“公车上书”的直接诱因是 ___
A. 太平天国运动爆发
B. 《马关条约》的签订
C. 德国强占胶州湾
D. 《辛丑条约》的签订
《天朝田亩制度》解决的中心问题是 ___
A. 政治问题
B. 经济问题
C. 军事问题
D. 土地问题
太平天国革命后期的纲领是 ___
A. 《天朝田亩制度》
B. 《临时约法》
C. 《资政新篇》
D. 《共和国方案》
近代中国知识分子的第一次群众性爱国运动是指 ___
A. 义和团运动
B. 公车上书
C. 洋务运动
D. 五四运动
维新变法时期,维新派提出的中国理想的政治方案是 ___
A. 君主立宪
B. 民主共和
C. 人民民主
D. 宪政民主
资产阶级维新派中翻译了《天演论》的是 ___
A. 康有为
B. 严复
C. 谭嗣同
D. 梁启超
中国历史上一场资产阶级性质的政治改革运动是 ___
A. 洪秀全领导的太平天国农民运动
B. 义和团运动
C. 康有为领导的维新变法运动
D. 曾国藩等领导的洋务运动
中国近代史上的第一次思想启蒙运动是 ___
A. 洋务运动
B. 维新运动
C. 辛亥革命
D. 五四运动
1898年9月21日,戊戌维新运动天折,前后持续了仅 ___
A. 100天
B. 101天
C. 102天
D. 103天
维新运动中,借孔子“托古改制”宣传变法思想的是 ___
A. 康有为
B. 梁启超
C. 谭嗣同
D. 严复
康有为联合在京的参加会试的举人共同发起的“公车上书”是在 ___
A. 1895年
B. 1898年
C. 1890年
D. 1901年
太平天国天京被攻陷是在 ___
A. 1851年1月
B. 1853年5月
C. 1856年7月
D. 1864年7月
戊戌维新运动的性质是 ___
A. 农民阶级反封建斗争
B. 地主阶级改良运动
C. 资产阶级改良运动
D. 资产阶级革命运动
洋务运动主要是引进西方的 ___
A. 近代工业和技术
B. 政治制度
C. 政治思想
D. 军事理论
标志着洋务运动破产的是 ___
A. 鸦片战争失败
B. 中法战争失败
C. 甲午战争中北洋海军全军覆没
D. 抵抗八国联军侵华战争失败
洋务运动首先兴办的是 ___
A. 民用工业
B. 军用工业
C. 商业
D. 农业
洋务运动的指导思想被概括为 ___
A. 求强求富
B. 师夷长技以制夷
C. 重农抑商
D. 中学为体,西学为用
洋务运动中创办的第一个军火工厂是 ___
A. 曾国藩在安庆创建的军械所
B. 李鸿章在上海创办的江南制造总局
C. 李鸿章在南京创办的金陵机器局
D. 左宗棠在马尾创办的福州船政局
近代“中学为体,西学为用”思想的提出者属于 ___
A. 农民阶级革命派
B. 资产阶级改良派
C. 地主阶级洋务派
D. 地主阶级保守派
洋务派创办的第一个民用企业是 ___
A. 李鸿章创办于上海的轮船招商局
B. 李鸿章创办于天津的开平矿务局
C. 李鸿章创办于天津的天津电报局
D. 李鸿章创办于上海的机器织布局
太平天国、洋务运动、维新运动的共同特点是 ___
A. 坚决反帝的姿态
B. 坚决反封建的姿态
C. 以救亡图存为目的
D. 发展资本主义的主张
A. 阶级矛盾激化
B. 外国经济侵略加深
C. 自然灾害严重
D. 西方宗教思想的影响
A. 废除封建地主土地所有制
B. 实现小农土地私有制
C. 生产、生活资料统归圣库
D. 实行产品的平均分配
A. 旧式农民起义的局限性
B. 拜上帝教不符合中国国情
C. 在军事策略上屡犯错误
D. 中外反动势力联合镇压
A. 清政府不够支持
B. 西方列强的干扰破坏
C. 中体西用的指导思想
D. 清朝的洋务大臣不够明智
A. 大泽乡起义
B. 辛亥革命
C. 太平天国农民运动
D. 义和团运动
A. 封建专制政权和地主阶级对农民的政治压迫和经济剥削
B. 鸦片战争的爆发
C. 自然灾害频发
D. 洪秀全等人的宣传
A. 东征
B. 西征
C. 北伐
D. 天京破围战
A. 《资政新篇》
B. 《天朝田亩制度》
C. 《定国是诏》
D. 《原道醒世训》
A. 天王洪秀全
B. 干王洪仁玕
C. 英王陈玉成
D. 忠王李秀成
A. 天王不理朝政
B. 天京事变
C. 洪秀全病逝
D. 《资政新篇》的颁布
A. 1856年
B. 1861年
C. 1864年
D. 1868年
A. 慈禧
B. 奕诉
C. 曾国藩
D. 李鸿章
A. 冯桂芬
B. 奕訢
C. 左宗棠
D. 张之洞
A. 南北洋通商大臣
B. 直隶总督
C. 户部
D. 总理各国事务衙门
A. 镇压太平天国起义
B. 加强海防边防
C. 抵御外来侵略
D. 发展资本主义
A. 汉阳湖北枪炮厂
B. 江南制造总局
C. 天津机器局
D. 马尾船政局
中国第一个资产阶级民主革命小团体是 ___
A. 华兴会
B. 兴中会
C. 光复会
D. 同盟会
1904年至1905年,日俄两国为争夺在华利益进行的战争发生在 ___
A. 中国东北
B. 中国华北
C. 中国西北
D. 中国华南
Of the following writers, is Not a Nobel Prize winner.
A. A. Alice Walker
B. B. Ernest Hemingway
C. C. William Faulkner
D. D. Eugene O’Neil
Of the following books, is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway.
