A. 以改革的精神
B. 以创新的精神
C. 以革命的思维
D. 以斗争精神
“三个代表”重要思想是在_____的基础上形成的。 ___
A. 整风运动
B. 建设中国特色社会主义的伟大探索
C. 经济建设
D. 与超级大国斗争
“三个代表 ”重要思想回答了 ____。___
A. 什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义
B. 建设什么样的党,怎样建设党
C. 怎样建设中国特色社会主义
D. 怎样发展生产力
A. 党的十二届三中全会
B. 党的十三大
C. 党的十四大
D. 党的十二大
A. 2000年5月
B. 2001年7月
C. 2001年5月
D. 2000年2月
明确提出:“推进党的思想建设、政治建设、组织建设和作风建设,都应贯穿‘三个代表’的要求是在_____。 ___
A. 2000年5月
B. 2001年7月
C. 2001年5月
D. 2000年2月
江泽民在全国党校工作会议上第一次指出,“三个代表”重要思想所要回答和解决的正是“建设什么样的党、怎样建设党”的重大问题是在_____。 ___
A. 2000年5月
B. 2001年7月
C. 2000年6月
D. 2000年2月
A. 始终保持同人民群众的血肉联系
B. 始终走在时代前列
C. 始终提高思想认识
D. 始终提高科学意识
A. 2000年5月
B. 2001年7月
C. 2000年6月
D. 2000年2月
A. 坚持与时俱进
B. 坚持党的先进性
C. 坚持执政为民
D. 坚持发展生产力
A. 坚持与时俱进
B. 坚持党的先进性
C. 坚持执政为民
D. 坚持发展生产力
A. 坚持与时俱进
B. 坚持党的先进性
C. 坚持执政为民
D. 坚持发展生产力
A. 中共十一届三中全会
B. 中共十二大
C. 中共十五大
D. 中共十六大
生产力中最活跃的因素_____。 ___
A. 人
B. 劳动资料
C. 劳动对象
D. 科学技术
____是第一资源。 ___
A. 石油资源
B. 水资源
C. 土地资源
D. 人才资源
先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志是_____。 ___
A. 人才
B. 创新
C. 科学技术
D. 资本
发展生产力的决定因素_____。 ___
A. 人
B. 科技进步和创新
C. 资源
D. 资本
科学的本质是 ____。 ___
A. 教育
B. 人才
C. 创新
D. 技术
A. 以爱国主义为核心
B. 以为人民服务为核心
C. 以集体主义为核心
D. 加强教育科学为核心
A. 培育和弘扬民族精神
B. 提高整个中华民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质
C. 加强社会主义思想道德建设
D. 加强教育科学文化建设
发展社会主义先进文化的中心环节和重要内容是 ____。___
A. 培育和弘扬民族精神
B. 提高整个中华民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质
C. 加强社会主义思想道德建设
D. 加强教育科学文化建设
社会主义道德的基本原则是 ____。___
A. 爱国主义
B. 集体主义
C. 共产主义
D. 人本主义
社会主义道德的核心是 ____。___
A. 爱国主义
B. 集体主义
C. 共产主义
D. 为人民服务
社会主义道德的重点是 ____。___
A. 爱国主义
B. 诚实守信
C. 共产主义
D. 人本主义
我们全部工作的出发点和落脚点,就是不断实现好维护好发展好_____。 ___
A. 先进生产力
B. 先进文化
C. 综合国力
D. 最广大人民的根本利益
党的全部任务和责任,就是 ____。 ___
A. 为实现小康而奋斗
B. 为实现军事强国而奋斗
C. 为实现人民群众的根本利益而奋斗
D. 为实现现代化而奋斗
决定一个政党、一个政权兴亡的根本性因素是_____。 ___
A. 人心向背
B. 经济状况
C. 环境状况
D. 道德高低
党执政兴国的第一要务是_____。 ___
A. 发展
B. 改革
C. 开放
D. 稳定
A. 党的十二届三中全会
B. 党的十三大
C. 党的十四大
D. 党的十二大
A. 党的十三大
B. 党的十三届三中全会
C. 党的十四大
D. 党的十四届三中全会
社会主义市场经济体制是 ____。 ___
A. 计划经济与市场经济的结合
B. 社会主义基本制度与社会主义市场经济的结合
C. 在流通领域发挥作用
D. 自发地调节社会总量平衡
非公有制经济 ____ ___
A. 是社会主义经济的一部分
B. 就是指个体经济和私营经济
C. 是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分
D. 是有限度地允许其发展
____非公有制经济的发展。 ___
A. 鼓励
B. 支持
C. 引导
D. 鼓励、支持和引导
实行规范的公司制改革要按照_____的要求。 ___
A. 产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学
B. 股份制
C. 产权清晰、权责明确
D. 政企分开、管理科学
1992年6月,第一次提出了使用“社会主义市场经济体制”概念的领导人是 ____。___
A. 毛泽东
B. 邓小平
C. 江泽民
D. 胡锦涛
我国人民总体上开始达到小康社会是在 ____。___
A. 20世纪末期
B. 1978年
C. 2010年
D. 2020年
A. 十四大
B. 十五大
C. 十六大
D. 十七大
A. 社会主义初级阶段
B. 中国特色社会主义
C. 小康社会
D. 和谐社会
A. 坚持中国共产党的领导
B. 坚持人民当家作主
C. 坚持依法治国与党的领导的有机统一
D. 坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一
江泽民强调推进党的建设新的伟大工程,重点是加强 ____ 。___
A. 加强党的思想建设
B. 加强党的执政能力建设
C. 加强党的组织建设
D. 加强党的作风建设
江泽民强调领导干部一定要讲学习、讲政治、讲正气。前提是 ____。___
A. 讲学习
B. 讲政治
C. 讲正气
D. 坚持理论联系实际
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Rose knows that continuous letters fromJohn, together with countless roses are aimedat making her[ ]him.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about [ ]public school for drinking and smoking and then failing inshow business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 1When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were muchvmore willing to [ ] solutions to the problems.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 2 A strong police force has been placed between the two [ ]group in the village to prevent fighting and killing.