A. IgE
B. SlgA
C. IgG
D. IgM
E. 溶菌酶
A. 血压上升
B. 脉压小
C. 脉压大
D. 血压下降
E. 血压测不到
A. 4个月起
B. 5个月起
C. 6个月起
D. 7个月起
E. 8个月起
A. 减少患儿活动
B. 经常变换体位
C. 室内湿度60%
D. 给予雾化吸入
E. 给予镇咳剂
A. 皮下脂肪
B. 肝脏
C. 棕色脂肪
D. 饱和脂肪
E. 不饱和脂肪
A. 肾上腺皮质激素
B. 止泻药
C. 镇咳药
D. 泻药
E. 退热药
A. 牛奶食用前应煮沸1~3分钟
B. 应定时喂哺,一般3~4小时喂哺一次
C. 婴儿食具应定时煮沸消毒,避免污染
D. 哺喂后将婴儿竖起轻拍背部防溢奶
E. 两次喂哺之间不需要加喂水
A. 10mg/dl
B. 20mg/dl
C. 30mg/dl
D. 40mg/dl
E. 50mg/dl
A. 胸部X线检查
B. 头颅CI
C. 脑脊液检查
D. 脑电图
E. 结核菌素试验
A. 正常
B. 正常范围偏高
C. 重度甲亢
D. 中度甲亢
E. 轻度甲亢
A. 引起门静脉扩张
B. 直接损伤肝细胞
C. 减少蛋白质吸收
D. 收缩肝内血管
E. 阻碍胆汁流动
A. 脑挫裂伤
B. 硬脑膜外血肿
C. 硬脑膜下血肿
D. 脑内血肿
E. 脑震荡
A. X线检查
B. 胃肠钡餐检查
C. 胃镜结合活组织病理检查
D. 胃液分析
E. 血清学检查
A. 安全期避孕法
B. 口服避孕药
C. 输卵管结扎术
D. 避孕套
E. 放置宫内节育器
A. 陈旧性严重宫颈裂伤
B. 宫腔深度大于10cm
C. 子宫脱垂I度轻
D. 滴虫性阴道炎
E. 宫颈内口过松
A. 先腹痛,后发热、呕吐
B. 排便后腹痛可好转
C. 有停经和阴道流血史
D. 常伴腹泻
E. 腹部压痛不明显、心悸等症状
A. 肺功能测定
B. 胸腔穿刺术
C. 动脉血气分析
D. 放射性核素检查
E. 纤维支气管镜检查
A. 神经毒素
B. 肠毒素
C. 内毒素
D. 细胞毒素
E. 外毒素
A. 肺部实变体征
B. 痰培养肺炎球菌阳性
C. 胸痛、咳嗽、铁锈色痰
D. X线大片状致密阴影
E. 突发的寒战、发热
A. 性交传播
B. 公共浴池传播
C. 宫内传播
D. 游泳池传播
E. 不洁器械传播
A. 第1腰椎下缘
B. 第2腰椎下缘
C. 第3腰椎下缘
D. 第4腰椎下缘
E. 第5腰椎下缘
A. 痰涂片或细菌培养
B. 胸部X线检查
C. CT检查
D. 纤维支气管镜检查
E. 支气管造影
A. 是左心功能不全的表现
B. 水肿时醛固酮减少
C. 毛细血管内压降低
D. 水肿先出现在身体下垂部位
E. 有效循环血容量增多
A. 盐酸
B. 胃蛋白酶原
C. 碱性黏液
D. 胃泌素
E. 雌激素
A. 发热
B. 婴幼儿
C. 病变位于颅中线附近
D. 病变位于颅内大静脉附近
E. 有颅内炎症
A. 肠道病毒
B. 虫媒病毒
C. 疱疹病毒
D. 腮腺炎病毒
E. 副流感病毒
A. 每l小时一次
B. 每2小时一次
C. 每3小时一次
D. 每4小时一次
E. 每5小时一次
A. 面肌
B. 膈肌
C. 咀嚼肌
D. 四肢肌
E. 颈项肌
A. 1型
B. 2型
C. 3型
D. 6型
E. 5型
B. B超
C. 放射性核素肝扫描
D. 血清甲胎蛋白测定
E. 选择性肝动脉造影
A. 便秘
B. 体重下降
C. 呼吸困难
D. 肌肉酸痛
E. 腹胀
A. 注意力不集中,近记忆力下降
B. 远记忆力下降,记不起自己经历的重要事情
C. 时间定向力障碍
D. 地点定向力障碍
E. 思维障碍
A. 自出生脐带结扎开始至生后28天内
B. 从孕期满28周至生后7天
C. 自受孕至生后脐带结扎
D. 自出生脐带结扎开始至生后7天
E. 自出生脐带结扎开始至生后满1个月
A. 白细胞增加
B. 血小板增加
C. 血红蛋白减少
D. 血红蛋白增加
E. 白细胞和血小板计数减少
A. 劳损,椎间盘突出
B. 化脓性感染
C. 肿瘤
D. 骨质增生
E. 天生性畸形
A. 红髓造血
B. 黄髓造血
C. 中胚叶造血
D. 骨髓外造血
E. 肝替代骨髓造血
A. 是一组原因不明的原发性退行性脑变性疾病
B. AD的发病可能与遗传因素有关
C. 常起病于老年前期或老年期
D. 急性智能损害为主要表现
E. 女性多于男性
A. 糖原
B. 脂肪
C. 蛋白质
D. 维生素
E. 微量元素
A. 阴道壁涂片
B. 宫颈刮片
C. 宫颈管涂片
D. 局部活组织检查
E. 宫颈诊断性锥切
A. 低血磷使神经肌肉兴奋性增高
B. 组织细胞释放磷,血磷高使血钙离子下降
C. 血糖降低使能量代谢异常
D. 高热使脑细胞代谢异常
E. 代谢性酸中毒时血钙离子降低
What is true of an aSa in transparent mode ?___
A. It supports OSPF
B. It requires an IP address for each interface
C. It requires a management IP address
D. It allows the use of dynamic NaT
What is the effect of the ip scp server enable command?___
A. It references an access list that allows specific SCP servers
B. It allows the router to initiate requests to an SCP server
C. It allows the router to become an SCP server
D. It adds SCP to the list of allowed copy functions
How can you mitigate attacks in which the attacker attaches more than one vLan tag to a packet?___
A. Assign an access VLAN to every active port on the switch
B. Disable Ether Channel on the switch
C. Explicitly identity each VLAN allowed across the trunk
E. nable transparent VTP on the switch
