is configured from the Direct Console User Interface configuration menu.
C. It is not possible to configure a security banner for the ESXi host.
D. From vCenter Server, this setting is configured globally in the vCenter Server configuration.