A. 5%葡萄糖盐水
B. 10%葡萄糖液
C. 低分子右旋糖酐液
D. 11.2%乳酸钠液
E. 3%~5%氯化钠液
A. 安慰患者
B. 送手术室缝合
C. 立即用灭菌盐水纱布覆盖
D. 用腹带包扎
E. 立即在病床上将内脏还纳
A. 年老体弱者
B. 儿童
C. 青壮年
D. 女性
E. 各年龄、性别无区别
A. 开胸探查
B. 协助咳嗽
C. 应用止疼药
D. 胸腔穿刺、排气减压
E. 清创、封闭伤口
A. 呼吸停止
B. 瞳孔散大
C. 脉搏不清
D. 大动脉搏动消失
E. 血压测不到
A. 静脉壁损伤
B. 血流缓慢
C. 血液高凝状态
D. 多发生于手术后或制动患者
E. 静脉闭塞
A. 手法复位,外固定
B. 手法复位,内外固定
C. 手法复位,内固定
D. 牵引治疗
E. 以上都不对
A. 夜间盗汗
B. 局部肿胀疼
C. 消瘦
D. 关节僵直
E. 高热
A. 高钾血症
B. 低钾血症
C. 高渗性非酮性昏迷
D. 肝功能异常
E. 高血糖
A. X线检查可见膈下游离气体
B. 肝浊音界缩小
C. 上腹部刀割样剧痛
D. 腹式呼吸音减弱
E. 板状腹
A. 专人护理,禁止探视
B. 室温应恒定在20~25℃为宜
C. 术后1周开始患肢功能锻炼
D. 患肢斜坡放置于比心脏略高5~8cm
E. 禁用血管收缩药物
A. 肩部肿胀
B. 肩部外展障碍
C. 方肩畸形
D. 肩部内收障碍
E. 肩部压痛
A. 拔管前夹管观察1~2天
B. 妥善固定引流管
C. 观察引流量和性状
D. 保持引流管通畅
E. 引流袋不得高于引流出口
A. 功能障碍
B. 疼痛
C. 弹性固定
D. 骨擦音
E. 肿胀
A. 鳞癌
B. 腺癌
C. 黏液癌
D. 低分化癌
E. 未分化癌
A. 左肾切除
B. 左肾部分切除
C. 左肾造瘘
D. 右肾造瘘
E. 抗结核治疗
A. 禁止腰椎穿刺
B. 枕部垫无菌巾
C. 禁忌堵塞鼻腔
D. 床头抬高15~30cm
E. 用抗菌药溶液冲洗鼻腔
A. 精神刺激
B. 创面剧烈疼痛
C. 大量水分蒸发
D. 大量组织坏死,分解产物吸收
E. 大量血浆自创面外渗和渗向组织间隙
A. 疼痛
B. 尿频
C. 尿急
D. 尿痛
E. 血尿
A. 单根肋骨骨折
B. 多根肋骨单处骨折
C. 多根肋骨多处骨折
D. 单根肋骨单处骨折
E. 胸壁软组织损伤
A. 转移性脓肿
B. 痈
C. 脓性指头炎侧面纵切开
D. 急性蜂窝织炎
E. 面部疖肿
A. 流食
B. 半流食
C. 无渣软食
D. 禁食
E. 以上都不对
A. 应用青霉素
B. 彻底清创
C. 应用甲硝唑
D. 应用抗毒素
E. 高压氧治疗
A. 术前禁食禁水
B. 术前放置胃管
C. 选择静脉麻醉
D. 术前用阿托品
E. 术前用止吐药
A. 尽量少搬动患者
B. 注射广谱抗生素
C. 安置半卧位
D. 禁食、输液
E. 注射镇痛剂
A. 出生1小时内体重不足1000g
B. 出生1小时内体重不足1250g
C. 出生1小时内体重不足1500g
D. 出生1小时内体重不足2000g
E. 出生1小时内体重不足2500g
A. 宫颈
B. 卵巢
C. 输卵管
D. 腹腔
E. 以上都不是
A. 阴道口
B. 大阴唇
C. 小阴唇
D. 阴唇韧带
E. 输卵管
A. 缺氧
B. 外伤
C. 核黄疸
D. 羊水栓塞
E. 胎儿期感染
A. 子宫黏膜下肌瘤
B. 输卵管因素
C. 外阴、阴道炎症
D. 宫颈细长,宫颈炎
E. 子宫内膜异位症
A. X线钡餐造影检查
B. 选择性动脉造影
C. 内镜检查
D. 化验检查
E. 吞线试验
A. 逆行性遗忘
B. 病理性赘述
C. 记忆错误
D. 近事遗忘
E. 远事遗忘
A. 正常
B. 炎症
C. 可疑癌
D. 高度可疑癌
E. 癌
A. 平卧位
B. 头高脚低位
C. 头低脚高位
D. 侧卧位
E. 坐位,两腿下垂
A. 血液传播
B. 呼吸道传播
C. 接触传播
D. 母婴传播
E. 消化道传播
A. 骨软骨瘤
B. 骨肉瘤
C. 骨髓瘤
D. Ewing瘤
E. 骨巨细胞瘤
A. 年龄愈小,体液占体重的百分比愈高
B. 年龄愈小,细胞内液量相对为多
C. 年龄愈小,每日水的交换量相对为少
D. 血清钠含量高于成人
E. 需水量同于成人
A. 肺有双重血流供应,即肺循环和支气管循环
B. 肺循环是一个高压、高阻力循环系统
C. 各级支气管和肺的营养主要由支气管循环供应
D. 肺气体交换功能主要由肺循环执行
E. 肺动脉携带静脉血,肺静脉输送动脉血
A. 发病原因
B. 首发症状
C. 贫血程度的不同
D. 出血症状的不同
E. 白血病细胞的成熟程度
A. 肩关节脱位
B. 肘关节脱位
C. Colles骨折
D. 肱骨髁上骨折
E. 锁骨骨折
A. 乳腺感染
B. 上呼吸道感染
C. 泌尿系统感染
D. 手术切口感染
E. 产褥感染
Which two actions can an end usts take to manage a lost or stolen device in Cisco ISE? ___
A. Activate Cisco ISE End point Protection Services to quarantine the device.
B. Add the mac address of the device to a list of blacklisted devices
C. Force the device to be locked with a PIN
D. Request revocation of the digital certificate of the device.
E. Reinstate a device that the user previously marked as lost or stolen
Which two problems can arise when a proxy firewall serves as the gateway between networks?___
A. It can prevent content caching
B. It can limit application support
C. It is unable to prevent direct connections to other networks
D. It can cause reduced throughput.
E. It is unable to provide antivirus protection
When using the Adaptive Security Device Manager(ASDM), which two methods are available to add a new root certificate?___
A. Use sCep
B. Install from SFTP server
C. Install from a file
D. Use Https
Which two are considered basic security principles?___
A. Accountability
B. Redundancy
C. High Availabilit
D. Integrity
E. Confidentiality
Which two roles of the Cisco WSA are true?___
B. firewall
C. antispam
D. web proxy
E. URL filter
Which next-generation encryption algorithm supports four variants?___
A. SHA-2
B. SHA-1
C. MD5
What aims to remove the abil ity to deny an action?___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Integrity
D. Deniability
Which statements about the native VLAN is true ?___
A. It is susceptible to VLAN hopping attacks.
B. It is the Cisco recommended VLAN for switch-management traffic
C. It is most secure when it is a ssigned to vLAn 1.
D. It is the cisco-recomme nded vlan for user traffic
There are two versions of IKE:IKEv1 and IKEv2. Both IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols operate in phases IKEv1 operates in two phases. IKEv2 operates in how many phases?___
