A. 神志清楚
B. 每天尿量超过400ml
C. 发病1周以后
D. 尿量开始增加
E. 每天尿量超过2000ml
A. 处理各种急症时均应有整体观念
B. 重视患者的循环和呼吸功能
C. 防治感染
D. 尽可能改善全身情况
E. 及早治疗首先发生的器官衰竭
A. 氯霉素
B. 青霉素
C. 头孢噻吩(先锋霉素I)
D. 磺胺类
E. 氨基糖苷类
A. 肾
B. 肝
C. 脑
D. 心
E. 肺
A. 在急性疾病的过程中,序贯性地发生2个以上器官功能不全
B. 在急性疾病过程中,同时或相继发生一个以上系统和(或)器官的急性衰竭
C. 长期慢性病理过程中引起多个器官的功能损害
D. 同时有多个器官和(或)系统损害
E. 在疾病过程中有3个以上器官先后衰竭
A. 水中毒.高钾血症
B. 氮质血症
C. 低钠血症
D. 低钾血症
E. 酸中毒
A. 高蛋白
B. 高糖
C. 高维生素
D. 适宜的脂肪
E. 避免含钾丰富的食物
A. 18次/分
B. 25次/分
C. 30次/分
D. 40次/分
E. 50次/分
A. 仰卧中凹位
B. 平卧位
C. 半卧位
D. 左侧卧位
E. 俯卧位
A. 4~7天
B. 7~14天
C. 14~20天
D. 21~26天
E. 30~37天
A. 单纯吸氧基本无效
B. 主要应用呼气末正压通气
C. 维持血容量,快速补液
D. 应用有效的抗生素
E. 营养支持
A. 1.010~1.014
B. 1.010~1.020
C. 1.020~1.030
D. 1.010~1.040
E. 1.010~1.030
A. 低血钙
B. 低钠
C. 高镁
D. 高钾
E. 高磷
A. 全身水肿
B. 头痛,呕吐,昏迷
C. 尿少
D. 呼吸急促,咳出血性泡沫样痰
E. 全身水肿
A. 合理膳食
B. 卧床休息
C. 预防感染
D. 皮肤护理
E. 每天记录出入液量
A. 钙通道阻滞剂
B. 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂
C. 利尿剂
D. 受体阻滞剂
E. 钠通道阻滞剂
A. 生物毒素
B. 缺血性病变
C. 急性肾炎
D. 溶血
E. 急性肾盂肾炎
A. 原发性肾病综合征
B. 继发性肾病综合征
C. 急进性肾病综合征
D. 隐匿肾病综合征
E. 遗传性肾病综合征
A. 腹膜炎
B. 透析液酸碱度不适宜
C. 透析水排除速度过快
D. 腹膜硬化
E. 透析液渗透压过高
A. 浮肿面容
B. 尿毒症面容
C. 肝病面容
D. 贫血面容
E. 营养不良面容
A. 无明显出血倾向和心包炎的患者
B. 有明显严重出血倾向的患者
C. 轻.中度出血倾向的患者
D. 高危出血倾向的患者
E. 严重心包炎的患者
A. 即可停药
B. 再用药3~5天
C. 再用药1周
D. 再用药2周
E. 隔天服药2周
A. 尿毒症脑病
B. 高血压
C. 肾性骨病
D. 贫血
E. 皮肤瘙痒
A. 脱水
B. 失血
C. 高血压
D. 尿素霜沉积
E. 水肿
A. 可长期使用
B. 患者活动自由
C. 可立即使用
D. 无导管滑脱的危险
E. 易于穿刺
A. 大细胞低色素性
B. 小细胞低色素性
C. 正细胞正色素性
D. 正细胞低色素性
E. 正细胞高色素性
A. 红细胞溶血
B. 血红蛋白合成减少
C. 红细胞生成素减少
D. 营养不良
E. 骨髓造血组织减少
A. 高生物效价低蛋白饮食.高热量
B. 高生物效价高蛋白饮食.高热量
C. 高生物效价适量蛋白质.低热量
D. 高蛋白饮食,蛋白质种类不限.高热量
E. 低蛋白饮食,蛋白质种类不限.高热量
A. 卧床休息
B. 预防感染
C. 严格控制水.钾摄入
D. 限制蛋白质摄入
E. 保证饮食总热量
A. 常规肝素化透析
B. 无肝素化透析
C. 边缘肝素化透析
D. 局部肝素化透析
E. 低分子肝素化透析
A. 300ml
B. 400ml
C. 500ml
D. 600ml
E. 700ml
A. 肾动脉
B. 肾静脉
C. 肾毛细血管
D. 下腔静脉
E. 上腔静脉
A. 饭前服用,同时补充维生素D及钙剂
B. 避免与链霉素.氨基糖苷类药物同时使用
C. 用药后大量饮水,同时碱化尿液
D. 长期服用营养神经性药物
E. 按时.按量.不可随意加减药物
A. 泌尿系统症状
B. 消化系统症状
C. 心血管系统症状
D. 内分泌系统症状
E. 神经系统
A. 饭后服用,同时补充维生素D及钙剂
B. 避免与链霉素.氨基糖苷类药物同时使用
C. 用药后大量饮水,同时碱化尿液
D. 长期服用营养神经药物
E. 注射时要避光
A. 皮肤溃疡
B. 皮肤瘙痒
C. 皮肤粘膜弥漫性黑色素沉着
D. 皮肤.粘膜易感染
E. 皮肤粗糙,易皲裂
A. 发热
B. 头痛
C. 恶心呕吐
D. 尿路刺激征
E. 高血压
A. 贫血
B. 食欲不振
C. 心血管症状
D. 神经症状
E. 皮肤症状
A. 心律失常
B. 心力衰竭
C. 高钾血症
D. 高血压
E. 严重贫血
A. 严重贫血
B. 高磷低钙
C. 水钠潴留
D. 低蛋白血症
E. 氮质代谢产物经消化道排出
A. 营养不良
B. 贫血
C. 尿钙排泄增多
D. 继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进
E. 长期厌食和腹泻
Tom is a book lover. ______ likes reading very much. A. He B. She C. You D. It
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
—May I listen to the music here, Mr. White? —Sorry, you’d better it like that. A. not to do B. not do to C. dont do D. not do
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
3.—Did you have a good time at Lauras birthday party? — Yes, indeed. Its several years ________ I enjoyed myself so much. A. when B. before C. since D. that
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
4. —___________ is the Summer Palace from here? About three kilometers away. You can take the No. 35 bus. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How much
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
5. I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother, but I couldnt find ______ suitable. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
6. A friend of my ____ and I are going to visit_______ next week. A. father; Browns B. father's; Browns C. father; the Browns D. father's; the Browns
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
7. She ______ very hard since she came to our school. A. studies B. has studied C. is studying D. studied
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
8. — Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad? — _______. Ill go there by myself. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
9.—Well do what we can ____English well this term. —It’s high time for you to work hard. A. study  B.to study  C. be studied   D. be studying
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
10. —I’m going to Flower Bookstore. Could you tell me ______? — Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. A. where it is B. where was it C. where is it D. where it was
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
11. How do you like the dishes, Eric? — Fantastic! Nothing tastes ________. A. nice B. better C. terrible D. worse
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
12. ______ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face. A. Because B. If C. Until D. Though
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
13.You can save money _______ you buy cheaper things. A. before B. unless C. if D. until
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
14. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two-month B. two month’s C. two month D. two-months
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
15. —We will build an underground in Xuzhou before 2015. — Wow, _______! Will it pass our place? A. what an excited news B. how excited the news is C. what exciting news D. how exciting
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
16. — Emily, here’s a dictionary.I hope it will help you in some way. — Thank you.It’s ________ what I need. A. almost B. still C. only D. just
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
17. —Oh.I’m hungry.Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? —No.It tastes . A. terribly B. terrible C. good D. well
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
