A. 31℃
B. 32℃
C. 33℃
D. 34℃
E. 35℃
A. 产气荚膜杆菌
B. 大肠杆菌
C. 厌氧菌
D. 金黄色葡萄球菌
E. 阴道杆菌
A. 3d
B. 5d
C. 7d
D. 9d
E. 4~45d
A. 量过多
B. 尿渗透压增高
C. 药物副作用
D. 尿路感染
E. 糖尿病性肾病
A. 压痛、肌紧张、反跳痛
B. 反射性呕吐、恶心、腹泻
C. 肠呜音亢进、压痛、反跳痛
D. 肠鸣音消失、腹痛、腹泻
E. 板状腹、压痛、腹泻
A. 胆总管梗阻
B. 酒精中毒
C. 暴饮暴食
D. 低钙血症
E. 病毒感染
A. 育龄妇女,未避孕,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居2年未孕者
B. 育龄妇女,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居1年未孕者
C. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,曾有自然流产一次,未避孕,2年未孕者
D. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,曾有自然流产一次,后未避孕,1年未孕者
E. 夫妇同居后1年未孕,一方有无法纠正的解剖生理缺陷者
A. 副黏病毒
B. 疱疹病
C. 肠道病
D. 柯萨奇病毒
E. 埃可病毒
A. 第二产程延长
B. 严重头盆不称
C. 宫颈口未开全
D. 胎先露棘上3cm
E. 额先露
A. 老年性阴道炎
B. 念珠菌阴道炎
C. 滴虫阴道炎
D. 慢性宫颈炎
E. 外阴炎
A. 1岁
B. 2岁
C. 3岁
D. 4岁
E. 5岁
A. 血常规
B. 血细胞涂片
C. 血气分析
D. 尿常规
E. 肺功能测
A. 胃酸分泌过多
B. 幽门螺杆菌感染
C. 胃粘膜屏障损害
D. 遗传因素
E. 精神神经因素
A. 乳头抬高
B. 乳头凹陷
C. 首次哺乳
D. 乳管畸形
E. 乳汁淤积
A. 休克
B. 脑水肿
C. 心脏骤停
D. 呼吸衰竭
E. 电解质紊乱
A. 气管在隆凸处分为左、右主支气管
B. 右主支气管较左主支气管粗、短、直
C. 进行气管插管时,若插入过深时易误插入右主支气管
D. 异物易吸入左主支气管
E. 肺脓肿好发于右肺与右主支气管的结构特点有关
A. 妊娠
B. 水电解质平衡紊乱
C. 服用洋地黄药物
D. 感染
E. 过度劳累
A. 1~1.5岁
B. 1.5~2岁
C. 2~2.5岁
D. 4~6个月
E. 7~12个月
A. 营养不
B. 佝偻病
C. 糖尿病
D. 结核病
E. 肾病
A. 非特异性免疫
B. 自然主动免疫
C. 自然被动免
D. 人工主动免疫
E. 人工被动免
A. 佝偻病
B. 头小畸
C. 呆小病
D. 脑积水
E. 甲状腺功能减低症
A. 新生儿
B. 2~6个月婴
C. 6~12个月婴儿
D. 6~24个月小儿
E. 任何年龄
A. 5条
B. 4条
C. 3条
D. 2条
E. 1条
A. 100ml
B. 200ml
C. 300ml
D. 400ml
E. 500ml
A. 高血钾
B. 碱中毒
C. 肺水肿
D. 钠潴留
E. 尿潴留
A. 麻疹减毒活疫苗
B. 破伤风抗毒素
C. 乙脑疫苗
D. 百、白、破疫苗
E. 卡介苗、乙肝疫苗
A. 胎膜残留
B. 盆腔感染
C. 经产妇
D. 产褥体操
E. 以上都不对
A. 9cm
B. l0cm
C. 12cm
D. 13cm
E. 15cm
A. 前囟未闭
B. 头围44cm
C. 乳牙未萌出
D. 俯卧时不能抬胸
E. 两手不会传递玩具
A. 平卧位
B. 膀胱截石位
C. 膝胸卧位
D. 臀高头低位
E. 自由体位
A. 属于DNA病毒
B. 感染后机体获得的免疫力不持久
C. 只有一个抗原抗体系统
D. 可引起慢性肝炎
E. 病毒抵抗力弱
A. 乙群A型溶血性链球菌
B. 金黄色葡萄球菌
C. 肺炎链球菌
D. 疱疹病毒
E. 柯萨奇病毒
A. Hb<150g/L
B. Hb<120g/L
C. Hb<110g/L
D. Hb<90g/L
E. Hb<60g/L
A. 眼球震颤
B. 斜视
C. 尖叫
D. 握拳
E. 呼吸暂停
A. 三个系统或(和)器官的急性功能障碍
B. 一个系统的两个器官的急性功能障碍
C. 一个系统的两个以上器官急性功能障碍
D. 一个系统或(和)器官为另一个系统或器官的发病原因
E. 一个以上系统或(和)器官在急性疾病过程中相继出现急性功能障碍
A. 门脉高压症
B. 出血性胃炎
C. 消化性溃疡D.胃癌
D. 胃癌
E. 胆道出血
A. 有脐静脉2条,脐动脉1条
B. 卵圆孔位于左、右心室之间
C. 进入胎儿右心房的下腔静脉血是混合
D. 卵圆孔开口处位于上腔静脉入口
E. 胎儿体内存在纯动脉血
A. 心力衰竭
B. 高血压脑病
C. 肾功能不全
D. C.肾功能不全
E. 感染
A. 非细菌性异物反应
B. 使宫颈黏液变稀薄
C. 减少子宫内膜前列腺素的形成
D. 抑制排卵
E. 抑制输卵管蠕
A. 5~10个
B. 10-15个
C. 15~20个
D. 20~25个
E. 25~30个
For lunch, we have pork ____ rice and shrimp ____ noodle, which one would you like? ___
A. with, from
B. from, from
C. of, with
D. with, with
Could you please make room ____ other passengers to pass?___
A. for
B. to
C. with
D. of
____ the soup. It ____ very nice.___
A. Taste, taste
B. Tastes, tastes
C. Taste, tastes
D. Tastes, taste
If you need anything from us, please feel free to _____ the call button during the whole flight. ___
A. push
B. click
C. press
D. pull
Do you need a wheelchair ____ landing at our destination?___
A. before
B. during
C. after
D. when
You can also _____ thereading light and call for help by using it.___
A. turn on
B. press
C. turn in
D. turn out
