腰椎间盘突出症胶原酶化学溶解术后俯卧位时间宜 ___
A. 2-4小时
B. 4-6小时
C. 6-8小时
D. 8-10小时
E. 10-12小时
A. 推拿按摩
B. 止痛药
C. 理疗
D. 完全卧床休息
E. 腰背肌锻炼
腰椎管狭窄征的主要临床表现 ___
A. 腰痛
B. 压痛明显
C. 弯腰时疼痛加剧
D. 间歇性跛行
E. 放射痛
A. 理疗
B. 消炎痛
C. 水杨酸制剂
D. 糖皮质激素
E. 免疫抑制剂
肩关节周围炎的最常见病因是 ___
A. 结核
B. 风湿
C. 损伤
D. 细菌感染
E. 类风湿
A. 心理治疗
B. 物理治疗
C. 药物治疗
D. 神经阻滞治疗
E. 手术治疗
下列关于骨质疏松的健康指导错误的是 ___
A. 预防为主,强调三早(早补.早防.早治疗)
B. 养成良好饮食习惯,多食含钙低的食物
C. 坚持健康的健身运动
D. 预防并发症的发生――防骨折
E. 建立健康的生活方式:避免酗酒,禁烟,多晒太阳
类风湿性关节炎最常累及的关节是 ___
A. 肩关节
B. 脊柱小关节
C. 手足小关节
D. 髋关节
E. 腕.髁.肘关节
A. 腰椎正侧位片
C. 椎体层摄片
D. 椎管造影
E. 椎间盘造影
男,25岁。喜好网球运动,右肘关节外侧疼痛1个月,加重3天,持物无力,拧毛巾痛,体格检查:除右肘关节外侧局限性压痛外,下列哪项试验最有助于诊断 ___
A. Mills征
B. Dugas征
C. Froment征
D. Finkelstein征
E. Gaenslen征
A. 腰3~4,腰5~骶1,腰4~5
B. 腰3~4,腰4~5,腰5~骶1
C. 腰5~骶1,腰4~5,腰3~4
D. 腰4~5,腰5~骶1,腰3~4
E. 腰4~5,腰3~4,腰5~骶1
A. 疼痛明显
B. 肿胀明显
C. 局部发热
D. 关节发红
E. 晨起僵硬
A. 颊肌瘫痪
B. 额纹消失
C. 鼻唇沟变浅
D. 角膜反射减退
E. 面肌痉挛
在颈椎管先天性狭窄的基础上最容易发生的颈椎病类型 ___
A. 交感型
B. 脊髓型
C. 椎动脉型
D. 颈型
E. 神经根型
A. 二阶梯方案
B. 三阶梯方案
C. 四阶梯方案
D. 五阶梯方案
E. 六阶梯方案
药物治疗癌痛最好的给药方式是 ___
A. 直肠给药
B. 肌肉内注射
C. 皮下注射
D. 口服给药
E. 吸入给药
世界卫生组织推荐的癌痛治疗方案以外,还有哪种治疗方法最有效 ___
A. 心理治疗
B. 康复治疗
C. 神经阻滞
D. 饮食疗法
E. 针灸
A. 双拐
B. 单拐
C. 系腰围
D. 轮椅
E. 石膏背心
A. 急性痛
B. 心绞痛
C. 慢性非癌性痛
D. 癌痛
E. 非疼痛疾病
A. 需要密切护理
B. 不需要连续注药设备
C. 副作用发生率低
D. 剂量不易控制
E. 易形成耐受
类风湿性关节炎常表现为 ___
A. 杵状指
B. 爪状指
C. 梭状指
D. 匙状指
E. 骨质增生
A. 多见于青少年
B. 晚间疼痛减轻
C. 肩关节外展受限
D. 可见典型疼痛弧
E. 发病急,病程约数周
青壮年腰痛最常见的原因 ___
A. 劳损,椎间盘突出
B. 化脓性感染,结核
C. 肿瘤
D. 骨质增生
E. 先天性畸形
引起单纯疱疹的病原微生物是 ___
A. 人类乳头瘤病毒
B. 麻疹病毒
C. 单纯疱疹病毒
D. 水痘-带状疱疹病毒
E. 风疹病毒
关于水痘和带状疱疹的说法正确的是 ___
A. 同一病毒致病
B. 抵抗力强时导致水痘
C. 愈后均遗留瘢痕
D. 无获得性免疫力
E. 容易复发
A. 颈型颈椎病
B. 神经根型颈椎病
C. 椎动脉型颈椎病
D. 脊髓型颈椎病
E. 颈椎管狭窄症
A. 生物反馈
B. 心理咨询
C. 安慰剂
D. 口服止痛药
E. 忽略疗法
偏头痛的常见特点不包括 ___
A. 恶心与/或呕吐
B. 对光和声敏感
C. 体力活动时加重
D. 单侧
E. 发热
非手术治疗在腰椎间盘突出症占 ___
A. 90%
B. 80%
C. 70%
D. 60%
E. 50%
A. 常发生在一侧头部,呈搏动性痛
B. 具有家族性或遗传性
C. 可以治愈
D. 常伴恶心及对声音.光.气味过敏
E. 可在任何时候发作,但以早晨起床时为多
雷诺现象的皮肤颜色变化顺序为 ___
A. 红-白-紫
B. 紫-红-白
C. 紫-白-红
D. 红-紫-白
E. 白-紫-红
神经阻滞疗法的禁忌证是 ___