Which technology can you implement to centrally mitigate potential threats when users on your network download files that might be malicious?___
A. Enable file-reputation services to inspect all files that traverse the company network and block files with low reputation scores
B. Verify that the compa ny IpS blocks all known malicious website
C. Verity that antivirus software is installed and up to date for all users on your network
D. Implement URL filtering on the perimeter firewall
What is the most common implementation of PaT in a standard networked environment?___
A. configuring multiple external hosts to join the self zo ne and to communicate with one another
B. configuring multiple internal hosts to communicate outside of the network using the outside interface IP address
C. configuring multiple internal hosts to communicate outside of the network by using the inside interface IP address
D. configuring an any any rule to enable external hosts to communicate inside the network
Which component of a bYod architecture provides aAa services for endpoint access ?___
A. Integrated Services Router
B. access point
D. Identity Services
E. ngine
You are configuring a NAT rule on a Cisco ASA ,Which description of a mapped interface is true?___
A. It is mandatory for all firewall modes
B. It is optional in routed mode
C. It is optional in transparent mode
D. It is mandatory for ide ntity NAT only
Which description of the use of a private key is true ?___
A. The sender signs a message using the receivers private key
B. The sender signs a message using their private key
C. The sender encrypts a message using the receivers private key
D. The receiver decrypts a n15ssage using the sender's private key
Which mechanism does the FireAMP Connector use to avoid conflicts with other security applications such as antivirus products ?___
A. Virtualization
B. Containers
C. Sandboxing
E. xclusions
Which network to pology de scribes multiple LANS in a gec? ___
C. pan
Which statement represents a difference between an access list on an aSa versus an access list on a router?___
A. The asa does not support number access lists
B. The aSa does not support standard access list
C. The asa does not ever use a wildcard mask
D. The asa does not support extended access lists
Which command do you enter to verify the status and settings of an iKE Phase 1 tunnel?___
A. show crypto ipsec as output
B. show crypto isakmp
C. show crypto isakmp policy
D. show crypto ipsec transform
Which feature can help a router or switch maintain packet forwarding and protocol states despite an attack or heavy traffic load on the router or switch?___
A. service Policy
B. Control Plane Policing
C. Policy Map
D. Cisco
E. xpress
F. orwarding
Which STP feature can prevent an attacker from becoming the root bridge by immediately shutting down the interface when it receives a BPDU?___