18. —We can invite our teachers to the farewell party next Saturday. —Yes, ______? I’ll call them at once. A. what for B. what C. why not D. why
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
19.You can ________ ask the old man to move away to any other place because he has lived ________ here for at least sixty years. A. hardly; alone B. hard; alone C. hardly; lonely D. hardly; lonely
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
20.—I’m going back to see my grandparents this weekend. —________. A. It’s very nice of you B. You’d better hurry C. Say goodbye to them D. Give my best wishes to them
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
21.—Why not take ____ umbrella with the sign “Made in China”? It is useful. —What _______ good advice it is!    A. an; a B. a; a C. an; \ D. \; a
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
22. —Do you know the boy________ is sitting next to Peter? — Yes. He is Peter’s friend. They are celebrating his ________ birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; ninth C. /; ninth D. which; ninth
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
23. It was dark, ______ I couldnt see what was happening. A. or B. though C. but D. so
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
24.—You can use MSN to talk with Vivien on the Internet. —I know. But can you tell me ________? A. what I can use it B. when I can use it C. why can I use it D. how can I use it
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
25. _______ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy ? To learn about different styles of school uniform. A. What B. Where C. Which D. Why
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 26. Where does the writer of "The little Prince" come from? A.England. B.France. C.America. D.China.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 27. What does the prince do after the fox tells him a secret? A.He cares more about a flower and a sheep. B.He meets many more strange adults on other planets. C.He realizes his love for the rose and he goes back to his planet.   D.He discovers interesting things such as a snake, other roses and a fox
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 28. What does "The little Prince" mainly talk about? It' s about _________. A.the adult world B.the planet B -612 C.a rose and a fox D.the adventure of a young prince
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 29. What is the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?    A.To tell the readers his life story.    B.To tell people what kind of person his father was.    C.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.    D. To let people know how poor he was.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 30. Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that?    A.Because he felt quite confident of his son.    B.Because he was born from a poor family.    C.Because he was a man of few words.    D.Because he didn't want to be much too strict with his son.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 31. What would someone learn from this passage?    A.How to live by oneself. B.How to stand on one's own feet.    C.What a good father should do. D.What the self-important is like.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 32. What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage?    A.闲暇时光 B.学费 C.精神空虚 D.经济不足
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 33. Why did Natalie Smith pay for the six cars behind her? A. She had seven tickets. B. She hoped to please others. C. She knew the car drivers well. D. She wanted to show kindness.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 34. Judy Foreman copied down the phrase because she ___ . A. thought it was beautifully written B. wanted to know what it really meant C. decided to write it on a warehouse wall D. wanted her husband to put it up in the classroom
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 35. Who came up with the phrase according to the passage? A. Judy Foreman. B. Natalie Smith. C. Anne Herbert D. Alice Johnson.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. S
( ) 36. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. People should practice random kindness to those in need. B. People who receive kindness are likely to offer it to others. C. People should practice random kindness to strangers they meet. D. People who receive kindness are likely to pay it back to the giver.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 37.The greatest river for navigation is ___________. A. the Nile B. the Amazon C. the Mekong D. the Mississippi
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 38. From a dam, people can use the water for ___________. A. keeping the rivers clean B. only making electricity C. irrigation and making electricity D. washing clothes
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 39. The water in the river is polluted because of _____________. A. people's drinking water too much B. people's swimming in the river too much C. chemicals and other materials D. people's building a dam across a river
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
( ) 40. The best title of the passage is ___________. A. Rivers in Cities B. The importance of Rivers C. Transportation D. Natural Resources
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D