A. 三叉神经痛
B. 肋间神经痛
C. 癌痛
D. 缺血性疼痛
E. 局麻药过敏或有出血倾向者
原发性三叉神经痛,治疗首选 ___
A. 药物治疗
B. 神经阻滞
C. 手术治疗
D. 理疗
E. 光疗
下列关于肩周炎的描述不正确的是 ___
A. 可能与颈椎退变造成支配区神经功能障碍有关
B. 其病变受累结构常常包括关节囊与关节滑囊
C. 肩周炎可不治自愈
D. 所有的肩周炎患者均有明确的影像学改变
E. 外伤常常是引起肩周炎的重要原因
A. 有8块颈椎
B. 有4块骶椎
C. 胸部运动最灵活
D. 腰曲凸向前
E. 颈曲凸向后
可抗心律失常的局麻药是 ___
A. 丁卡因
B. 利多卡因
C. 普鲁卡因
D. 布比卡因
E. 其余选项都不是
A. 促进突出物还纳
B. 安定镇静
C. 解除肌肉痉挛
D. 促进炎症和水肿消退
E. 营养神经
椎动脉型颈椎病的典型表现是 ___
A. 头部转动时发作性眩晕
B. 下肢无力.步伐不稳
C. 颈肩臂疼痛麻木
D. 心慌.胸闷
E. 大小便功能障碍
甲状腺功能亢进症患者消化系统的表现哪项除外 ___
A. 食欲亢进
B. 排便增多
C. 偶有黄疸
D. 肝功能损害
E. 肝脏缩小
下列哪种情况适宜用磺脲类降糖药治疗 ___
A. 1型糖尿病患者
B. 严重肝.肾功能不全者
C. 单纯用饮食难以控制的2型糖尿病患者
D. 合并妊娠者
E. 合并严重感染
符合糖尿病酮症酸中毒诊断的最主要的实验室检测项目是 ___
A. 血糖升高
B. 尿糖强阳性
C. 血白细胞增高
D. 血酮升高.尿酮阳性
E. 血pH<7E.35
Q4: What can we learn about the 15-year-old Jenny?___
A. She and her cousins went back home at midnight .
B. She liked the traditional 4 a.m. Black Friday.
C. She preferred midnight shopping to early morning shopping .
D. She and her cousins got up very early to buy discounted items .
Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon?___
A. Because she did it in college .
B. Because she wanted to be tough .
C. Because her sister did it and liked it .
D. Because her sister said it was good for her .
Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon?___
A. Last year .
B. In college .
C. Last week .
D. In high school .
Q3: How does the man feel about running?___
A. Boring.
B. Scaring .
C. Exciting .
D. Interesting .
Q4: Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon?___
A. Because she fears that a big fish might eat her .
B. Because she fears that she would get lost in lakes .
C. Because she doesn't want to scare away small fishes .
D. Because she doesn't like swimming with many people .
Q1: What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that can make a person happier?___
A. 1:3.
B. 3 :1.
C. 1 :10 .
D. 10 :1.
Q2: What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?___