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
What does the dh group refer to?___
A. length of key for hashing C
B. length of key for encryption
C. tunnel lifetime key
D. length of key for key exchange
E. length of key for authentication
Which path do you follow to enable aaa through the SDM ?___
A. Configure Tasks > AAA
B. Configure > Addition Authentication > AAA
C. Configure > AAA
D. Configure > Additional Tasks > AAA
E. Configure Authentication > AAA
which technology cloud be used on top of an MPLS VPN to add confidentiality ?___
A. IPsec
Which term is most closely aligned with the basic purpose of a SIEM solution? ___
A. Non-Repudiation
B. Accountability
C. Causality
D. Repudiation
You have just deployed SNMPv3 in your environment, Your manager asks you to make sure that our SNMP agents can only talk to the SNMP Manager. What would you configure on your SNMI agents to satisfy this request?___
A. A SNMP View containing the SNMP managers
B. Routing Filter with the SNMP managers in it applied outbound
C. A standard ACL containing the SNMP managers applied to the SNMP configuration
D. A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers
Which feature prevents loops by moving a nontrunking port into an errdisable state when a BPDU is received on that port?___
A. BPDU filte
B. DHCP snooping
C. BPDU guard
D. Port Fast
Which command enables port security to use sticky MAC addresses on a switch?___
A. switchport port-security violation restrict
B. switchport port-security mac-address sticky
C. switchport port-security violation protect
D. switchport port-security
When you edit an IPS subsignature, what is the effect on the parent signature and the family of subsignatures?___
A. The change applies to the parent signature and the entire family of subsignatures
B. The change applies to the parent signature and the subsignature that you edit
C. The change applies only to subsignatures that are numbered sequentially after the subsignature that you edit
D. Other signatures are unaffected, the change applies only to the subsignature that you dit
Which type of mechanism does Cisco FirePOWER de ploy to protect ag detected moving across other networks?___
A. antivirus scanning
B. policy-based
C. reputation-based
D. signature-based
What action must you take on the ise to blacklist a wired device?___
A. Locate the switch through which the device is connected and push an a cl restricting all access by the device
B. Issue a CoA request for the de vice's mac address to each access switch in the network
C. Revoke the device's certificate so it is unable to authenticate to the network
D. Add the device's MAc address to a list of black listed devices
Which type of firewall can perform deep packet inspection?___
A. packet-filtering firewall
B. stateless firewall
C. application firewall
D. personal firewall
What is the main purpose of Control Plane Policing?___
A. to prevent exhaustion of route-proce ssor resources
B. to organize the egress packet queues
C. to define traffic classes
D. to maintain the policy map
Which attack can be prevented by OSPF authentication?___
A. smurf attack
B. IP spoofing attack
C. denial of service attack
D. buffer overflow attack
What is the best definition of hairpinning?___
A. ingress traffic that traverses the outbound interface on a device
B. traffic that enters one interface on a device and that exits through another interface
C. traffic that enters and exits a device through the same interface
D. traffic that tunnels through a device interface
Which SNMPv3 security level provides authentication using HMAC with MD5, but does not use encryption?___
A. authPriv
B. authNo Priv
C. noAuthNoPriv
D. NoauthPriv