A. root guard
B. Port Fast
C. BPDU guard
D. BPDU filtering
Which technology can best protect data at rest on a user system?___
A. full-disk encryption
B. IPsec tunnel
C. router ACL
D. network IPS
Which two primary security concerns can you mitigate with a BYOD solution ?___
A. schedule for patching the device
B. securing access to a trusted corporate network
C. compliance with applicable policies
D. connections to public Wi-Fi networks
E. device tagging and invento
choose five___
A. MD5————————inserure
B. DES————————insercure
C. SDES———————legacy
D. SHA-1———————legacy
E. HMAC-MD5—————legacy
Which two characteristics of symmetric encryption are true?___
A. It uses digital certificates
B. It requires more resources than asymmetric ancryption
C. It uses the same key to enctypt and decrupt traffic
D. It uses a public key and a pricate key to encrypt and decrypt traffic.
E. It is faster than asymmetric encryption
which two characteristics of PVLAN are true?___
A. Promiscuous porta can communicate with PVLAN ports.
B. Isolated ports cannot communicate with other ports on the same VLAN
C. Community ports have to be a part of the trunk.
D. They require VTP to be enabled in server mode
E. PVLAN ports can be configured as Ether Channel ports
What are two options for running Cisco SDM?___
A. Running SDM from a mobile device
B. Running SDM from within CiscoWorks
C. Running SDM from a router's flash
D. Running SDM from the Cisco web porta
E. Running SDM from a PC
Which two options are the primary deployment modeles for mobile device management?___
A. multisite
B. cloud-based
C. on premises
D. hybrid cloud basedo
E. single site
Drag the recommendation on the left to the Cryptographic algorithms on the right, Options will be used more than once.___
A. Avoid——————————————DES,MD5
B. Legacy——————————————SDES,SHA1,HMAC-MD5
Which two are valid types of vLans using PVLANS ?___
A. Community VLAN
B. Backup VLAN
C. Secondary VLAN
D. Isolated VLAN
E. Isolated VLAN
Which two commands are used to implement Resilient lOS Configuration ___
A. Secure boot-config
B. copy running-config tftp
C. copy flash:ios bin tftp
D. copy running-config startup-config
E. secure boot-image
Which two types of firewalls work at layer 4 and above ?___
A. Stateful inspection
B. Network Address Translation
C. Circuit-Level gateway
D. Static packet filter
E. Application Level firewall
Which two default settings for port security are true ?___
A. Violation is Protect
B. Violation is Restrict
C. Violation is Shutdown
D. Maximum number of MAC addresses is 2
E. Maximum number of MAC addresses is 1
Which two are characteristics of RADIUS?___
A. Uses UDP ports 1812 /1813
B. Uses TCP port 49
C. Uses UDP port 49
E. ncrypts only the password between user and server
When setting up a site-to-site VPN with PSK authentication on a Cisco router, which two elements must be configured under crypto map?___
A. pfs
B. nat
C. reverse route
D. peer
E. transform-set
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two options are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Install from SFTP server
B. Usehttps
C. Install from a file
Which two SNMPv3 services support its capabilities as a secure networ k manage protocol? ___
A. access control
B. the shared secret key
C. authentication
D. authorization
E. accounting
Which two statements about routed firewall mode are true ?___
A. The firewall acts as a routed hop in the network
B. This mode conceals the presence of the firewall
C. The firewall requires a unique iP address for each interface
D. This mode allows the firewall to be added to an existing networ k with minimal additional configuration By default, this mode permits most traffic to pass throug
Which two statements describe DHCP spoofing attacks?___
A. They are used to perform man-in- the-middle attacks
B. They can access most network devices
C. They can modify the flow of traffic in transit. LNGKAIG
D. They protect the identity of ti attacker by masking the DHCP address
E. They can physically modify the network gateway
Which two types of VLANs using PVLANs are valid?___
A. isolated
B. promiscuous
C. backup
D. secondary
E. community
What are two limitations of the self-zone policies on a zone-based firewall?___
A. They are unable to block Https traffic
B. They restrict SNMP traffic.
C. They are unable to support Https traffic
D. They are unable to implement application inspection
E. They are unable to perform rate limiting
Which two descriptions of TACACS+ are true? ___
A. The TACACS+ header is unencrypted
B. It combines a uthentication and authorization
C. It uses TCP as its transport protocol
D. Only the password is encrypted.
E. It uses UDP as its transport protocol.
Which two actions does an IPS perform? ___
A. it spans the traffic
B. it reflects the traffic back to the sender
C. it encrypts the traffic
D. it terminates the user session or connection of the attacker
E. it reconfigures a device to block the traffic
In which form of fraud does an attacker try to learn information such as login credenti account information by ma squerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or communication channels ?___
A. phishing
B. Smurfit
C. Hacking
D. Identity Spoofing
Which two ESA services are available for incoming and outgoing mails ?___
A. anti-DoS
B. reputation filter
C. antispam
D. content filter
What are two reasons to recommend SNMPv 3 over SNMPv2?___
A. SNMPv3 is secure because you can configure authe ntication and privacy
B. SNMPv3 is insecure because it send in formation in clear text
C. SNMPv2 is insecure because it send information in clear text
D. SNMPv3 is a Cisco proprietary protocol
E. SNMPv2 is secure because you can configure authentication and privacy
Which two actions can a zone- based firewall apply to a packet as it transits a zone pair?___
A. drop
B. inspect
C. queue
D. quarantine