A. It improves relationships .
B. It leads to greater success .
C. It helps develop creativity .
D. It contributes to good health .
Q3: What does the speaker say about negative feelings?___
A. People should turn every negative feeling around .
B. Negative feelings can sometimes have positive effects .
C. Negative feelings often cause people to make mistakes .
D. People should never show negative feelings in public places .
Q4: What is the main idea of the passage?___
A. People should learn to manage their emotions .
B. People should be patient with their negative feelings .
C. People should learn to analyze causes of unhappiness .
D. People should identify as many positive feelings as possible .
Q1: What are the man and woman talking about?___
A. Whether nature is magical and kind .
B. Whether nature is powerful and full of risks .
C. Whether Christopher was well prepared for the trip .
D. Whether Christopher's trip to Alaska was worthwhile .
Q2: What can we learn about Christopher?___
A. He made a film about his trip to Alaska .
B. He wrote a story about his trip to Alaska .
C. He died while having an adventure in Alaska .
D. He learned how powerful and risky Alaska was .
Q3: What does the woman think about Christopher taking the trip to Alaska?___
A. He was too foolish .
B. He was really romantic .
C. He had a very kind heart .
D. He had a spirit for trying things .
Q4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something that would have saved Christopher’s life?___
A. A gun to hunt .
B. The map of the area .
C. Emergency food supplies .
E. mergency communication equipment .
Q1: What speed can an avalanche reach within five seconds of taking off?___
A. At 8 miles an hour .
B. At 18 miles an hour .
C. At 80 miles an hour .
D. At 88 miles an hour .
Q2: According to the passage, under what circumstances may an avalanche occur?___
