A. 有机磷中毒
B. 颅内压增高
C. 硬脑膜下血肿
D. 吗啡中毒
E. 枕骨大孔疝
A. 75%乙醇
B. 0.5%碘酊
C. 0.5%碘伏
D. 2%戊二醛
E. 氯己定
A. 5%~10%葡萄糖液
B. 右旋糖苷
C. 水解蛋白
D. 生理盐水
E. 各种代血浆
A. 髂嵴最高点
B. 臀裂顶点
C. 髂前上棘
D. 髂前下棘
E. 髂嵴下缘
A. 卷心菜,五香牛肉
B. 茨菜,红烧青鱼
C. 菱白,豆腐
D. 油豆腐,鸡血汤
E. 青菜,炒猪肝
A. 枕后
B. 骶尾部
C. 关节
D. 膝关节
E. 足跟部
A. 吸气时看到胸廓起伏
B. 肺部呼吸音清晰
C. 生命征平稳
D. 情绪稳定
E. 皮肤潮红、出汗
A. 左侧卧位和头低足高位
B. 端坐位双腿下垂
C. 右侧卧位和头低足高位
D. 右侧卧位和头高足低位
E. 左侧卧位和头高足低位
A. 饭前30分钟注射
B. 用2ml注射器抽吸药液
C. 注射部位可选用腹都
D. 用碘酊、乙醇消毒皮肤
E. 针头与皮肤成30度角进针
A. 输入致热物质
B. 输液速度过快
C. 输入药液浓度过高
D. 输入空气栓子
E. 输入变质液体
A. 汉斯•席尔
B. 马斯洛
C. 纽曼
D. 奥瑞姆
E. 爱瑞克林
A. 正压
B. 负压
C. 虹吸
D. 空吸
E. 液体静压
A. 药名用中、外文对照
B. 应加锁并严格交班
C. 装密封瓶中保存
D. 放于阴凉干燥处
E. 与内服药分别放置
A. 青霉素是半抗原
B. 青霉素皮试阴性者不会出现过敏反应
C. 青霉素过敏反应主要是第1型变态反应
D. 青霉素的各种剂型都应做过敏反应
E. 初次注射青霉素也要做过敏试验
A. 3L/min
B. 4L/min
C. 5L/min
D. 6L/min
E. 7L/min
A. 准备阶段进行
B. 计划阶段进行
C. 沟通开始阶段进行
D. 沟通进行阶段进行
E. 沟通结束阶段进行
A. 吸痰器工作时间过长易损害
B. 吸痰管通过痰液过多易阻塞
C. 避免引起病人刺激性呛咳,造成不适
D. 避免引起病人缺氧和发绀
E. 吸痰盘暴露时间过久,造成细菌感染
A. 参与抢救病人
B. 做好抢救记录
C. 参加会诊和病例讨论
D. 做好交接班
E. 分工明确,互相配合
A. 饭后4~6h进行
B. 首先吸净胃内容物
C. 洗胃液温度25℃~30℃
D. 每次灌入800ml左右
E. 洗毕记录胃内潴留量
A. 高热老年病人
B. 补钾病人
C. 风湿性心脏病病人
D. 急性胃肠炎,严重脱水病人
E. 老年性慢性支气管炎病人
A. 英国护士学会
B. 美国护理学会
C. 国际红十字会
D. 国际护士联合会
E. 北美护士协会
A. 黏液脓血便
B. 柏油样便
C. 粪便表面鲜血
D. 果酱样便
E. 白陶土样便
A. 护理活动是要促进入的适应性反应
B. 健康是系统的各个部分相互和谐的状态
C. 护患关系在护理过程中起关键作用
D. 自我照顾的需要是护理的重点
E. 护理的目的是通过护理干预来维持机体系统的平衡
A. 中华护士会
B. 中华护士学会
C. 中华护理学会
D. 中华护士学会
E. 中国护理学会
A. 受压皮肤呈紫红色
B. 局部皮肤出现红肿热
C. 局部皮下产生硬结
D. 皮肤上出现小水泡
E. 皮肤破损,有渗出液
A. 保暖
B. 防止体温骤降
C. 促进散热
D. 防止病人虚脱
E. 预防发生心律不齐
A. 疼痛
B. 眩晕
C. 水肿
D. 恶心
E. 愉快
A. 昏迷
B. 晕厥
C. 休克
D. 心律失常
E. 惊厥
A. 避免损害神经系统
B. 减轻服药引起的恶心
C. 增加药物疗效
D. 避免尿中结晶析出
E. 避免影响血液酸碱度
A. 2次外阴部的消毒均是由内向外、自上而下
B. 打开导尿包后应先铺洞巾后戴手套
C. 手套污染后应立即用乙醇消毒
D. 导尿管误插入阴道后应拨出重插
E. 应留取中段尿液5ml作培养检查
A. 压力过低
B. 静脉痉挛
C. 针头阻塞
D. 针头紧贴血管壁
E. 针头滑出血管外
A. 食管静脉曲张