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 3 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in [ ] innovative acts cannotbe.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 4Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been [ ] in today's society___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 5 Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21stcentury and their [ ] birth rates have also posed problems___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 6 She didn't want to marry him and was [ ] against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 7 The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to [ ] his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 8 To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and [ ]providing me with a new and different perpective on the world in which we live.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 9 People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution notonly affects everyone's health but also makesit difficult for businesses to [ ].___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 10 Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to [ ]the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 1Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family [ ]him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 2The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot [ ] purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 3 Please don't forget the Tourist Guide , which should [ ] when you travel to different places in Asia And Europe for the next few weeks.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 4 These people living in this area are still [ ] their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering many questions.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 5You will [ ]for not learning Enghsh; yod never know how much you will miss without being able to speak English.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 6 If you [ ] travel and trying to adjust to a new time zone, you may not be ready to face the new challenging environmen yet.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 7 The general manager of the company intends to introduce new management courses, and tighter controls will be [ ] management to raise efficiency.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 8 Class discussions next week will [ ] the importance of love, communication and a close relationship between parents and their children.___
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 不受限
A. 加密短信
B. 网络
C. 以上皆可
A. 银行柜面办理
B. 客户网上自行下载办理
C. 以上两种方法都可以
A. 123456
B. 456789
C. 111111
D. 000000
A. 0.2
B. 0.1
C. 0.15
D. 0.25
A. 网络流量费
B. 手机话费
C. 不产生费用
A. 网络
B. 加密短信
C. 蓝牙
D. 红外线
1:___负责特约商户资料的审核 报送和保管,负责特约商户的日常管理 结算资金的监控分析,负责布放POS机具和对POS机具的检查 维护 监控。
A. 收单业务员
B. 客户经理岗
C. 信息管理岗
D. 风险专管员
A. 法人名称
B. 店名
C. 综合业务系统中的开户名称
D. 商户名称为商户对外使用的名称。
A. 银联特约商户
B. 收单行
C. 中间业务部
D. 电子银行部
A. 银联特约商户
B. 收单行
C. 中间业务部
D. 电子银行部
5:特约商户发生套现 洗单的,收单行可要求商户___。
A. 强制退出
B. 主动退出
C. 继续使用
D. 交回机具
A. 交纳罚金
B. 主动退出
C. 交回机具
D. 强制退出
7:收单业务中出现的跨行差错 争议通过省银行卡中心协商解决无效时,可向___申请仲裁。
A. 收单行
B. 中国银联争议处理机构
C. 发卡行
D. 消费者协会
A. 收单行
B. 特约商户
C. 发卡行
D. 中国银联
A. 谨慎发展
B. 禁止发展
C. 先调查后发展
D. 指导发展
A. 95516
B. 96288
C. 9618998
D. 96148
A. 银行卡风险一类事件
B. 银行卡风险二类事件
C. 银行卡风险三类事件
D. 银行卡风险四类事件