commence,deserve,tempting, coordinate, lodge,confess, grant, proceed ,display, consequently 4 A number of countries are [ ]their efforts to send out food to the area worst affected by the flood.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about She authorizcd her partner to carry out daily responsibllitles [ ]when she was on her business trip
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about On hering the latest news about your mother's ill health, I [ ]canceling your reservation at the Sheraton.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about There was an obvious indication that the police who have to enforce the new law were not[ ] the general discontent.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about When she heard of her failure in the experiment, her eyes[ ]tears; whether it was of shame, frustration, orgrief was difficult to tell.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Rose knows that continuous letters fromJohn, together with countless roses are aimedat making her[ ]him.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about [ ]public school for drinking and smoking and then failing inshow business as a singer, she joined her father's business 10 years ago.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about Since the great scandals in banking,many people in the Country have[ ]the prospects of economic recovery within a few years.
immune to , fall in love with , go along with, on one's behalf, be filled with , take the liberty of , expel from , be pessimistic about The parents were quite happy to[ ]our suggestion because had taked their most important concernsinto consideration.
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 1When employees participated in the problem-solving process, they were muchvmore willing to [ ] solutions to the problems.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 2 A strong police force has been placed between the two [ ]group in the village to prevent fighting and killing.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 3 Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in [ ] innovative acts cannotbe.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 4Though many things have been changed culturally, there is a commitment and sense of responsibility that have not yet been [ ] in today's society___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 5 Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21stcentury and their [ ] birth rates have also posed problems___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 6 She didn't want to marry him and was [ ] against him because he had only a bachelor's degree and didn't meet her expectations for marriage.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 7 The president is in trouble and will have to work hard to [ ] his credibility after people discovered that he was not telling the truth.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 8 To study a number of subjects in the humanities has been both enjoyable and [ ]providing me with a new and different perpective on the world in which we live.___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 9 People are concerned about the environment issue because air and water pollution notonly affects everyone's health but also makesit difficult for businesses to [ ].___
enlighten, discard, restore, fluctuate,prejudice , profit , rival, motivate,implement, investigate 10 Instead of ignoring or envying successful students, I made it my mission to [ ]the mysterious causes of their success and greatness.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 1Though he was 80 years old, blind and hardly able to walk, his family [ ]him so much that they could hardly bear the thought of his death.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 2The support our volunteers provide to the community as well as society cannot [ ] purely practical terms, and their continuing contribution is vital.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 3 Please don't forget the Tourist Guide , which should [ ] when you travel to different places in Asia And Europe for the next few weeks.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 4 These people living in this area are still [ ] their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering many questions.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 5You will [ ]for not learning Enghsh; yod never know how much you will miss without being able to speak English.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 6 If you [ ] travel and trying to adjust to a new time zone, you may not be ready to face the new challenging environmen yet.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 7 The general manager of the company intends to introduce new management courses, and tighter controls will be [ ] management to raise efficiency.___
be measured in , come in handy , be exhausted from , impose on , attached to, cling to , pay a big price , revolve around 8 Class discussions next week will [ ] the importance of love, communication and a close relationship between parents and their children.___
How did the speaker feel about his childhood? ___
A. Alone.
B. Happy.
C. Sad.
D. Interesting.
Which is NOT mentioned when the speaker curled up in a chair? ___
A. Reading fairytales and myths.
B. Daydreaming.
C. Writing poems.
D. Listening to music.
What kind of person was the speaker’s grandma? ___
A. Often critical, judgmental.
B. Very strict.
C. Easygoing.
D. Successful.
When was the speaker’s first conscious memory of feeling different? ___
A. Fourth grade.
B. Fifth grade.
C. First grade.
D. Second grade.
Which is NOT included in the speaker’s inner world? ___
A. Reading books.
B. Writing.
C. Watching TV.
D. Daydreaming.
What does integrity mean? ___
A. You do what you do because it's fashionable.
B. You do what you do because it's politically correct.
C. You do what you do because it's right.
D. You do what you do because somebody asked you to.
Is there cheating in World Cup? ___
A. It's none.
B. It's rare.
C. It's some.
D. It's popular.
Which one of the following situations is NOT mentioned for making us upset? ___
A. Some reward we thought we deserved has been denied us.
B. Some man we helped has proved ungrateful.
C. Some man we believed to be a friend has betrayed us.
D. Some woman we believed to be a friend has spoken ill of us.
In which year the Tour of France was hit by a drug-taking scandal? ___
A. In 1996.
B. In 1997.
C. In 1998.
D. In 1999.
Cheap fake products are everywhere except ___
A. clothes.
B. cut-price DVDs.
C. cut-price CDs.
D. cosmetics.
What should we do after exercise? ___
A. Stretch the muscles.
B. Have a sleep.
C. Maintain high body temperature.
D. Take a shower.
What shouldn’t we wear when we exercise? ___
A. Properly fitted sportswear.
B. Well-fitted sneakers.
C. Tight pants.
D. Sports bra for women.
Which of the following is NOT good for health? ___
A. Training with a friend.
B. Slack off a fitness regimen.
C. Keep our body hydrated.
D. Take small sips every few minutes.