B. 拒绝进食者
C. 昏迷
D. 早产儿
E. 口腔疾患
A. 急救车送医院
B. 立即吸氧
C. 输液
D. 就地人工呼吸
E. 移离现场
A. 定期做血气分析和电解质测定
B. 做好口腔及皮肤护理
C. 保持呼吸道通畅
D. 呼吸器的湿化器应每周清洁、消毒
E. 病室空气每日消毒1~2次
A. 超声波发生器
B. 透声膜
C. 晶体换能器
D. 雾化罐
E. 雾化器电子元件
A. 新生儿对疼痛的刺激是敏感的
B. 老年人有时疼痛的反应会增加
C. 性格外向者对疼痛的忍耐性较差
D. 癔症性格的人容易受其他疼痛者的暗示
E. 婴幼儿不能很好地表达疼痛
A. 掀页撕取
B. 由页面抓取
C. 由别人代取再传递
D. 须掀起页面再抓取
E. 随便撕取无影响
A. 将TAT含量逐渐递增,稀释液是逐渐递减
B. 将T.A.T分成相等的4份
C. 将T.A.T含量逐渐递减,稀释液是逐渐递增
D. 将T.A.T分成2份注射
E. 以上都不对
A. 右侧卧位
B. 左侧卧位
C. 俯卧位
D. 仰卧位
E. 膝胸卧位
A. 先松开腰带在前面打活结
B. 塞好衣袖再刷手
C. 刷手后解衣领
D. 从袖里拉下衣袖,勿使清洁的手污染
E. 脱下的隔离衣应污染面朝外投入污物袋中
- Is John there?____
A. Speaking.
B. I'm not Mary.
C. Who are you?
D. Mary is well today.
- Would you like to join us for Sunday dinner____
A. It's nice of you to invite me.
B. How about the food?
C. I like onion soup.
D. I'm sorry I missed the fun last time.
- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is?____
A. Don't ask me.
B. Parking is very difficult.
C. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.
D. Sorry, you can't park here.
- Sorry, ___
A. here you are.
B. take it.
C. it's taken.
D. never mind.
-What's this in English? ____
A. It's a map.
B. That is a map.
C. Yes, it's a map.
D. No, it isn't.
- I hear you got through your exam. Congratulations!____
A. No. I didn't do well enough.
B. Who told you that?
C. Thanks.
D. Yes, I got a good mark.
- Don't forget to come to my party this evening!___
A. I can't.
B. I won't.
C. I don't.
D. I will.
- Jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. It's dangerous!___
A. Good idea.
B. Sorry, I won't do it again.
C. It doesn't matter.
D. It's good.
-How about going fishing?___, I have no patience for that.
A. Excuse me
B. Sorry
C. Pardon
D. Apologize
- Thanks for the lovely and delicious food______.