A. There are too many layers of snow on the .
B. There is a layer of snow covering an entire area .
C. The top layer of snow slides off the layer below it .
D. The layer of snow below the surface becomes unstable .
Q3: What are skiers advised to do to avoid being caught in an avalanche?___
A. Ski only in the official ski areas .
B. Look for solid snow to walk on .
C. Look out for each other while skiing .
D. Learn to control themselves in an avalanche .
Q4: Why does the ski patrol use explosives?___
A. To dig holes in the snow .
B. To close the area for skiing .
C. To make an avalanche move on purpose .
D. To' check how different layers are holding up .
Q1:What is conversation mainly about?___
A. The woman's happy college life the man's doubt .
B. The woman's spending habits and the man's concerns .
C. The man's reminding the woman of the exam this Thursday .
D. The man's support for the woman over the past 15 years .
Q2:What did the woman do last night?___
A. She bought a new leather coat .
B. She studied very hard for an exam .
C. She treated all her friends to dinner .
D. She went to a concert with her friends .
Q3:Where did the woman get the money?___
A. She just received her student loan .
B. She saved some money for herself .
C. She borrowed the money from her friends .
D. She asked her mom to send her the money .
Q4:What is the man?___
A. A teacher of biology .
B. An undergraduate student .
C. A freshman in biology class .
D. A graduate teaching assistant .
Q1: What is this passage mainly about?___
A. How businesses can compete with each other .
B. How small businesses operate during holidays .
C. How small businesses manage holiday workers .
D. How can earn more money during holidays .
Q2: According to Rubin, what can small companies do to thank holiday workers?___
A. Have talks with their families .
B. Give them good extra benefits .
C. Offer them expensive holiday tokens .
D. Show appreciation to them face to face .
Q3: What can small business owners do to help holiday workers get into the holiday spirit?___
A. Entertain them with big meals .
B. Let them enjoy some holiday games .
C. Give them handmade thank-you cards .
D. Send their families some holiday gift cards .
Q4: Who are supposed to benefit most from this passage?___
A. Workers who have to work during holidays .
B. Employees who intend to earn extra money .
C. Big companies that usually close on holidays .
D. Small businesses that try to be more competitive .
In the first two paragraphs of the passage the writer tries to tell us that___
A. he had lived in Washington D.C. for twenty years
B. he was very imaginative when he was a child
C. he had fond memories of his old neighborhood
D. )he had come from a very poor neighborhood
The writer ,as a child ,was very fond of playing in the basement because ___
A. it was bright and alive
B. it contained a movie house and a space station
C. it was ideal for playing hide-and-seek
D. it was surrounded by trees and flowers
How did the writer feel when he visited his old neighborhood in Washington D.C. ?___
A. Greatly surprised .
B. Very regretful .
C. Quite excited .
D. Very sad .
On his visit to his hometown ,the writer found the old apartment building___
A. see medunfit to live in
B. had been repaired
C. could hardly be recognized
D. looked dirty and smelt horrible
" Youcan never go home again "inthe last sentence of this passage means that___
A. one should never revisit his hometown after many years of absence
B. one will never find his hometown the same as it was in his childhood memory
C. avisit to one's hometown will bring back one's fond memories of home
D. avisit to one's hometown will bring back many sad memorie
We learn from the passage that Tracy died___
A. on December 8,1992
B. of brain damage
C. 24 hours after he fell off the roof of a car
D. in a car crash
Tracy's parents decided to donate Tracy's organs because___
A. Tracy told them to do so just before he died
B. they wanted to save others the pain of seeing a dear one die
C. David's life could continue in a meaningful way
D. they knew David was suffering from a hopeless liver disease
The meeting between the writer's family and Tracy's parents was arranged because___
A. the writer and her husband wished to express their thanks to Tracy's parents
B. the local organ bank wanted to see how both families felt about the donation
C. Tracy's parents wanted to see someone whose life had been saved by the donation
D. the two families were linked by the most bittersweet ties imaginable
The writer and her husband learned how Tracy died___
A. from his parents
B. from the organ bank
C. from the hospital
D. from the doctor who performed the operation
The meeting between the two families helped to ease the Marshes'suffering because___
A. they saw that David looked very much like their son
B. they saw that David had regained health with Tracy's liver
C. they now had someone to share their memories of Tracy
D. they now knew for sure they had done the right thing
The writer's first marriage was unsuccessful because___
A. her husband often woke her up at midnight
B. her husband kept criticizing her
C. she was so unattractive
D. she had a self-esteem problem
When the writer asked for a divorce ,her husband___
A. told her that she would never find one who loved her as he did
B. delayed two years before giving her a reply
C. accused her of having an affair
D. said that she was unattractive and not worth loving
When the writer first met Clint ,she felt that___
A. she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier
B. Clint was a nice ,dazzling young man
C. Clint could not be really interested in her
D. she would find true love in Clint
The writer was particularly touched by Clint because___
A. he loved her children and asked for their approval of the marriage
B. he said that he could not imagine a life without her and the children
C. he believed that at 2 and 4 ,the two children were the "menof the house "
D. hekept her company and talked with her until the next morning
The writer's marriage to Clint is important to her mainly because___
A. it gave her and her sons a second chance to live a happy life
B. every day Clint would tell the writer that he loved her
C. it helped her to regain her self respect
D. it made her children happy ,which is all she cared about in life