A. A. The Sun Also Rises
B. B. The Sound and the Fury
C. C. A Farewell to Arms
D. D. For Whom the Bell Tolls
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s finest novel is , and its theme is about
A. A. The Great Gatsby, the American Dream
B. B. Tender is the Night, love
C. C. Tales of the Jazz Age, the loss of oneself
D. D. The Beautiful and the Damned, the evil of human nature
Of the following writers, is NOT included in the group of naturalists.
A. A. Stephen Crane
B. B. Frank Norris
C. C. Theodore Dreiser
D. D. Herman Melville
Of the following, is NOT characteristic of Mark Twain’s works.
A. A. colloquial speech
B. B. a sense of humor
C. C. a realistic view
D. D. an idealistic view
Of the following, is considered Herman Melville’s masterpiece.
A. A. The Last of the Mohicans
B. B. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
C. C. Moby Dick
D. D. Daisy Miller
Of the following, is NOT Nathaniel Hawthorne’s work.
A. A. The Scarlet Letter
B. B. The House of the Seven Gables
C. C. The Marble Faun
D. D. Nature
is regarded as “the father of American literature”.
A. A. James Fennimore Cooper
B. B. Ralph Waldo
C. C. Thomas Jefferson
D. D. Washington Irving
Of the following writers, are from the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods.
A. A. Benjamin Franklin & Edgar Ellen Poe
B. B. Edgar Ellen Poe & Jonathan Edwards
C. C. Benjamin Franklin & Jonathan Edwards
D. D. Edgar Ellen Poe & Washington Irving
The National Day of the United States falls on .
A. A. June 4th
B. B. July 4th
C. C. June 14th
D. D. July 14th
Of the following, is NOT among the three major radio and TV networks in America.
A. A. the National Broadcasting System (NBS)
B. B. the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
C. C. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
D. D. the American Broadcasting System (ABS)
is sold especially to the upper or upper-middle class and it has a reputation for its serious attitude and great bulk.
A. A. The Washington Post
B. B. The New York Times
C. C. Los Angeles Times
D. D. New York Daily News
Of the following universities, has NOT cultivated any American President yet.
A. A. Harvard University
B. B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. Yale University
To get a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduate students are required to do the following except .