A. No thanks
B. Never mind
C. All right
D. My pleasure
- Haven't seen you for ages. Let's have a get-together next week._____
A. Great idea.
B. Welcome!
C. Yes, of course.
D. No, thanks.
- Do you mind if I switch off the radio? ______. Go ahead.
A. Never mind
B. No way
C. No, not at all
D. No, you'd better not
- Could I use your bike for a moment? ___
A. It's well.
B. It doesn't matter.
C. By all means.
D. I have no idea.
-How do you like the story?_______.
A. I'd like to read it
B. I like it very much
C. fine, thank you
D. It's very interesting
- I'll sorry to trouble you.______.
A. Don't say so
C. It doesn't matter
D. That's fight
- We ordered 20 boxes of your products, but we have only got 19. - ____
A. You do not have to.
B. It does not matter.
C. We will send another tomorrow.
D. Nothing serious.
--Will you please give the note to him? _________.
A. Certainly, I'll give it to him
B. No, please not
C. Sorry, I don't
D. Yes, please do
- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift____
A. Never mind
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, It's not so good.
- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.____
A. Oh, no. let's not.
B. I'd rather stay at home.
C. I'm sorry, but I have other plans.
D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.
- Could you please open the window?____
A. I can't.
B. Go ahead.
C. Sure.
D. It's really very kind.
- Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?____
A. I'm afraid you can.
B. I'm sorry, but I really need it this afternoon.
C. Yes, I don't think so.
D. I'll think about it later.
- Thank you very much for the dictionary you sent me.____
A. No thanks.
B. I'm glad you like it.
C. Please don't say so.
D. No, it's not so good.
- How do you like the movie we saw yesterday?____
A. You are welcome.
B. How about you?
C. I've never seen a better movie than it.
D. It is very expensive.
- What do you think of your new teacher____
A. He came to teach us last week.
B. He teaches us English.
C. He has two children.
D. He is very nice.
- Are you going to have a holiday?____
A. Not until next week.
B. Three weeks ago.
C. To Beijing.
D. I'm pleased to hear that.
- You seem to be lost. Need help? ____
A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag?
B. Help me find my key, please.
C. Yes, with pleasure.
D. I'm looking for Zhongshan Road.
- Can you help me clear up the mess____
A. Yes, it doesn't matter.
B. No, that's OK.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. No problem.
- Does No.20 bus stop at our school?____
A. I go to school by bus.
B. I'm afraid not.
C. You are welcome.
D. I'll not take No.20 bus.
- Can I help you? ____
A. Sorry, I don't need your help.
B. What help can you give us?
C. I'd like to try on these shoes, please.
D. Thanks. You are welcome.
- Sorry to have kept you waiting. ____
A. That's OK.
B. What are you doing?
C. What's wrong with you?
D. Where have you been?
- What is she?____
A. She is a typist.
B. She is talking to her friend.
C. She is having a holiday.
D. She is my sister.
- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.____
A. It belongs to the
B. rowns. B.The cat is my favourite too.
C. Mind your own business.
D. I can't say anything more.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the time____
A. You'd better buy a watch.
B. It's three thirty by my watch.
C. Can you see the clock?
D. It's late I think.
- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?____
A. The actress is bad.
B. Terrific!
C. The theatre is bad.
D. Nobody was there.
___ No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want anything.
A. Could you help me?
B. What will you buy?
C. Can I help you?
D. Do you like to look around?
- Hello, Peter. What do you do?____
A. I am fine.
B. I am not sick.
C. I am a student from Bonn University.
D. I came from Bonn University.
-Excuse me; can I have a seat here?___
A. Be hurry.
B. Come on.
C. Yes, please.
D. Do you mind?
- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?___
A. I'd rather stay here if you don't mind.
B. Sorry, I don't like neither.
C. Certainly, why not?
D. Yes, we like these two places.
- What do you do on Sunday?___
A. I 'm a teacher.
B. I play football.
C. You are a student.
D. They clean rooms.
- Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.___
A. That's right.
B. Thanks a lot.
C. Congratulations!
D. It's a pleasure.