Would you mind _____ your seat with that gentleman? ___
A. to change
B. changing
C. to have changed
D. change
Mobile phones, even in flight mode are not _____ to be used during the entire flight. ___
A. allow
B. accepted
C. permitted
D. available
Our IFE system can show in ( ) Chinese and English, you can change the language by clicking the set icon.___
A. both
B. among
C. between
D. either
The baby needs ______.___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
We still have to wait ( ) a few minutes. Thank you ( ) your understanding.___
A. for; for
B. of; of
C. for; of
D. of; for
Please ( ) your cigarette immediately.___
A. put off
B. put in
C. put out
D. put on
The plane is ( ) take off, and the lavatory has been suspended.___
A. to
B. goes to
C. going
D. about to
Excuse me, sir, would you please ( ) your mobile phone?___
A. turn on
B. turn to
C. turn in
D. turn off
I'd like two ( ) of ice in my drink. ___
A. cubes
B. bottles
C. drops
D. cups
Madam, is this newspaper the ( ) issue?___
A. last
B. latter
C. latest
D. late
The computer must be switched off when the seat belt signs ( ) during the landing time.___
A. come in
B. come to
C. come off
D. come on
The mobile phone is prohibited to use on the plane. It might ( ) the plane's navigation system. ___
A. interfere on
B. interfere in
C. interfere with
D. interfere to
May I ( ) your overcoat?___
A. hang on
B. hang
C. hung
D. hung up
Which of the following means different from the other choices?___
A. The headsets don't work.
B. The headsets are out of use.
C. The headsets are out of function.
D. The headsets are in good condition.
The baby needs ( ). ___
A. to diaper
B. diapered
C. to be diapered
D. diapering
Could you please tell me ( )? ___
A. where the airport is
B. how far the airport was
C. how can we get to the airport built
Exercise One is the easiest ( ) all the exercises. ___
He looked out of the window and saw a group of children ( )football. ___
A. to play
B. played
C. playing
D. play the
They were short of money and couldn't ( ) the project.___
A. went on with
B. went on doing
C. go on with
D. go on to do
There are many books in our school library, but( )of them is written in Russian.___
A. some
B. all
C. both
D. none
Be quiet! I have( ) to tell you.___
A. something important
B. anything important
C. important something
D. important something
"What do we do now?" Peter said in a low voice. The underlined part means ( ). ___
A. damaged
B. shouted
C. attracted
D. whispered
Sorry, Sir. I completely understand ( ) you feel, but we don’t have pills for coldness on board. ___
A. which
B. what
C. that
D. how
You may refer to ( ) at any time for fly information. ___
A. the music
B. the videos
C. the movies
D. the Air-show
Shanghai is the biggest city in China.
Wednesday is the last day of the week.
“婴⼉安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
“加⻓安全带”的英⽂表 达是:extension seatbelt 。
sweet potato 指的是: 番薯。