You have implemented a dynamic blacklist, using security intelligence to block illicit network activity. However, the blacklist contains several approved connections that users must access for usiness pur poses. Which action can you take to retain the blacklist while allowing users to access the approve d sites?___
A. Create a whitelist and manually add the approved addresses.
B. Disable the dynamic blacklist and deny the specif ic address on a whitelist while permitting the others
C. Edit the dynamic blacklist to remove the approved addresses
D. Disable the dynamic blacklist and create a static blacklist in its place
When connecting to an external resource,you must change a source IP address to use one IP address from a range of to Which option do you implement ?___
A. dynamic source NAT that uses an IP ad dress as a mapped source
B. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real de stination
C. dynamic source NAT that uses a range as a mapped source
D. static destination NAT that uses a subnet as a real source
Refer to the exhibit. 【nat(ins,any)dynamic interface】Which ty pe of NaT is configured on a Cisco ASA?___
A. dynamic NAT
B. source identity NAT
C. dynamic PAT
D. identity twice NAT
Which mitigation technology for web-based threats prevents the removal of confidential data from the network?___
Refer to the exhibit. What is the effect of the given configuration?___
A. It establishes the preshared key for the switch
B. It establishes the preshared key for the firewall.
C. It establishes the preshared key for the Cisco ISE appliance
D. It establishes the preshared key for the router.
What are two major considerations when choosing between a SPAN and a TAP when plementing IPS?___
A. the type of analysis the iS will perform
B. the amount of bandwidth available
C. whether RX and TX signals will use separate ports
D. the way in which media errors will be handled
E. the way in which dropped packets will be handled
What are two direct-to-tower methods for redirecting web traffic to Cisco Cloud Web Security?___
A. third-party proxies
B. Cisco Catalyst platforms
C. Cisco NAC Agent
D. hosted PAC files
E. CiSco ISE
Which three descriptions of RADIUS are true? ___
A. It uses TCP as its transport protocol.
B. Only the password is encrypted
C. It supports multiple transport protocols
D. It uses UDP as its transport protocol
E. It combines authentication and authorization
F. It separates authentication,authorization,and accounting
Which two configurations can prevent VLAN hopping attack from attackers at VLAN 10?___
A. using switchport trunk native vlan 10 command on trunk ports
B. enabling BPDU guard on all access ports
C. creating VLAN 99 and using switchport trunk native vlan 99 command on trunk ports
D. applying ACl between VLAN
E. using switchport mode access command on all host ports
F. using switchport nonegotiate command on dynamic desirable ports
What are two features of transparent firewall mode ___
A. It conceals the presence of the firewall from attackers
B. It allows some traffic that is blocked in routed mode
C. It enables the aSA to perform as a router.
D. It acts as a routed hop in the network.
E. It is configured by default
Which two models of A sa tend to be used in a data center?___
A. 5555X
B. 5585X
C. ASA service module
D. 5512X
E. 5540
F. 5520
Which two statements about hardware-based encrption are true?___
A. It is widely accessible
B. It is potentially easier to compromise than software-based encryption. It requires minimal configuration
C. It requires minimal configuration
D. It can be implemented without impacting performance
E. It is highly cost-effective
In which two modes can the Cisco We b Security appliance be de ployed?___
A. as a transparent proxy using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol
B. as a transparent proxy using the Web Cache Communication Protocol
C. explicit proxy mode
D. as a transparent proxy using the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
E. explicit active mode
A. 一样的
B. 可以互换
C. 有区别的
D. 没有区别