A. A. attending lectures and completing assignments
B. B. passing examinations
C. C. working for communities
D. D. earning a certain number of credits
Of the following, is NOT the responsibility of the board of trustees in U. S. institutions.
A. A. choosing the president
B. B. establishing policies for administrators and faculty
C. C. approving budget and other financial project
D. D. decide which student to enroll
Of the following, are NOT among the categories of American higher education.
A. A. universities and colleges
B. B. research institutions
C. C. technical institutions
D. D. community colleges
Higher education in the United States began with the founding of
A. A. Yale University
B. B. Harvard University
C. C. Princeton University
D. D. New York University
Of the following subjects, are NOT offered to elementary school students.
A. A. mathematics and languages
B. B. politics and business education
C. C. science and social studies
D. D. music and physical education
Formal education in the United States consists of , secondary and higher education.
A. A. kindergarten
B. B. public
C. C. elementary
D. D. private
At present, U. S. exports account for of the world’s total.
A. A. 10%
B. B. 15%
C. C. 20%
D. D. 25%
is not one of the three giants in American automobile industry.
A. A. Ford
B. B. General Motors
C. C. Chrysler
D. D. American Motors
The following statements are all true except .
A. A. Agribusinesses reflect the big, corporate nature of many farm enterprises.
B. B. Agribusinesses maintain a balanced trade pattern between agricultural imports and exports.
C. C. Agribusinesses range from one-family corporations to multinational firms.
D. D. Agribusinesses include a variety of farm businesses and structures.
About of American crops are for export.
A. A. half
B. B. one third
C. C. one fourth
D. D. one fifth
President Johnson tried to build a “Great Society” by introducing various programs like the following except .
A. A. Medicare
B. B. Food Stamps
C. C. Education Initiatives
D. D. Unemployment Pension
The following inventions took place during the “second indThe following inventions took place during the “second industrial revolution” except .
A. A. typewriter
B. B. telephone
C. C. electric light
D. D. refrigerator
The first National Bank of the United States was established with the urge of .
A. A. George Washington
B. B. Thomas Jefferson
C. C. Andrew Jackson
D. D. Alexander Hamilton
Chartered companies were NOT granted the by the British King or Queen.
A. A. political authority
B. B. economic rights
C. C. judicial authority
D. D. diplomatic authority
The modern American economy progressed from to , and eventually, to .
A. A. colonial economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
B. B. farming economy, handcraft economy, industrial economy
C. C. colonial economy, farming economy, industrial economy
D. D. handcraft economy, farming economy, industrial economy
America produces a major portion of the world’s products in the following fields except .
A. A. machinery
B. B. automobiles
C. C. ore
D. D. chemicals
The President is directly voted into office by .
A. A. all citizens of America
B. B. the citizens over 18 years old
C. C. electors elected by the voters
D. D. the senators and representatives
The Supreme Court is composed of justices.
A. A. six
B. B. seven
C. C. eight
D. D. nine
The terms for a Senator and Representative are and years respectively.
A. A. two, four
B. B. two, three
C. C. two, six
D. D. six, two
According to the Constitution, a candidate for President must be .
A. A. at least 35 years old
B. B. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United States
C. C. born in America
D. D. all of the above
The following except are all powers of the President.
A. A. vetoing any bills passed by Congress
B. B. appointing federal judges when vacancies occur
C. C. making laws
D. D. issuing executive orders
All the following except cannot make legislative proposal.
A. A. the Senator
B. B. the Representative
C. C. the Secretary of State
D. D. the President
The following except are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A. A. freedom of religion
B. B. the right to get into people’s house by police
C. C. freedom of speech and of press
D. D. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes
The Bill of Rights .
A. A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the President
B. B. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and freedoms
C. C. is part of the Declaration of Independence
D. D. has no relationship with the Constitution
The Constitution of the United States .
A. A. gives the most power to Congress
B. B. gives the most power to the President
C. C. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the others
D. D. gives the most power to the Supreme Court
The U. S. Constitution came into effect in .
A. A. 1787
B. B. 1789
C. C. 1791
D. D. 1793
The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents .
A. A. Johnson, Nixon and Ford
B. B. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
C. C. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon
D. D. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson